Every recent thread about Spy

you should start posting from a classic character if your comments mean anything at all.
to me your comments hold zero value coming from a retail boy with no decent information in his posts.
“you are a liar” thats all you say, but theres no actuall value to your comments.


Well what value do you want? A guy described something that simply doesnt happen, and therefore gets called a liar.
This is obvious to anyone who has any experience with this game, one would expect that by lvl 60 you would understand it too.

I use it and its absurdly broken.

It’s been nerfed now so it def isn’t as strong as it was. Which is good.

But it used to let you see hiding players from a huge distance behind structures and such because of the targetting system.

X player is here! Target them in the tab, etc

Hell it happened to me so many times that I’d be somewhere impossible to see from the road but horde using spy would target me without seeing me and hunt me down. That kinda nonsense forced me to download it.

Now its less powerful but of course it still means hiding (without stealth) doesn’t work anymore. Which is a huge shame, sleeping in a bush and watching enemies ride by used to be fun. etc


Haha the old “use classic char” non-argument trolls use when they don’t have any better. Nice try, but I’ll stick to this character thanks, I don’t enjoy people like you sending me /w in game because they disagreed with me on the forum.

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You can still do that, as long as you dont cast anything you wont appear in the combat log and therefore on Spy list.

Don’t forget to cancel all buffs/auras (even remove certain items) before coming into range of enemy player to remain undetected.


The ones already active no longer show up there, they have fixed it too.

But you were defending it when it did do that hilariously OP crap o.o


You are confusing two different things. Spy didnt do anything differently, its the combat log that was OP. Spy helps now to the same extent as it did before.

… the combat log wasn’t OP as no one could do manually what SPY could do automatically

  • The in-game combat log radius has been fixed, and now only displays information for units that are within 50 yards of the player.

This is closer to the original behavior of WoW 1.12, and should eliminate the ability for addons to extend players’ senses and detect enemy actions at a greater distance than intended.

This fix does not affect text logs that the game outputs for raid parses.

Not seeing anything about changes made to buff / aura / state presentation.

Yes, you are not seeing it. However, it was changed at the same time. Should be easy enough for you to test it on your own if you want.

You can look at it this way if you want, the fact is the Spy addon hasnt changed and neither has my opinion on it.

What the SPY addon can do has changed…


Just tested logged into booty bay, plenty of people instantly pop up on spy but definitely not all right away. They all happened to cast something within the time it takes to enter the server?

What’s strange is it picked up an afk warrior right away (clearly not casting or doing anything), yet failed to pick up a rogue standing beside him; until I got closer.


No, it hasnt. It still reads the combat log, but the content of the log has changed. Im not surprised you dont quite understand the difference if you are one of the guys who argue Spy is/was OP.

I mean, you could just look at the log and see what made them appear there? Its much simpler than asking me about it, lol.
My guess would be a new aura or a buff that ticks, like BoW.

And the afk warrior?

I spy with my little eye… something beginning with A…

Will give you a clue, its to do with this thread and its a short sentence

Addon free servers? :wink:

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You wish :rofl:

Could be anything from your own mouseover to a buff or an aura given by proximity with someone else. Not much point guessing if you can just look at the log and see what made them pop up in the Spy list.