Every recent thread about Spy

CombatLog registers when a buff fades too (the combatlog event is: SPELL_AURA_REMOVED).
Spy addon is not god, its very simple, it cannot do supernatural things, and its very easy to read and review its source code. Spy uses only 4 methods to detect players:
-CombatLog Events (that tracks used abilities, auras changes, heals, damages, etc)
-Player targeting an enemy
-Player mouseover an enemy.
-Minimap tooltips (for classes that can track enemies)

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World pvp on retail? :’)

This made my day. You’re seriously funny dude! Love you.


Funny enough, this one doesnt seem to work for me.

It was OP… I mean… I don’t know how you can argue it wasn’t.


It was crazy crazy OP. Now it’s semi useless. Which is fine.

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The end result was OP. But you attribute it solely to Spy when its a combination of Spy with the OP combat log.

It didn’t do anything the API didn’t enable it to do… That much is obvious. That does not mean it was fine though. Do you think it was fine?


trolls? im having a valid point in my discussion.
where is your valid point?

this addon got nerfed with a reason already.
the basic fact that seems so hard for you and this oakenlix dude to understand

-majority of players use the addon now, most of them got FORCED downloading it.

-the addon is still to powerfull and STILL takes a lot of aspects out of the game wich where totally fine without the addon, like above described (hiding behind objects, stealthing etc etc)

-majority of the playerbase think this addon is wrong, EVEN THE ONES WHO ARE USING IT !!

-removing such addon will not give you any disadvantege towards other players (because all of you clearly say its not powerfull and it nerfed so hard it does nothing anymore?)

-the community is better off without this addon, everyone is happy and fair and square again, even the ones using it (except for 2 ppl on this forum)

  • when players make huge amounts of forum posts about one specific addon complaining about it, this obviously marks that something is wrong and needs action, if it wasnt a cheat nobody would complain.

  • theres more then 1 video on youtube complaining about this addon, even famous faces have videos about it telling the crowd WHY and WHAT makes it so powerfull.

  • element of surprise GONE.

if you cant see this, then you probly need glasses or a new brain.


aha ! finally you admit.
so as a druid me mousing over ppl making your addon go RING RING RING.
hows that fair?

you guys need to L2P honestly instead of these magic addon tricks to give you an advantage.

that you are even trying to justify this addon blows my mind.

i have 4 words for you.



You mousing over ppl will not make my addon do anything, you absolute piece of an unreasonable person, because we are not using the same computer. I’m glad you are at least consistent when it comes to not making any f-ing sense.

If you mouse over an enemy player, yes, your Spy will add this player to the “nearby enemies” list. Crazy, isn’t it? Are you gonna say that’s too powerful as well?

I have played retail for a total of about 3 weeks back in WotLK, but nice try though.

L2P man.
needs addons to compete, the state of you.


The addon was fine, the combat log wasn’t.

Yeah, I think I’ve heard that before from you, how about you come up with something new?

“the combat log wasnt”
so your justifying an addon over the actuall game client hahahaha

get out of my space dude.

i havent seen anyone talk as much nonesense trying to justify a cheat since little jarvis and his fortnite aimbots.

the state of you , the state of you…
get some god damn selfrespect and dignity please, you obviously need an addon for that too.


That… doesn’t make much sense either, but by now I’m quite used to it.

You seem to be quite upset, why don’t you go eat something nice or watch a cartoon?

perhaps he got buffed by somebody randomly passing by
altho i dont see how its fair to pop on somebodys radar when another players buffs you.
like i can go around buffing rogues and theyll all pop up without them even wanting or having the power to stay secretly hidden.

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Can’t see a stealthed players’ auras. So unless they’re already vissible this would have no effect.
Spy really isn’t a big deal. It wouldn’t change my game at all if it was banned. I’m only really hanging on to it for the KOS and wins/loss statistics. I have seriously considered just deleting it.

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Yeah if only


Explain? If you disagree, at least state why.

basically what he doesnt understand is, YOU CANT DO ANYTHING OR YOUR VISIBLE.

wich kind of addon forces you to stop doing anything or you basically die?
can you call such an addon good or a cheat?

i totally get you, i did like all these sneaking up on ppl using the enviorment.

open youtube write down addon spy, or world of warcraft classic spy.
theres more then 1 video there about this addon where ppl explain whats wrong.

the element of surprise is something you cant use no more.

going to the enemy faction city - NOPE NO NO NO.


At this point you need to basically melee somebody to show up on spy. It’s really not anywhere near as big of a deal as you’re attempting to make it.

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