then i dont see the problem of removing the addon for good, and bann it from classic forever.
i should probly mention your oppinion isnt really meaning anything to me since your in this PROGRESS guild.
a guild that collaberates with NEWGEN a horde guild to gain certain advantages over others, you guys are anything but fair players.
if you need mafias, working together with other faction through discord for worldbosses, farming etc i wouldnt be surprised if your guild wintrades honor.
you guys are a disgrace to classic and should have just stayed in retail.
blizzard needs more monitoring on such “guilds” like the one you in.
you bunch scream the need to cheat everywhere you go, cant call it fairplay.
As a rogue I think that the “Spy” should be banned. It destroys the “element of surprise” and critically descreases opportunity for successful gank.
No idea what you’re talking about.
I’m not saying my opinion should be of particular importance to you or others. I’m just voicing it, for those who care. Same as you.
If Spy was somehow banned I wouldn’t really care. But I’m confident Spy2 would be released a few days later.
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How many times do people need to say
You CAN’T do all the things SPY does without the addon… it’s almost impossible for anyone to manage that while in game as it does it way too quick. My god
Yeah, in terms of time its impossible to do it just as quickly.
Is that really your argument? How cute. If you wanna claim Spy is a cheat because of that, then the same applies to most other addons.
You can’t switch one set of gear to another in a second like ItemRack allows you to. You can’t instantly see what people cast without EnemyCastBars.
Do you want all these addons banned too?
Most of them don’t really affect the actual PVP fight to the same extent SPY did. or anywhere close, but yeah sure get rid of them too o.o
Yeah well, at this point I don’t really need to argue with you anymore then, you’ve done a perfect job of discrediting your opinion already.
You just sound annoyed because your PVP is no longer on easy mode…
No, that’s what you would like to believe to make yourself seem right about everything. 
im not sure but i think ppl are lacking brain capacity to understand this or something.
but hey, most of these dudes are just casual dadgamers who never broke a 1.5k rating magic barrier in retail.
the question is, how bad are you that you need to justify a cheat like this so hard in public forums.
i really question the skillcap of most (not all) players commenting on this forum.
the retail twitch fangirl community has clearly moved over to classic and is killing the gameplay of many because they are to bad to compete on their own.
not to mention all his comments got more “likes” then your’s.
so i gues majority agree with him over you.
perhaps its time to draw a conclussion out of that. 
Nice try, but “Likes” don’t reflect the actual opinions ratio.
People who want Spy banned are butthurt, so they try their best to push their agenda and show support to each other. People who don’t think Spy is OP normally don’t really care about it.
perhaps open your eyes or get some new glasses.
look at how many forum posts about this addon.
look at how many youtube videos complaining about it.
if your telling me theres nothing wrong, then you clearly are to stubborn.
open your eyes, and be fair to yourself.
ppl who actually read this dont like any of your comments, but they do like this guys comments.
theres no button preventing them from liking your comments, still they dont because your wrong in many ways.
im still pretty good ranked without this spy addon cheating.
your only basing your stuff on your own oppinion.
look at the forums dude, i dont know how to penetrate that thick skull of yours but your clearly not even trying.
it didnt take long for me to just look, process and realize what was wrong.
not to mention the fact you almost instantly reply on posts, do you even have anything else to do then troll the forums? perhaps read a book and try to educate yourself on social interaction and how to reason with others. empathy.
do you even have a monitor plugged in?
Its a real shame that not one of them managed to actually present any real arguments for why Spy is OP. Could be because it isn’t?
Or because they simply don’t care about that stuff 
Waited a bit before replying this time, hope you’re happy.
dont bother, your blind.
that you can say theres no real arguments -mind blowing-
your to based on your own oppinion rejecting others.
you whats even better, dont reply anymore since your not saying anything usefull anyways and im only wasting my time writing to you (so this will be my last post towards you hence my time is worth much more then trying to penetrate ur thick skull)
your aguements dont make much sense, they dont care to like your comments but they do care to like others?
you cant make a conclussion from that?
isnt there a thinking capacity addon? perhaps get looking for one and get on our level.
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There is a small vocal minority whining on forums about Spy and circlejerking each other’s posts.
And there is a vast majority who don’t care so they don’t react much.
There you go, the explanation of that “like” phenomenon that is confusing you so much. You’re welcome.
It’s impossible to do the same things without DBM
It’s impossible to do the same things without cast bars
It’s impossible to do the same things without questie
It’s impossible to do the same things without Leatrix
Shall I continue ?
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the real reason has been presented for more than one week, you just refuse to grasp it because either of your interest in using the addon or your legit mental slowness. Fortunately Blizzard don’t.
Very poor attempt, you have to be extremely retarded no wipe a raid because you can’t see a Living Bomb on yourself. Same for quests, you just save time by having the POI in the maps, but it’s not like you COULD NOT do a quest without it. On the other hand you are not retarded if you can’t manually read EVERY combat log line fast enough to make use of it, you are just…human. Regarding castbars yea, should be prevented too.
Its funny you don’t see how the same applies to Spy too.
Its not like you cant read the combat log yourself, you just save time by using Spy.
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