Every recent thread about Spy

This cluessness (or pretence to) is exactly why people - including me - stopped taking you seriously.


Simply dismissing the points you don’t like with “retarded” won’t do you any good, kid. Selective selection of the addons you like or not, despite the undeniable fact that they do thing you could not do without in game, is at best, and to remain polite, “biased”.
I could continue with auction house addons, gathering addons, rare mob detection addons, etc…

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Using spybot because you are a trashplayer is like taking blue pfizer pills because you can’t get it erect the normal way.


At least this confirms many things we already suspected about night elves :wink:

Exactly, we don’t use spybot and we don’t have problems with our best friend.


Females being males, that was already pretty obvious, confirmed by you :wink:

No idea where you are heading towards. Mariejoanna means marihuana. Even Stan Lee loves her aka MJ in Spiderman.


Hey, hey, lets not get racist here.

Very convenient to just stop taking someone seriously when you fail at arguing.

Yes you insist about your “little friend”. A serious problem apparently.

My little friend the gnome?


Yes, try again :wink:

I honestly have no idea what you’re going on about but my only advice is that you should try a spliff once in a while aswell and be a little less lame.


Its impact is neglible at this point. I agree it was crazy before, but now… Not so much.

Just git gud tbh.

And you should not try to sound smart with allusions to things that could end making you look stupid :wink:

This sentence has literally no meaning… Have a nice day mister troll and I hope you find some occupation to fight your boredom.


More like, when one of the parties literally fails at understanding obvious things.

Dismissing what? Did you even read the post? You seem to have caught the word ‘retarded’ so quickly you ran out of braincell for the rest of it. Guess that kinda proves my point.
Do you really think you can compare the ‘mechanical’ aid provided by one addon such as Spy to the aid provided by any AH addon? Because it lets you put 10 auctions at once with one click it means “you could not do without in game” (quoting you)? That is the most idiotic thing I got to read in a while, thank you for the lulz. That addon and any similiar one is just SAVING TIME, not doing human impossible things. Reading combat log events to a rate which would be impossible for any human, is light years farther and is a totally different story as evident to everyone including Blizzard. (unless there is only few players triggering events yes blah blah I mean in any average populated area)

Again if you can’t understand what this means and why this goes beyond ‘not liking the addon’ you just lack experience in the matter and should simply avoid talking of the subject.


You keep insisting its impossible, why? Do you have trouble reading in English or are you just so bad at the game that you don’t know how to set up a combat log window in a convenient way?

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So? Check only events from “enemy units”? You are going to world pvp and find enemy groups consisting of 5-10 (on average, I guess) and you manage to read the flood of buffs in/out, damage spell casted/completed, healing spell casted/completed lines quickly enough to then /target the sender? Please, you are just hopeless.


this one made me giggle !

completely agree with you there.
i only installed DBM recently to see the actually bars on boss cd’s.
classic bosses are just basic tactics really…

i dont know how these ppl try to compare spy to auctioneer (wich is broken in classic), dbm, treathmeters, questie etc… like those addons have ZERO impact on somebody else’s gameplay.

i have come to the conclussion for a few days now these guys must be really trash to defend themselves and their stupid addon like this.

i didnt download the addon out of respect to rogues and i do want players (even the enemy) be able to hide behind objects freely, and keep this element of surprise on purpose in my gameplay since i love it.

think about going to ironforge, or orgrimar as a rogue…
that was such a vanilla thing and i enjoyed it when there was action in town and ppl were looking and poking areas to fnd him… with spy NO MORE, cuz whole town gets alarmed…

even tho i want to reply to these trolls saying the same stuff all over again, i cant spend more energy on them, its such a waste of time and energy.
these gods know how to read at superhuman speed and we cannot cope with them, they probly read so fast they know whats in the log before it actually appears. fast as lightning ! :scream:

one thing they have no arguement for is, element of surprise.
its gone and it shouldnt be gone.