Every recent thread about Spy

Spy should be banned. The only feature I enjoy is that I can add players to a kill on sight list. Because its impossible to remember every person you want to enact revenge on.

It has saved me many times and has allowed me to track and kill players I would have never been able to do independently.


check that link from US FORUM
looks like the US region has more dignity then EU.
atleast these ppl know the problem, and i thought EU was higher skillcapped? :thinking:

Wow, 4 likes for OP. Looks like community agrees with him.

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Spy is affecting pvp.
For example hunter is minnng, and get warned that rogue or drood went stealth.
Pops flare and prepare for fight.
Warlock can buff Detect Lesser Invisibility.
Humans can use perception.
Mages can spam blizzard or arcane explosion.
Shamans can drop totems.
And so on and so on.
Biggest stealth classes ability is surprised attack, when you don’t expect.
Like this they can prepare and even detect stealth player.
So saying its not changing pvp… u sure about that?

Many ppl here use addon and gain big advantage, i understand that, but saying that it’s not changing game…

Imagine WSG.
You are running for example as mage to cap flag, running to your base.
Rogue goes stealth.
Now you know he is there for sure.
Should i continue?
Don’t think so, spy is addon that needs to be removed!


Auction house addons have no impact on anyone else ?
You, sir, aren’t the smartest of your pack…

You do realize Spy doesn’t let you target people in combat either?
And I don’t need to read everything just to see 5-10 highlighted names and know there is a group of enemies there.
You keep trying to make it seem like its impossible to use combat log effectively, but its simply not true. If there are so many enemies around that the log is completely flooded, then at that point Spy isn’t really useful either. Its only good for small scale pvp.

These things don’t break PVP as much as the SPY addon did, could be a case for cast bars but most of us are fine with that, DBM, Questio, Leatrix don’t affect player vs player anyway, so it’s not someone else on the opposite end getting annoyed.


So its not about how powerful an addon is, its about someone getting annoyed. You could’ve come out with that earlier to save us all a lot of posts.

It’s about how powerful it is, the being annoyed on the other end is a side effect


And how do you estimate how powerful an addon is?
The way to do it is by looking at the complexity of its actions. Reading the chat is not complex. Most other addons do more complicated stuff. So there you go.

My god, we’ve done this a million times dude and we’ve all answered this question.


That’s why its so confusing that you still don’t get it.

Hes defending hes advantage using addon in pvp, so no point to argue anymore…


Every decent player uses Spy as well, so what exactly is my advantage?

Please read what i wrote few posts above.
If you don’t understand how much advantage spy addon gives to ppl, than i am sorry, this is hopeless…
Every decent player uses spy, what does that justify?
We are talking about addon who is killing some classes in pvp, ppl are using it because it gives advantage, that makes it right?
Please try to understand this, don’t look thing from your own point of view, o great, im hunter, i use spy, warning rogue went in stealth, woho, will pop flair because i know he is here… nice alarm…


No point anymore, he just keeps circling the conversation like it’s Groundhog day or something


If you don’t know how to use stealth to your advantage or wait for a hunter or any class to move away from their aoe, then you are a fairly bad rogue to start with.

You still get the opener unless your dumb enough to run right up to people as soon as you see them and they make it clear they know your about with aoe spam.

Stop crying, do you want blizzard to break threat and dps meters entirely? News-flash, you’ll still be bad at the game. At least now you can blame it on some addon, even though everyone know’s you’re full of it. You have the easiest time of any class in wpvp, stop complaining.

Most people agree with him and not you.

I don’t care. I liked being able to see the tanks on my threat meter during Onyxia, I don’t care about rogues complaining about addons that existed back in the day.