Every recent thread about Spy

Right, because avoiding a certain zone because you can detect for example 15 people whereas your party is made of 5 is small scale? Or you can also quickly count how many different names pop in your combat log in X seconds and instantly estimate/evaluate the amount of enemies? Again, hopeless.

Also, complexity of its action means jacksh*t. Blizzard (again: fortunately) don’t nerf addons just because they do complicated calculations in hundreds of lines of code. They nerf because they are doing something which is intended to be done by players only. You can make a simple 20 lines of addon to programmatically re-target a hunter after they Feign Death (it existed in Vanilla), it won’t work here for obvious reasons.


Now that’s a great logic. If you don’t count the dozens of AddOns which existed back in the day but don’t work on Classic.

Blizzard may nerf addons in whatever way they want, that’s completely irrelevant to our discussion whether or not Spy is OP.
I’m saying that Spy isn’t overly powerful because it doesn’t do anything powerful or complicated as far as addons go, compared to what you can do without it.

yes it does oh my god o.o humans can’t do what SPY does as quick as it does. You hurt my brain


I never said they can, try to read again.

In my opinion all the addons that were allowed and working back in the day, should be allowed and made to work in classic.

But now even addons that many people consider to be essential are completely broken because of the combat log changes. When doing Onyxia as a ranged dps, you can’t see any tanks on the threat meter.

Blizzard gave us this mess, and now stuff is broken and performance sucks. Now we have 10 minute delays on all chat channels (/say, guild, party, raid…) and loot has to be distributed using emotes.

You said it’s not powerful, it is.


I never said that either. Try once more.

This is literally you’re entire argument sir o.o you’re just trying to be pedantic -_-


No, I think you’re just not very good at understanding English, or text in general, so you struggle to understand what I’m saying. That is, of course, me giving you the benefit of the doubt, because it might just be that you’re just so biased you misinterpret my points on purpose.
My argument isn’t that Spy isn’t good (I wouldn’t be using it then), my argument is that it’s not more powerful than most other addons and therefore doesn’t stand out in any way for it to be a problem.

Summarizing the thread and the average IQ of people defending Spy.


Nice job editing my quote.
Here’s what I actually said though:

You’re so pathetic, dude. Go educate yourself on logic or something.

You said the same thing he just shortened it lol


That’s literally what I summarized? Not sure about how you are trying to defend yourself this time but I’ll try again:

You: Nah Spy is not too powerful compared to what you can do manually without it
Other people: But you can’t read as fast as a machine
You: I didn’t say you can lol

Do I have to express it any clearer?


I’m not surprised you don’t see the difference, sure you wouldn’t.

You just have to learn to read, mate.
I said Spy isn’t powerful as far as addons go, compared to what you can do manually.
That doesn’t mean you can do manually what Spy does as fast as it does.
I feel bad for you if I really have to explain it all in such detail.

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I’m glad you are progressing. Couple days ago, you were still pretending you or anyone else could. Soon you might even understand Blizzard decision in nerfing it, and perhaps even learn to play without!


This is 100% the direction he has taken.

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:point_up: That’s what you did.
See the difference in what you said and what I quoted and edited?

Eh, no, you’re once again lying about what I’ve said.
I’ve never said I can do it all manually as fast as Spy does.
So no, wrong again.

Exactly where do you pop that flare?

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