-> Feedback thread with the goal of increasing Arena Participation! <-

100% this!

It often feels like classic Arena has been relatively neglected since the wotlk classic tournament, which I’d like to remind the devs results in a snowball effect on overall game health.

As both an NA and EU player with an active sub since '04, I firmly agree that Minpojke is an excellent candidate to lead the charge for classic Arena health maintenance. He is passionate enough to engage the community on a literal daily basis, and he is skilled enough to be an insightful resource for the devs.

  1. Custom slots for End of Season Reward Titles:
    yes, yes, yes we all agree!!

  2. End of Season Rewards (Titles):
    I agree with 2s + 5s titles, but we should still find some way to incentivize people to play 3s, the main skill-based bracket that the game is balanced around

  3. Individuals not taking up several spots:
    yes, yes, yes we all agree!!

  4. Solo Shuffle/Support System:
    Maybe solo shuffle as a feature but no end of season rewards, which incentivizes the main brackets to stay active? but at least add the dang pvp tab back to the LFG tab so we’re not in the cursed “Other” section!

  5. Cross faction Arenas:
    Yes this sounds so fun!

  6. MMR inflation from the start:
    we could just go back to the TBC classic mmr system? it was fine without the crazy inflation introduced in wotlk?

  7. Disable double dps 2s, triple dps 3s, double healer 3s, etc.
    yes, yes, yes we all agree!!

Thanks Pojke for putting in the leg work for all of us <3

double rogue 2s*

Well written post, I agree with most of the things I think that its VERY important that they add titles to 2s/5s to keep the game active. I dont agree with that pve gear being good in pvp is an issue however I would like them to disable legendaries in arenas since the game is unplayable without them I think we should be able gain advantages by having pve gear but not to a point where its unplayable, I think tbc was great this way outside of glaives

What’s up with triple dps queues? I don’t remember a comp being very viable being triple dps? tho tbf I was very young in cata. I remember in mop (I think) Rogue mage boomkin was fun and OK tier but not r1 worthy

Triple dps made majority of people quit most likely in cata I bet, such a simple thing to fix yet they let that happen. Big shout out to blizz champion playing triple dps in first season

I’ve played arena since TBC, and I enjoyed coming back to classic to play, and even right now I really want to play cata PVP, but scrolling through the LFG for hours now that I have less time is just not it.

I would love a solo queue pvp mode added to MOP, it’s the most exciting prospect for me, why not make one of the best PVP expansions truly great? The pvp playerbase would be much higher with a solo option

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LFG tool is still bugged after 3 weeks of new Cataclysm patch. People been posting this problem since then and we got no response and no fix, so i dont think they will care in Mop for any of this changes. They dont care about classic PvP anymore.

You know, this post makes me wonder, what can a streamer do to never go to a regular job. You don’t care about the PvP community, you only care about $$$ on your stream. So more people join your streams and donate you

It probably was a major contributor, but we’re not looking to go back in time now - we’re focusing on the future and trying to get some impactful changes through and that’s what we should focus at! What do you think of the suggestions I’ve made and do you have any good ideas yourself?