-> Feedback thread with the goal of increasing Arena Participation! <-

I support your ideas, let’s hope they come true.


First and foremost big thanks for taking the time and effort to write this important thread. We PvPers need to be heard and I think Blizzard can show again that they care for us. Especially with upcoming MoP as it seems like literally every PvPer wants to play it. It has the potential to be a great success.

Big +1 from me on most of the mentioned topics.

The only thing I don’t wanna see is Solo Shuffle. 6 Games in MoP would just take way too long. But I can see a regular “SoloQ” with just 1 game with no or other rewards than usual Arenas, so regular brackets remain superior.


We can discuss this for an year throwing suggestions back and forth. Glad for 2s no r 1. Patch by Patch that actually makes the game more fun and there’s stuff to test out each new season both for PVP and pve that get removed later etc. For example TBC instant cast meta gem that is present for the first season if you play patch by patch or second season ;d not sure which it was.

We can also encourage the tournaments that Bliz used to put out way more frequently. That will also give incentive for people to play competitively both pve and PVP. This goes for retail as well. WOW has the lowest financial prize pools and support from the company that runs the game for the top 0.1 percent. I can name at least no joke 50 people that will come back and crush in both PvE and PVP if there was even a small incentive ;d that does not have you go the streamer route.

We can discuss instant max level arena tournament relams. We can discuss running more then retail and 1 version of classic up for PVP. All those things needs resources and an actual dev team and the simple reality is nothing will be done and noting will happen cause the company up top on an exec level nobody cares. Maybe a Pr server will pop up again that’ are good like the arena tournament was back in the day.

Big up for making this hopefully its not wasted time though.

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Great to see a respected player within the (Classic) PvP Community take the time to actually write down some great ideas on how to better the Classic Arena experience. Seeing as MoP is around the corner and maybe the most anticipated classic yet for the PvP community. Also I assume there’s plenty of players undecided about playing TBC anniversary and some (if not all) of these suggestions might greatly influence the players base in a positive way.

End of Season Rewards (Titles) returned for 2v2 and 5v5 Arenas:
Yes Yes Yes! 2s/5s also gives incentive for streamers to play more 2s which will automatically increase the amount of players participating (look at tbc/wotlk).

Custom slots for End of Season Reward Titles:
Agreed 100%

Solo Shuffle/Support System:
Although I would love to actually have the ability to queue by myself, I fear solo shuffle will indeed hurt the traditional arena brackets. However adding 1v1 Skirmish (or rated) could be fun as MoP allows for some amazing 1v1 gameplay.

Cross Faction Arenas:
yes yes yes, for those that do both PvE and PvP its horrible to play a suboptimal race if you want to compete on both sides of the game.

Let’s hope we see some positive changes for MoP and other WoW Classic arena’s

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Great thread, I agree with all the suggestions, however I personally find it hard to believe that blizzard completely neglects classic arena so far (last time they tried to improve it was in season 6, when they added inflation to incentivise participation) and now pretends to look out for suggestions.
Maybe im too pessimistic, but I dont see them working on PvP at all unless there are tens thousands of players waiting to subscribe only for tbc/mop classic arena.

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I read most posts here and most people are against the Solo shuffle/soloque idea.

Can someone share a solution, that how you can make arenas more active when we need more new players to try it out. Solo shuffle/soloque is best way to introduce them to it.

Let’s not kid ourselfs, imagine new player trying to find partners via ingame chat, discord or lfg with zero experience. ITS IMPOSSIBLE EQUATION.

If you want to more population to arenas, you need a tool to make as accessible as possible. Accessibility is the keyword here, if you are against of soloque, then please share me a solution how you can make it that anyone (no matter their experience etc.) are able to find people to play with them?

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Iam totally agree with that propositions, would make the game better except the solo q system.


I agree with all Minpojke’s points, especially the one about people taking multiple ladder spots with their alts of the same class. If the devs have promised to read this thread, that’s great but faith in anyone at Blizzard doing anything positive for pvp at this point is critically low.

The sad reality for wow pvp for me is that it doesn’t attract any new players and it’s gatekept both by players and the classic devs who have neglected this aspect of the game (who haven’t even given the absolute bare minimum of attention to pvp).

I have felt for a long time in classic that pvp is so inaccessible due to the time it takes to reach the actual content (arena on an even playing field). I am fortunate that I know people already so I can actually play the game, if I had to start fresh search for random new partners to play with, I honestly don’t know how I would do it.

From the very first step, the pvp “journey” is inherently broken. BGs are a miserable experience with no gear for any player, let alone a new player trying to break into the scene. I remember in TBC i had an old discord of mates excited to go again in classic, until they had to win 10 battlegrounds (literally it was this bad) just to buy a ring. Just wanted to mention this because most people, as adults with jobs and families, do not accept that their time is arbitrarily wasted and will quit and play other games if you do choose to waste it.

If the time it takes to prepare a character is completely unreasonable, searching for partners as a new player is virtually impossible, if the devs have been neglecting pvp for years and the people are already complaining that pvp queues are dead - literally who in their sane mind would ever try to pvp in classic? We’re getting no new players and we’re speed running losing existing players who have had enough of eating %! £* from neglectful devs.

What is left to save and for who? The 50 people still playing the game? Not trying to be a doomer here because I do agree that some very simple things can be done by Blizzard if they put literally any effort into saving pvp. But I’d like to see a big announcement on the blizzard launcher that they’re working very hard to revive pvp and show they care about it, not just leave it to some obscure wowhead post.

Also as an rbg enjoyer, this bracket has been a wild West since cata released with literally 1 or 2 bug fixes. People still actively play this bracket and there’s a very dedicated community who enjoy it, I just can’t figure out why Blizzard neglect these aspects of the game that are basically player ran at this point.

Agree on everything, only issue is shuffle, as with retail it will dilute the already small playerpool to the point where both solo and 3v3 have long queues. The only solution I can think of is implementing specific days/times where certain brackets offer increased rating gains, which would help funnel players into one game mode at a time

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I love some of the suggestions made above, my personal opinion is that solo shuffle is amazing for the game, when it was announced i was super excited but when i saw how it was implemented i was very disappointed. In my personal opinion, the best way to implement soloq into WoW is to have a consolidated ladder, if you que solo you get put into 3v3 ladder, you can que solo, duo or trio and using league of legends as a reference you can either:

  1. Put premade groups vs higher rated soloq teams, say you que as a duo at 1800mmr you face either duo group at 1800, solo team at 1950 or trio team who are 1700.
  2. Reward points according to who you beat or lose to, if you are solo and beat a trio you can get +30 and -10.

This would allow the ladder to naturally inflate way more than it currently does making rewards much more attainable.

Rewards should be available from every bracket imo, removing rewards from brackets doesnt make people play the one with them it simply makes them stop playing all together in most cases.

Either remove the % based end of season rewards or increase the %, i have a lot of thoughts on gladiator mounts as a reward for all version of wow but i feel that should be discussed in another thread. I speak as someone who has a % based gladiator mount and have played above the 2400 requirement for gladiator before as well so its not like i want it made easier for me personally, i do however have 4 friends who played, got stomped by previous gladiator players at 1900-2100 for a few weeks and quit to go play other games saying it feels far to unsurmountable.

Overall great post, i completely agree that rewards need a revamp, LFG system needs a revamp and a good soloq that merges the ladders but keeps the spec based rewards but allows you to compete for the regular 3v3 rewards are the biggest changes that would boost 3v3 participation.


I tried PVP season 1 of Cataclysm and did RBG, managed to get almost to 2,1k rating. I had a complete blast. Tried arena and it was a bit miserable, and reading your post it was like reading into what I felt when I tried arena. For someone that is new to PVP, its reeally hard to push at the beginning of the seaso. Also I played healer/dps comp, and when you faced a mirror (pala holy/warrior for instance) the match could go for ages until any of the team made a giga big mistake. That alone made me quit pvp arenas and focus only rbg. I did it in an alliance toon (main horde), and I plan to transfer and faction change my main to alliance to try focusing more PVP in MOP, and this changes would be the edge I need to convice my friends to try it out.

Yes please!

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I really like all the points suggested.

Can only make the whole experience better

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Good post. I think it’s important that gearing for arenas does not take hours upon hours. Thankfully in MoP PvP players dont have to play PvE for competitive gear. Perhaps consider adding a buff middle of the arena season that allows players to gain honor/conquest faster? Similar to the JJ xp buff.

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Lets hope to see many of these changes go through

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i agree, something has to change


Solo Shuffle would be the sickest thing ever :slight_smile:

Very well written and breaks down about everything that I can think of.

As an RBG enjoyer I would love to see some more attention by the blizzard devs towards the RBG scene as well.

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Great post for a great cause. Here are my 5 cents as a MoP enjoyer:

-Titles for all brackets
-Changing title cuts from % base to fixed values
-Individuals NOT taking up multiple slots

Yes! To all of this.

  1. Dampening:

Bad but needed mechanic. Dampening encourages unfun playstyles only focusing on surviving and to win by having more passive rot damage never aiming to kill by risking anything yourself. In my experience playing MoP privates Dampening is not required to start early for 3v3 and 5v5 and 10 Minutes should be the timer for it to kick in for those brackets. 5 Minutes is all it takes for dampeners to already gain an progressive advantage. If they survive for 10 Minutes they at least deserve to not have to play offensivly for a second. Trust me, 3v3 will not be fun if 80% of the metaslaves go for dampener combs same as cata was murdered by tripple dps for a lot of players. For 2v2 I am not sure, but agree with:

  1. PvP Power on s12 Gear:

I am not sure about this but no one mentioned that s12 was terrible, not only because of the entry level gear, but also the fact that you could upgrade your s12 gear or that there was at least s12 elite gear that brought unfair advantages even in the following season 13 because 2/2 upgraded elite weapons were BETTER than the s13 weapon. It’s just bad design. Please just fix s12 gear overall.

  1. Solo Shuffle/Support System:

I never played shuffle and only know solo Q from privates. As a somewhat retired arena player I like what it offers because I can’t bother after a long day at work to organize groups but at the same time don’t think it is important to have with all the negative consequences that come with it. Maybe Solo Q has a place to be implemented without hurting the other brackets. There are a lot of potential solutions some could come up with I am sure….

  1. Cross faction Arenas:

I don’t care to be honest and do not think it would contribute to arena activity much.

  1. MMR inflation from the start:


  1. Disable Class Stacking in 2v2 and 3v3, double healer AND also triple DPS in 3v3 Arena:

Yes, please…. I don’t want to die in a smoke bombed beam with practically 0 counterplay. Boomy rog +X = AoE stealth on player without “oh crap immunity button” and press oneshot whilst beeing in cloak of shadows so there aren’t any stops. Even if it’s not as stupidly OP as in cata it’s just an unrequired abscess for arena.

  1. Disable PvE gear entirerly for Arena exclusively

Even tho MoP is the best expansion for people that do NOT want to RMT or slave GDKP all their life in order to compete in PvP it should simply be disabled to wear in Arena. Also side note on Gear and PvP in MoP → PvE gear is MASSIVELY overpowered in open world making it practically unplayable unless you plan to raid for the highest gearscore gear. Not a huge problem for arenaplayers that don’t care about open world but just putting it out there. PvE gear is basically cheating in open world vs PvP geared players.