Being able to que arenas with any team size (up to max of the bracket ofc) could be nice, if I que up solo in to 3s the game could find 2x solo que players or 1 duo que team to fill the 3v3 game with.
No separate ratings, ladders or anything like that.
Would it be balanced?
No, of course not, people queing as a team with voice comms will have an advantage, but sometimes you just want to play arenas either for conquest cap or just because.
Maybe you might find a soloq player you enjoyed playing with and ask if they would want to que up.
hit the nail on the head, 100% agree with this post
very on spot, agree 100% with this post!
100% agree, good suggestions
Agree with everything said + just an idea to add SoloQ(as its on pserver, but wihout any rewards[titles]), just as a tool to find teammates or waste sometime wating for a friend or warm-up
Any type of rated solo queue would make so many new people try out PvP that otherwise woulda never do so, and many of those people might end up even giving rated arenas a try with people that they met through that said rated solo queue, and when I say rated solo queue, it can be Solo Shuffle or even Battleground Blitz.
The biggest concern from what I read is that people stop playing other rated PvP modes once there is a rated solo queue of any sort, then why not make Solo Shuffle with rating, but no rewards? That way it won’t hurt the participation of rated 2v2/3v3/5v5, but it will help people practice/learn, while also allowing you to meet people at around your skill level to queue rated 2v2/3v3/5v5 arena with. Maybe to make it more fast paced, make it so dampening starts ticking earlier than 3v3 rated.
What makes me believe that even with no reward, but only rating, Solo Shuffle will be popular is the fact that even during WOTLK when I queued Arena Skirmish to warm up before I queued rated arenas, I would constantly see new faces there and even ended up queueing rated arenas with few people that left good impression after a skirmish game with evenly matched teams.
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Hello Minpojke and other fellow MoP enthusiasts,
Really appreciate you taking the time to put this together. It’s obvious you care a lot about Arena, and a lot of these suggestions could really help boost participation. Wanted to throw in my thoughts on a few of them:
Bringing back titles for 2v2 & 5v5 – 100% agree. More people queuing means a healthier PvP scene overall, and giving players a reason to try different brackets can only be a good thing. Plus, 5s was always a fun mode to just mess around with friends, and it’d be great to see it more active again.
Dampening starting earlier – I get the idea behind this, but I think it would actually hurt comp diversity. One of the best things about MoP is how many different specs are viable, and making dampening kick in too early could push certain comps out of the meta. Yeah, 2s can be slow at times, but that’s just part of how the bracket plays.
Custom title slots – I’m fully on board with this. Having a set number of spots instead of a strict percentage makes rewards feel more achievable and would encourage more players to push instead of just giving up when they see how few make the cut.
MMR inflation – I think this could be good, but it needs to be handled carefully. Some early inflation would help players feel like they’re actually making progress, but if it goes too far, it spreads the playerbase too thin. That leads to longer queue times and more mismatched games, which just makes the whole experience worse.
Cross-faction Arenas – Honestly, I’m a little torn on this. It would definitely help people find partners and make queue times better, but personally, I hate the idea of seeing more Orc Shamans with stun reduction running around. That said, if it improves overall participation, I’d be open to it, even if it’s not my favorite change.
Solo Queue - I’m against it because it makes players lazy and, in the long run, leads to frustration and quitting. The best part of WoW aswell as in PvP has always been the social aspect and the connections you make along the way that make you keep coming back for more.
Any ideas to improve the LFG system and help players find solid teammates would be greatly appreciated by the community. The easier it is to find reliable partners, the better the Arena scene will be.
In general, any attempt to create a healthier player base throughout MoP is a good one, so we should all do our best to provide as much feedback as possible. If the player base doesn’t stick around, MoP will just be remembered as another failure, and I’d hate to see that happen in this case too.
Overall, really solid post, and I appreciate you putting in the effort to get feedback out there. Hoping Blizzard actually listens and makes some positive changes for MoP Classic.
Cheers, Surprize
PS: Big love to my homies from Rock Solid!
I dont see how 50% MS not making any sense when every class/spec has an abnormal amount of utility AND heal to survive. Theres so much healing from a dps for literally no reason. Also what do you mean dampening is neccessary because of the good players??? What? XD. Good players existed in wrath too, the difference is an actual dps died when you hit him. There was no random immunities, random lay on hands from a dps, rogue stealthing while taking constant damage, 5 unique cc from every class…im not continuing the list because I cant see the end of it. Players are ofcourse better Than 10+ years ago, but it has nothing to do with the absurd amount of nonsense happening in a match
yes PvP was never balanced but I doubt theres much ppl enjoying the current state (current= min. Last 10 years) so again, dampening must go, nonsense endless dps class heals and utilites has to go. Boom, welcome in a much healthier PvP envinroment. Theres a reason why “nobody” plays arena
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Its not for just cata, also mop and anniversary servers when they will progress to TBC
I have previously played on a private server that has a Solo queue system in one round. To be honest, it was way more enjoyable and the queue times as a dps were about 1-5min which is night and day compared to retail (which has probably way more players than the private server I was playing) . From the time I’ve spent reading the retail pvp reddit, a lot of people quit the game because of the queue times and the frustration of being stuck in a lobby for 6 rounds. So my hope is that the Solo queue system, if implemented, is only in one round.
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Great suggestions Pojke, and thank you for doing this! I especially like the idea of set amount of R1 and Gladiator spots together with that individuals/accounts can’t occupy multiple spots. And enabling titles for 2s and 5s brackets. Then so many more people will be incentivized to keep playing and pushing, and not be punished by a decreasing playerbase/participation rate on the ladder. Also for me who has been raiding pve on Horde with my friends, while arena pvp has been heavily favored towards Alliance, the crossfaction functionality would be amazing. Both for MoP and when TBC comes around again.
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The reason the cata people are complaining here is because no one plays cata and no one reads the cata forums. Cata is completely dead so they want to pretend that there issues are other people issues.
Tbh blizzard also doesn’t even know the Cata classic forum section exists because there is no reason to really care about it.
Make classic pvp greate again, don’t let it die like cata or retail!
It will be the best PVP expansion weak up blizzard do something!
You do know there are arenas in TBC??? And tbc is going to come back again??

Instead of solo shuffle just make all 3 brackets enabled for solo queuing, most games have this system.
The best solution imo would be to just make an arena game in an own client and it should stand on the foundation of tbc simple gameplay with high skillcap.
Casual players dont care about gladiator rankings they just want to play the game. But the lvling and gearing gatekeeps us.
If we even play we have max one character i would love to play all classes but its impossible,
Even on retail with “fast” progression.
i will take any kind of solo rated content instead of waiting hours on lfg to play some games
Small and minimum effort changes that would go a long way.
Also think MINOR class changes throughout the phases would make a huge deal aswell, to shake up the meta from patch to patch a bit.
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Please blizzard, invest in pvp. We need this.
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