Fix Alterac Valley

If it took horde this long to hone this meta to get this win ratio, how long do you think it will take for the alliance?

Now… Let it be permanent. It won’t hurt the balance and enjoyability of the games.

Ok so an anecdote.

I play Horde on Earthshaker. This realm have more Allaince than any other EU English PvP realm. Alliance dominate. But we always dominate Blackrock Mountain. Why is that? Well, because alliance, in general, rather glitch the game and stand on top of tunnel to BWL and summon raids, and jump down to orb, instead of fighting us. They could easily gank us but they don’t. Because the general allaince mentality.

Alliance would NEVER “hone this meta” like Horde do in AV, and this have been explained to you over and over. Becasue Alliance have short queue, so they lose if tey don’t win fast. They hate to win slow, they don’t want to win slow. They rather go afk than to win slow. And they rather play WSG/AB than to win slow. If you have short queue, you never want to defend and stall. So even if you switch the map, Allaince still have short queue, horde have long queue and horde will defend, it’s much easier to defend the alliance base and invade the horde base, so horde starting on alliance side would win even more.

That’s why I am 100% for your suggestion. That would prove, without a doubt, that it’s not the map. It’s the queue system, rewards and player behavior.

The game itself is very much unlike vanilla so you should just stop pretending mate…


The thing is that the Alliance really doesn’t want to play +30min games so they intentionally throwing the game before it even started

People literally spamming macros, trying to convince people that it isn’t worth it to play this BG

The map in question is an accurate authentic replica of the Vanilla 1.12.1 AV map. And that’s what you want to change.

Well, will the exception of the backdoors being closed for being unintended.

Do you even play AV? Every game literally is 30 minutes or more. And alliance are farming HK’s as much as they can.


do u often have conversations with brick walls smeared with crap?

I have argued against changes since spring 2019, so, yes, yes indeed.

You don’t understand what he is saying.

The good and motivated players don’t want 30min+ games. They are in WSG/AB getting better rep. Horde generally have more motivated players in AV than Allaince. Because the games last so long.

No, he specifically said, and I quote:

Yes and it’s true. He is making a factual correct claim. You have way more afk leechers and unmotivated passive players on Alliance compared to Horde.

Alliance have SOME motivated players (in AV specifically), Horde generally have A LOT MORE motivated players that don’t mind a long game after a long queue.

And this is due to the alliance ‘mentality’?

Okay. Why doesn’t it happen in WSG or AB?

“Because motivation Q_Q”

Not good enough. Try again.


Yes. Horde would have a similar mentality of Horde had short queue and Alliance had long queue. But alliance are more pve focused and less motivated in general.

Because the rewards are better when games are shorter and Horde can’t stall for 30min or longer. So most motivated Allaince play WSG/AB. Again, this have been explained to you many times.

It’s not because they can’t, it’s because that’s how you get the most honor out of the BG.

That is correct.

Alliance CAN win AV just as much as Horde. But it’s not worth it compared to WSG/AB.

98/2 ratio isn’t “just as much as”.

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Dude u got some straight up Bob Ross patience man…

its not that this guy cant understand you, its that he does not WANT to understand you.

No, because the Alliance players that can, are in WSG/AB and don’t play AV because the queue, rewards and time to finish a game are not optimal. It’s much better for Horde, the reward for time invested is ok in AV, while it’s really bad for Allaince. So the motivated Allaince players don’t play AV so you have motivated Horde vs, generally, unmotivated Allaince. The map has nothing to do with this, other than that it’s designed to be easy to defend, on both sides, but one side hate that, and one love it, due to the queues and rewards.

I mean, are you trolling now, or do you honestly not understand? We have explained this to you many times in great detail.

You got me laughing. That was fun actually. More specifically if it’s you posting from 2 different names.

This is the stuff movies are made of. Keep on trollin’


please get help. u need it. do urself a favor.