Fix AV pls!

Actually its not the map that needs fixing, its the players mentality alliance side, THE reason horde win 99% of the time in av is simply, HORDE WITH DIVE AND PUSH INTO THE BACK LINE OF THE ALLIANCE forcing the alliance team to recoil and curve back on themselves, allowing the horde to focus and nuke down alliance fast, and they end up rolling up entire alliance teams as a result, Horde players have ALWAYS been good at brawls.

Majority of the time alliance keep repeating the same actions over and over again, expecting a different result and mentally its a case of “meh, we cant win this, everyone one goto the hill of shame”…

I also on an alliance character got called a snitch because I was calling out AFKers and telling alliance players on the BG chat to report them and exactly where abouts on the map they were afking, and AFKers are a BIG problem alliance side that needs fixing, ie go back to blizzards old policy which was if players were not contributing to a BG, they ended up with a temp ban from the BGs and stripped of all honour, gear etc gains that had been made and basically reset back to zero.

Strip the AFKers of everything they’ve gained AFKing and set them back to zero and you’ll stop seeing so many damn afkers alliance side, maybe then alliance might just start winning more AVs

Actually there is 2 choke points in AV, one by IF GY horde side and one by SH GY, if either side holds either choke point they can just end up grinding a LOT of honour points and end up grinding down the opposing factions will to the point one side or the other ends up giving up.

There is currently 1 single AV in the entire EU battle group.

Please consider introducing the later era fix that makes people res at the cave only if no other GYs are available.

It may not be fully authentic but the situation requires looking into.

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Seriously what do you want to fix? This is all horde players and partially blizzards doing.
Every pvper wanted to play the big orc and undead because some youtubers told them they are OP in pvp and now here you have it 90+ minutes queues.
And blizzard axed the premades so even less of the Alliance players are willing to put up with it beyond the exalted rep.
Enjoy waiting or play Alliance. Blizzard could potentialy fix the map and give alliance a fair starting chance and that could mean more Alliance joining but they can’t do anything about tens of thousands orc minmaxers.

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Bring in the 600 resources… this will cut the BG time!

go to hell with this noob resources, it’s literally killing alterac, you don’t need to take objective, you need to farm like unbrain 600 player and win.

No need to fix map ? bro you start close to the middle of the map, we start 100% north, when i play on horde with my 60% MOUNT i come to SH at the same time as alliance and no pb with this ? hope you go in av after 1hour and all alliance leave the bg at the begin, enjoy you’re 1 hour wasting time

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Dunno about anyone else here but the only times the Alliance seem to win AV from my experience are the russian premades.

rest of EU just tends to flop about and crumple. Mind Horde EU players are not very good at handling russians either.

it gets utterly boring as horde aswell.

but at this point i doubt ppl are actually interested in even pvp since the rewards means more then the experience

There is only one thing that can fix AV and that is revert it back to the old que, when Alliance could premade. Blizzard broke the AV que and that is why Alliance are on such a huge losing streak. Time to fix it again.

Make people res at cave only if no other “home” GY are available (SH, SP, AS for alliance, IB, FW, RH for horde)

It would a be huge help in mitigating the obscene advantage currently held by the horde.

Advantage given by the ability to res in waves of 20 pretty much in the middle of the map.

Not sure if even that would work at this point, horde would just turtle even harder making AV HPH worse than premade WSG/AB, which means no rankers would play AV anyway. It doesn’t matter if Alliance can premade in AV, if the premade is composed of undergeared alts.

Being able to premade is an unfair, unintended advantage.

A balanced map/GY mechanics are a good thing.

There have been plenty of changes, fixing av map imbalance should happen too.

But I no longer have any faith in blizzard at all.

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We might get a fix now that a horde player asked for it. I mean taking away premades was a “no changes” move after all.

Which is exactly the problem - Horde are creating the queues for themselves. When Horde turtle out the game it causes less Alliance players to queue, it removes Alliance rankers from AV and it also makes it a longer wait for a new game to start which leaves Horde with constant 1 hour queues. As Classic has progressed Horde queues have gotten longer and longer and it’s only going to continue to happen because AV only attracts rep farmers and AFKers from Alliance once the majority are done with the rep grind then there is going to be less and less players in the queue overall so Horde will have to wait longer. As I understand AV is a good place to be currently for solo queuing horde but it soon won’t be.

The way the honor system works means Alliance DO NOT want to turtle and thats not going to change. However this situation will end up being bad for both factions, in fact it already is. One side has half a team trying and the other team has 1 hour+ queues.

Personally I think it was a mistake for Blizzard to stop queue syncing as these players that did this did so because they don’t want to play with players who have no intentions of winning the game, players who just want to AFK and leech honor and rep and I say fair play to the players who synced, it’s only natural, would you want 10 AFKers on your team? I wouldn’t have minded if they made it possible to pre made for both sides, that way players who don’t want to find a pre made get stuck with such players and those who do get players who actually play the objective.

This is rich, coming from someone who still refuses to call it exploits. You know, I actually argued the case for allowing both sides to do it back then.

Guess what the responses were?

  • “No way, we’ve earned this from the hell of the WPvP phase. Now you’ll learn your lesson.”
  • “You can do it too. Just queue up at the same time.” (Which was never possible due to the way the exploits worked.)
  • “Alliance is the smaller faction, so it’s intended by design that we get to do this.” (Which I checked 2 months later, only to find the population figures were close to equal then. The difference was in how many of each faction were queuing up on average.)

So when they shut it down with several hotfixes, you realise it’s better to just let everyone do it, huh? Yeah well, I’d argue it’s better to just remove automatic matchmaking for teammates for all BGs, including AV.

If the “solo players” still wants to PvP, it’s fine to just model it after skirmish arenas and give no rep and no honor for the “easy mode” solo queue, the same way you gained no conq and no rating for so many years in skirmish. That way, nobody will see any point in doing premade exploits for it, which is still possible in a certain matchmaking pool. It also helps protect the integrity of the ladder, AFKers can’t leech honor nor rep, no free epics to anyone and bots won’t stand a chance to break brackets either.

Perfect, right?

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Actually the difference is that AFKing on Horde is fruitless so they don’t need to pre made they have a team trying and communicating due to the time they waited. Where as Alliance has short queues so it attracts AFKers. We can’t control how other players play the game, we can only hope Blizzard takes action against these players which rarely happens and thousands slip through the net which lead to players queue syncing to combat this. Don’t hate the player, hate the game. If the game developers won’t take action then the Alliance players who queue to play suffer which in turn makes Horde queue times suffer.

But Blizz just decides to remove the ability to queue sync which would have been fine if they also closely monitored AFKers and players not trying - but they didn’t. Heck I’d even welcome the kick system at this point, I’d be fine with players exploiting it and getting action taking against them at a later date then to continue to let these Alliance players reap rewards with no effort and little consequence. Because the players who abuse that system would be a hell of a lot less than the AFKers kicked - players would give up trying to AFK due to fear of being kicked and even if they didn’t at least players who want to win would have an option to combat AFKers which currently we do not have, reporting these players produces no results, if they are eventually banned it’s months later after they have made everyone elses AV experience hellish.

After they sort that out they can sort the map out.

You’re joking, right? Alliance premading in AV was planned before the BG was even out. It just became more and more popular as time went on and the bracket stacking grew.

The exploits were known from both pservers and retail already, it’s not like it was a “new thing” they discovered in Classic.

Yes, it became more and more popular because players solo queuing realised they had no chance with half a team AFK which led players who wouldn’t normally pre made to look to join one.

More like they did it just because it was more entertaining than playing alone (you could still only queue solo at this point, for AV) and the premade exploits were causing AVs to be started with only half of a team on the Alliance side that’d slowly fill up, but of course they were far behind at this point already.
Because when not enough of the premade got into the same one (you could still see the number back then), they’d just cancel the queue and hop into the next one to avoid the “randoms”.

It also led to a huge skill segregation. The min-maxers went to the premades for obvious reasons, while the “dad gamers” as they’re called, just kept trying their luck in the solo queue.

The premade exploits were rightfully stopped. The same way they finally fixed the backdoor exploits after way too much time had passed already.

The way to solve BGs once and for all in Classic is to do as mentioned earlier. It gets rid of the problems, and increases social bonding for many. Let the realm reputation matter.

I agree AV needs to be fixed… The queue times will ease up when the horde advantage from map layout is smoothed out!


Horde makes AV hell for alliance, so alliance stop queueing. Horde really go out of their way to stop alliance doing ANYTHING in AV, even if it doesn’t contribute to winning, such as killing lieutenants. It really just ends up with horde griefing alliance and it being terrible for honour or rep for us.

To give you some specific idea of that type of stuff horde do, me and some guildies came up with a new strategy to speed up matches. We don’t care about winning or losing, just ending the game fast. So we started asking people to go to harpy cave at the very start of the match (started off as a joke but worked very well actually). The point was to give horde free passage up the map so they could end the game faster, get all the bonus honour and rep quciker and then we run down the map once the horde is in our base and grab all the lieutenants.

This worked extremely well for a bit and was amazing honour. Unfortunately horde has adapted to this tactic now and blocks the chokepoint at Icewing bunker. There is absolutely no reason to do this other than to grief us and slow the match down. We literally hand the victory to horde on a plate so that BOTH alliance and horde can take advantage of bonus honour on AV weekend, but horde players have decided they dont want to even let us kill lieutenants, regardless of the fact it makes absolutely no difference to horde’s bonus honour or rep.

Sad that it has come to having to play AV like that but thats how it has ended up. The point is though that no matter if we purposely try to lose, horde still want to make it difficult. Do you really think that is going to encourage alliance to queue up? Obviously not. If you want shorter queues start working on telling horde to change their playstyle. Horde gets more honour and rep for faster games and so does alliance. Does you no favours to try drag games out and ruin them every single time.

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