Flamelash, the first server to die

hit the nail on the head

I love this, because this rogue right here, was screenshotted in Ironforge ganking Alliance.


I myself, gave up of trying to rank up through wpvp, in this overcrowded world, but i agree with your statement.
Server population and faction balance should have been assured through cap limits, preferably with a lot more servers available for the name reservation.
Moreover, ranking system without bg’s was a mistake.

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I thought you had quit a while ago, haven’t you?^^

Also if Cross-realm BGs end up having an ungodly long queue for Horde it’ll be because of those dumb PvP servers invaded by Horde thickheads, so yeah it has a lot to do with me.


And i am horde main /or on ali i SEE RED KILL IT !KILL THEM ALL!
I do not play classic played it many years ago nowdays i just read forums and enjoy this chaos REEEEE!


hey im here in flamelash, enjoying being a % of population instead of an individual


You reap what you sow Orc!

Play Pve on ur PvP server for choosing the eazymode faction lul and don’t complain.


Horde is just better in pvp lets chase the alliance nomatter where they run they cant hide.

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Blizzard didn’t fail anything, like what were they supposed to do which wouldn’t have make you snowflakes mad?

  • Lock creation for horde char?
    Wtf I need them racials horde supremacy zug zug
  • Faction specific queue?
    Wtf we need more ppl online for maximum zerg pls remove this stupid feature
  • Explain to idiots why 7:1 is a bad ratio?
    Haha u mad get rekt lol qq Go To R e T a iL

Blizzard failed.
They should have locked horde creation
They should have put in faction queue when servers reach 40/60


Yesssss cause dropping subscriptons is a smart move for a company

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Lol, but so true.

Also I recently unlocked LF draenei and dayum thats a good looking toon.

Hahahahahaha I can’t feel sorry for you at all.

Horde on flamelash abused their numbers advantage and so ally took the best option


I think you misunderstand how personal interest works. Yes, it would be better if everyone acted in a way that created balanced and healthy servers. Unfortunately no single individual can cause that to happen and if they try they just end up screwing themselves over and not achieving anything.

So the best action for your personal interest is to join the winning faction as it isn’t nearly as bad as being on the losing faction. This inevitably will always lead to a similar situation that retail is in right now. Blizzard can slow the process by not offering transfers but they can’t reverse it.



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You’ll have to excuse Durmul, he actually believes that Firemaw is 80% Horde. A few days ago, I told him that I get ganked the moment I arrive in Winterspring. I told him I kill 5 furbolgs and then I get ganked; he refused to believe any of it.

He actually believes that Allies are the only people that get ganked.

There are more Horde than Alliance on Firemaw, but from my personal experience: Alliance easily have some of the best players and guilds. That usually makes it an even fight.

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I keep seeing comments like this, but what you dont understand is that the tryhards that were camping flightpaths and boats are the same people that frequent the forums and stay in the loop of this news.

But there are plenty of people like me who do not frequent the forums and have now been trapped on a dead realm when we werent the ones griefing.

The ones that you ‘dont feel sorry for’ are now on another server doing the exact same thing, they dont give a s##t.

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Everyone: “3K playercap is too small it needs to be bigger!”
Everyone: “2 PvP servers aren’t enough we need more PvP servers! We all want to play on PvP servers!”
Everyone: “PvP servers are the only way to play Classic!”

[P2 rolls around and everyone starts ganking anyone they can find to farm honour]

Everyone: “Waaah time to point fingers at everyone but ourselves!”

Ah, the forums.
Never change guys <3


the never ending cycle… yes.

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Always the same story, ask for something with complete confidence that they want it and the moment anything untoward happens it’s always someone else’s fault.
Did they choose to roll on a PvP server? Well, yes they did but it’s not their fault see, it’s someone else’s fault.
Disagree? Well then you must be one of the people who benefit from it and just want it to keep happening!