Flamelash, the first server to die

Yeah I live here now like a lost spirit. Waiting for any hope of a better change to the game.

Fair enough, fingers crossed for you.

Hahaha you deserve this, OP. Hopefully, this happens across more servers.


Gz for all the hordeā€™s in Flamelash for their glorious victory. Lokā€™tar Ogar!


I think our lite version of WoW regarding wPvP on Mirage is what 90% of.people playing on PvP realms would want to have :wink: and many tougth it would be like that when they rolled PvPā€¦ now they pay the price for their ā€œfull WoW experienceā€:slight_smile:


I agree with you on that one. Iā€™m just pulling a trolls leg, thatā€™s all. :yum:

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Is it possible to merge a horde dominated server with a ally dominated server?

what is that ally dominated server you talk about ?


how dare you play horde when there are more horde than alliance on that server !?!?
delete your charactors and reroll alliance. you must trust yourself, you can fix it.


Probably, if there was one.

You are such an absolute moron, itā€™s unbelievable. People like you would have quit the game on the second if they were on the opposite side.

You managed to make a 70-30 server a 95-5 one. Absolutely fair and deserved victory, well played. Iā€™m sure all those level 49ā€™s you killed together with 20 other people were worth it.

You are not good at PvP, you are abusing faction majority and boasting about it on the forums where the consequences of yours and blizzardā€™s stupidity will affect all of us on all realms.


hahahaha honestly I love it.

I hope that 60 druid that never left our boat in menethil is still on it, waiting for what scraps left he can get. This server was an absolute joke to play on as Alliance. You ***** got what you wanted, Go Back To Re TaiL


Well thing is you cant balme them, they wanted to gain honor and get gear. They would do that on balanced server too. Its game design decisions that created this situation.
People choose to play pvp favoured faction on pvp server.
They made many more horde characters becuase there was no fation balance cap, faction balance queue or any other mechanism.
They were playing by the rules to gain honor.

I am on pve server mateā€¦ as you could have read while replying to my post if you only had iq above 40:) and the reason i m on pve server is cause i knew what pvp servers will look like with this new mentality of the gameā€¦ pvp servers in 2004 were not nearly close to this new ā€œmetaā€


Too many cowards leaving the server instead of fighting back. I was playing in Flamelash until the Spanish server opened, and the server was great, although the Horde was the major faction. I saw allied camping/ganking squads everywhere, the Ally wasnā€™t dead indeed.

But then I transferred to Mandokir and I donā€™t know what happened, I guess too many pussies afraid of world PvP.

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You reap what you sow. And insulting people with childish names wonā€™t change that.


Alliance gank squads are just as bad.

Nah, weā€™re just trying to prevent more level 60 Horde on Horde servers. :slight_smile:

Iā€™m surprised at Blizzards stupidity when it comes to handling server transfers actually.

In no way ever should they allow the faction with the least players to transfer to a new server. Thatā€™s just asking for a dead server.

The only ones who should be allowed to transfer is the faction with the most players, and only to a server where the same faction doesnā€™t have the most players.

So regarding Flamelash, only Horde shouldā€™ve been allowed to transfer, and only to a server where there where more Alliance than Horde.
The amount of switching players should also be under strict supervision, so the transfers end when a balance is achieved.

Instead we got this clown fiesta, where 2 servers got ruined in one go.

And I donā€™t even play on Flamelashā€¦


Why exactly would one horde be willing to leave a server where they are numerically dominating (aka ez life) to join a server where they donā€™t? To take a new challenge? Lmfao. If they were that kind of players, they wouldnā€™t have needed such imbalance in the first place, would they?

And where exactly would they be allowed to move to anyway? There is no alliance dominated server which would ā€œneedā€ horde reinforcements.
And donā€™t bother with but not all horde wanted imbalance, not all horde went there because horde was dominant and similiar bullcrap, because you could surely not directly be wanting it but I guess it comes handy to have horde in every corner of the continents aiding you when you are getting attacked. So why would one give all this up to join a new server where your life isnā€™t going to be as easy?


Exactly. There isnt a single alliance dominated pvp server as far as i get.from people posting hereā€¦ or if there is one or two, that is not nearly enough to balance all unbalanced servers out