Fresh Realms needed

No it’s not just a ‘‘few hundred’’ it’s a lot of people. Even more will want fresh realms after naxx release


And where did you get your number from? I made mine up, did you too? If you didn’t then proof is needed.

Why would people start all over again from nothing?

Proof is the many posts on forums.
The many pservers who succesfully started fresh realms with 15k+ people every time.

I know youre just making stuff up on forums every day

I dont see any problem in opening a few fresh realms 1-2 months after Naxx or even sooner than that


Some realms have somewhat live leveling zones - like Nethergarde Keep. It’s not much but something. By launching fresh and either forcing or incentivizing people to roll there you would cut out existing realms from any new playerbase.

As for fresh itself - it worked for private servers because everyone rerolled. K2 become a ghost town the day K3 launched. Not everyone raids but if progression players reroll then others follow (wherever it’s leveling, economy or raiding progression). Launching fresh after naxx has way more synergy than doing it now. Also any fresh launch should also come with TBC info - how it will happen so that interested players may plan ahead wherever they go fresh or tbc. Launching fresh after naxx to then make it loose like 50% or more pop due to later TBC announcement is bad.

Also keep in mind that Fresh few months after launch will not be fresh. Starting zones will be empty, month/two later mid level zones will be empty. Spellcleave and other power leveling will also be a thing.

And what the forums have show is that players like megapop and popular realms. If fresh realm wont get 5-6k pop it wont have an easy life.

You mean 4 of them?

Just as you are, I notice no real proof from you about it.

You mean except how empty they will be and the resources they will use up?

We all know the people who do go on there will be exactly as they are now within a month or so.

I have a feeling on a fresh realm the try harding will go over 9000. Now that everyone knows what to expect.

You are way too millitant about your opinions, calm down.

If some people are getting a bit bored of raiding content, it makes sense why they want fresh experience.

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Then why can’t they do it on their current realm?

They should open one for christmas


Agreed, that would be good timing


Sorry I don’t have the time to reply fully to you but like I said in other earlier posts, I have been on Nethergarde Keep. Even transfered my main (Buu) there but it’s not at all what I would consider ‘somewhat live’. No offense of course, I appreciate your input but it’s prettty barren there, like almost every other realm.

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Because they love Vanilla World of Warcraft. This is not a matter of guessing, it’s been proven by private servers over the last 10 years that there’s a constant demand for fresh vanilla servers, every 1-2 years and it’s always populated.

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You didn’t saw the “empty” realms and versus that NK is “alive” :smiley: and there are locked realms too…

Wherever it’s Classic or was a pserver majority of players shows up during launch. The only exceptions to this rule was Classic announcement, Classic no-beta-access and in future it could be TBC announcement with progression option. To many people won’t be interested in a FRESH before they do Naxx and/or before they know what TBC launch will be (you never know, maybe TBC realms will be FRESH-only?)

As someone who’s just came back because I really enjoyed the first couple of weeks I’m not really seeing any reason to resub since very few are running any low level content. I was even recommended against subbing by other players because they knew what i’d be in for but I just wanted to see for myself. I don’t think it’s a good sign for any game when players actively recommend against joining in. Fresh servers would be a godsend for new players who may not have been able to jump in on release and anyone thinking of returning.

If fresh servers were released this is something that I don’t think anyone who would be interested in fresh would have a problem with being addressed. I hear from a lot of people that they were left with a sour taste in their mouth from the p1 exploits and dungeon aoe groups and left because of it. Combating these could potentially lengthen a servers low level lifespan.


I honestly hope TBC servers to be fresh,atleast some… economy already ruined by boosting and dungeon farming meta…,TBC mats will cost fortune at start if they just progressnthese realms

They won’t unless they overpopulate realms. Gold inflation will play a role but prices won’t rise just because some have lots of gold. And TBC farming capabilities and rise of Paladins will make any boost/farming even easier.

It will but people will be more focused on leveling up to 70 quickly then farming 1000s of gold by mindless aoe grinds/boosting… i mean that s my opinion, i know it s kind of controversial… simply would prefer for tbc to start from lvl 1

Exactly right. Been experiencing the same with myself and my friends. Especially if the new realms start at phase 1 there will be all the more reason for people to not only reroll but to keep low level content occupied since the gear and progressions disparity won’t be that large in phase 1 and 2.

Keep in mind that phase 1 doesnt even have ranking yet! :smiley:

Yes that’s true, NK can be considered Medium pop and it displays that well. It seems as though there are fewer layers on Medium pop realms too which gives the illusion of it being more active than High pop realms which seemingly have more layers. (I could be wrong about this though)

Suffice to say, the more I talk about this topic to people the more I am excited about it. I so loved the launch of both private servers and of course Classic, nothing can top it honestly.

Let’s keep the support for this idea going :slight_smile:

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I’m sure there is an interest for fresh servers, i for one wouldn’t mind those. Since the early parts of vanilla / classic are the most interesting ones.

As other people stated, it might be a bit too early to launch new/fresh servers, i guess blizzard will consider it some times after naxx.

Think that after Naxx it would be bit late, since there will be huge content drougth after few months of AQ… so somwhere between two raids would be perfect, but it aint gonna happen cause.of shadowlands:p

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