GGs to every frost mage , enjoy ur S2 RMP / mage lock meta

Frost bolt damage increased by 116% in PvP (up from 100%).
New PvP Talent: Master Shepherd – When an enemy target is affected by your Metamorphosis or Mass Metamorphosis, your travel speed is increased by 25% and your Versatility by 6%. In addition, Metamorphosis and Mass Metamorphosis no longer heal opponents.
Glacial Assault damage increased by 20%.
Comet Storm damage increased by 10%.
Snowstorm’s Cone of Cold damage increased by 12% per stack (up from 10%).
Frozen Orb damage increased by 8%.
Blizzard damage increased by 12%.
brain freez now allows Flurry to deal 65% more damage (up from 50%).
New PvP Talent: This effect cannot occur more than once every 10 seconds.
Frost Bomb (PvP talent) blast damage increased by 68%. The dissipation of the Frost Bomb before its explosion now confers a charge of Mental Gel.
Comet Storm damage increased by 8% in PvP.
Flurry damage increased by 8% in PvP.
Ebonbolt damage increased by 12% in PvP.
Icelance damage increased by 34% in PvP (up from 20%).
Glacial spike damage reduced by 5% in PvP (down from 15%).

Don’t forget precog is a craftable item and not pvp talent anymore . as warrior i can debind my 3s kick too risky to kick caster :slight_smile:

100k -120 k FB and 70 avg ice lance before this up , just imagine the clown fiesta now with theses new pvp talent :slight_smile:

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Good, make those ret war suffer.

Nerf ret.

Buff rogue.


New PvP Talent: Soul Tearing – You fracture the soul of up to 3 targeted player-characters within 20 meters and project their fragments into the shadows, reducing their damage by 25% and their healing by 25% for 8 seconds. Souls are projected to a maximum distance of 20 meters from the player-character’s location. Player-characters can recover their soul to remove this effect. Cooldown: 1 minute, consumes 1 soul burst.

New PvP talent: Mischievous Instincts - Taking direct physical damage reduces the cooldown of Demonic Circle by 2 seconds. May not occur more than once every 5 seconds.

i can’t wait to q into mage lock

ret war is disgusting i agree, but what will happen S2 will be awfull for sure

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Take into account that crit is nerfed.

I still believe frost gets overbuffed though…

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its cool that they buffing bomb, its not cool they buffing the rest, frost rly doesn’t need a dmg buff, not on those spells anyway, frost is A tier right now, so i guess 10.1 makes it S tier looking at those changes

Troll someone else, NO RMP WANTED!


15 years with rmp being meta : people play the game, there is a comp diversity

1 season with ret war meta, zugzug meta : less inflated ssn, most hated for some, least balanced and least played

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i mean, who is still playing mage in pvp in 2023 ? look at any ladder 2v2, 3v3, rated bg, soloshuffle, in partecipation, you can check them out on check.pvp

spoiler, mage is pretty low, and has been since season 3 Shadowlands

still, these frost buffs are kinda meh, im okay with casted dmg, icelance just feels wrong atm, flurry icelance spam is lame and too strong, i got no problem with buffy frostbolt glacial or frostbomb tho

still not gonna play frost probably, playstyle is just not enjoyable as much as arcane

Oh really? How did the player base developed in the past 15 years? First it went up, exciting game aspect, very enjoyable and since all were noobs quite everything was viable.

Then people got better and figured out of how broken RMP is and from that point on each expansion more and more players quit the game. Only remaining are RMP players and game addicts.

Let us not forget, that it was the first season with rated solo shuffle and that most players prefer that over regular arena!

And the reasons therefore wasn’t Ret+Arms, even though it was annoying to play against, but nobody played 3s either when both weren’t as good and when Assa Rogue was the most broken spec ingame!

I would even go as far to say, that in 10.0.7 more people played regular arena than in whole DF before. :laughing:

So like I said, troll someone else!

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I would say frost mage actually do not have that bad of a participation in terms of within 72 hours in RSS, fire and arcane is low though.

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Funny, I really hope you do not think people believing your theory which says that RMP ruined the whole pvp game only because people got better at it xD ( write novels, great imagination, you’ve showed nothing so far but your opinion, which is ok )

First part of the season was really enjoyable and it has actual diversity, you can’t deny that

What you cannot deny either is that since ret got buffed the meta got shifted to the most toxic state it has ever been, you can’t deny that too !

True, shuffle absorbed a lot of players from the other brackets but dps queues are 50 minutes because no healer want to queue into some “least smart” ret fotm reroller having 3k cr shuffle and 1.6cr on 3s with 1000 games xD

Yeah, people played more arena in 10.0.7, they were for most ret wars xD

You don’t have to waste your breath on this person who’s just throwing blind hatred while “hiding” on a classic character. And before that, he was just as insufferable “hiding” on a non max level character that was unbound from his account to be more discreet. And the saddest part is that it wasn’t enough to actually hide his shortcomings on his retail characters.

Just a lost cause.

And what have you shown so far?

I don’t, but I also can’t deny that Assa was the most broken spec ingame before that and that nobody played regular arena even though RMP was good and Arms+Ret wasn’t viable.

I also can’t deny that regular arena became more often played with 10.0.7. It hadn’t much diversity but still was a lot more played.

So we can come to the conclusion that you personally hated the meta, but its just your personal opinion and all your arguments were nothing but a stinky :poop: brain bomb!

Which means people enjoy ret+arms more than rogue metas, so for the final time: troll somewhere else! :slight_smile:

What are you troll even talking about? Before I posted with that character I posted with a max level character even though I barely posted at all!

But it’s funny, that you tell people of how toxic I am, not realizing that exactly that what you are doing right here is even more toxic!!!

And what shortcomings? You don’t even know me!

Oh my god, you’re the troll here, sorry I didn’t notice before, have a good one !

How exactly? You hate Arms+Ret meta, I get that, but you can’t deny that all your arguments were somewhat weird as none of it fitted.

You made it sound that people love RMP meta while the truth is, that people hate the meta at least on the same level like Ret Arms.

I will feed the troll one last time and leave you

I said that when rmp is " meta ", there is diversity, have I said once that people loved it ?

Then I said that one season, compared to YEARS with rmp, with ret war meta has led to either less people playing other comp than ret war x

Since ret war were at least 60% of the ladder, it doesn’t mean people like it xD It means it was beyond broken xD

Good night

Then I got you wrong. I was more focused on the part

I am just honest here, I hate Rogues and Mages like nothing else in this game. If they are meta it is the most bad experience from my point of view. Even when there are other comps with them meta, it is still totally unfun from my perspective.

Frost was already really really strong, icelances doing 60k etc

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This guy is just…

Guys guys… the real problem is destro lock doing 120k incinerate and 150k chaos bolts on multiple targets …