Give back old character models and animations in some form


And what you are doing right now isn’t?! Riiiiight.

I’m not a she thank you very much blablabla

Am I? How?

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I’ve explained this to you several times… No, that is NOT the reason.
The reason you are dumb is because you:

  • start with personal attacking me just because of my opinion
  • You make false assumptions and go on complete tirades based on those very assumptions
  • You don’t understand how ‘what you want’ will hurt the game
  • You don’t seem to understand context (the fact I have to make this reponse this way is proof of that)

People can be intelligent and yet incredibly dumb. True story.

Then get lost. You deserve everything I said to you. Man.

‘Is that a threat?!’
Since that is apparently your level of retorts.

How ironic .

Bit like you with LFR then really .

Now i know you are trolling but then again it is friday and weekend.

So personal childish insult and only your view is right .

So telling me to get lost and calling me a man is mature actions from you ?

Its your fav saying i know

Yes you proved your own point “teehee” .

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The old models look like those dolls you set-up on your closet, the one’s that have their eyes open 24/7 and are generally creepy.

There would be way too many implications regarding transmog, new customization options and putting resources into something like that doesn’t seem worthwhile to me.

If you really want to see the old models you can always open up the WoW Classic client but then again it has to be something you want to play.

I would rather see Blizzard overhaul every transmog in the database to modernize them.

There’s a lot of transmog pieces I would love to use in combination with newer one’s but just doesn’t look good because the character model + other parts of the transmog have a higher amount of polygon’s and pixels(look cleaner).

But that would be a really heavy undertaking…

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It isnt a valid option or being told to play private servers which is agaisnt TOS i want to play with my friends and guildies in retail and have an OPTION that is all exactly like we had before but we are being called dumb and bratts for asking for it .

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Is it? Care to point out where I did that?! :upside_down_face:
No? Thought so.

No not like that. Stop bringing up that totally unrelated, not relevant topic.

You are dumb. Dumb dumb dumb.

No, your view is not wrong, it’s just narrowminded. It has harmful side effects to the game which you refuse to acknowledge even when it has been explained to you several times (by different people). :man_shrugging:

You get what you give. Man.

Right, because you totally didn’t start with that. Right. Sure babe.

I am indeed intelligent. Shall I start boasting about how I belong to the top 1.2% (ish) of IQ score percentiles? You seem to think it’s okay to boast about papers. Want to make this a competition, man? I’ll win.

It is the only valid option to see the older character models currently outside of Retail.

I just don’t see the point of Blizzard putting resources into making older character models work with newer transmog and customization options. Too much work for a minority of players that prefer the older models. It also doesn’t really make sense when you see everything increase in graphical fidelity to start working backwards.

There’s also the factor where you see your character differently than how people portray your character having the newer models activated.

The only reason I could deem this option useful for is if having newer models on would be more resource intensive than the older models, but since we have no real data on that we can’t really tell if it makes a real difference on FPS.

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I stand by what i said earlier keep replying and i will do the same :slight_smile:
And you are very toxic insulting my gender and intelligence but then again i do not expect anything more from you and how you act when people do not agree with the views you have .

People said the same about classic but guess what it happened .


I didn’t bring in either of those 2 topics. You did.
Typical. :sunglasses:

I don’t care what you think of me. It’s irrelevant.
Now accept me being right and move on. Man.

You are not right though far from it and you are baiting with your constant “man taunts” when you know my gender .

It wouldn’t matter, because the system should be able to support both models. Honestly, if I had to maintain such a system, I’d instead quit the job.

TOTALLY different thing.
And if you weren’t so narrowminded, you’d get that.

Classic is making them money. Putting the old models back into the real WoW and having to constantly pay upkeep for them isn’t making them anything worthwhile.

You can be disappointed about that, but why do you feel you deserve them over something that benefits everyone (new content). Because that’s really what you are basically saying; you want less or worse new content just to be able to get old models in the game. Sounds pretty selfish to me.

Hey… where did I hear that word before?! :thinking:

You in every LFR thread and TF thread

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Oh sorry babe. I didn’t ‘get the context’. :crazy_face:

But that’s more so from a gameplay perspective. I prefer the higher graphical fidelity whilst still holding onto it’s own style a lot more.

People also said Classic was a lot harder, when in reality the only ‘hard’ thing about it is that every thing in the game is more time consuming.

It might help in situations with a lot of people around or in raids but that really would need to be tested. If it actually has a positive impact on FPS, I would see the benefits for it. Otherwise personally I feel like it’s a waste of resources.

So now you are resorting to mocking and belittling my gender ?

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That i agree with and thank you for an adult debate i like your replies :slight_smile:

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Mmmmh… no I’m pretty sure it was your very first post aimed towards me in this very thread.
Yeahhhhh. You started with insults. Great plan! Always works. Nicely done baby, I’m proud of you. /pat