"Grim Tidings" - Quest line in favor of Sarufang?

So this thread again. As many other folks, I have unintentionally chosen Sarufang side, though obviously I wanted to side with Sylvanas. When I saw NPC coming to me, natural thing is that I accepted the quest.

There is NO INDICATOR that this is the final choice. If you think there is one, YOU ARE WRONG, OR IT IS NOT WORKING AS INTENDED. Especially, that I do not bother to browse Wowhead or other external sites to learn and memorize quest line.

Now , knowing that is an issue, and making observation how many similar issues other players encountered, I think this questline is designed to favor Sarufang choice. Itā€™s just naturally easier to pull off and to follow. What is the purpose of that? I donā€™t know and I donā€™t care - leaving for players to decide.

As a proof I am bringing up response from a GM to my ticket:

Greetings Hatespinner,

I hope everything is going well for you :slight_smile:

My name is James aka Game Master Jeoscike. I have read your followup ticket regarding this quest chain and I am going to address it.

So the choice to side with Sylvanas is only given before accepting the ā€œGrim Tidingsā€ quest. I can see that you have accepted and completed this one, which is why sadly no longer have an option to side with her.

The quest you abandoned can still be taken though, and you can see the ! mark on your Swamp of Sorrows map -



Thanks for letting us know, traitor.

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Greetings. Totally agree with you.
We are currently trying to make the Devs hear us.
Many voices have joined togheter to save their characters from being spoiled FOREVER just for bad programming/concepting of the choice.
Anyone who had this trouble (or who knows someone who did), should leave a reply & like here, and/or in these three posts:

We must keep the resonance of this matter up.
The louder we are, the likelier we are getting attention from the Blues and (maybe) a fix.


Summary here about the Seven Topics!

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