Group Bundle, LFGuild

To whom it may concern…

We’re a group of danes, all able to speak and converse in English, looking for a new home in The War Within. We’re a bit of a mixed bag when it comes to specs and roles, though mainly DPS and Tanks with a few of us with healer alts.

We’d ideally like to raid once or twice a week, but we also run quite a bit of M+ on off days, so expect us to be online a bit!

When it comes to raid days we’d very much prefer it being weekdays as some of us have families, meaning we’d also very much like the raids not to go too long into the evening, 22:30ST is the latest we can do.

Feel free to message me on


Just added you on Bnet for a chat. Alternatively you can reach us at the below.

We raid Friday 8-11 Server (1 night a week) and regular m+ runs in the evenings (mostly weekends but not exclusively)

Kurce - Discord- kurce
Mysticbabe - Discord- witten#9849
Stalchild - Discord- spenceroon, BNet- Lobelle#2565


One and All Guild is a casual raiding guild with chilled atmosphere perfect for mature working/parent people - some of us played since Vanilla Days including myself
we have an awesome all around community in the guild from Raids to Mythic+ to transmorg collectors etc

We raid Thurs-Friday around 8:30 PM server time -
we are 9/9H Guild currently recruiting for TWW

Socials and M+ pushers are welcome too ofc

feel free to contact Dukafleed on Discord for Guild invite and more information
I believe we are a perfect fit - lets have a talk…

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You could think of us ^^

We want the group of Danes for sure, but we raid till 11 wed/sun, but we are gamers, we have experience with dealing with Danes as we have had some before, so we should be able to accommodate Lerriot#2760

We are aiming for some mythic progress next season. Got some m+ gamers

Thank you all so very much for the responses!

I’ve talked with the rest of the group and as it is, it very much boils down to a couple of us not wanting to raid on weekends at all, meaning that Friday, Saturday and Sunday are off limits, while also 22:30ST raid stop is a requirement as well.

We still very much hope that there is a guild out there capable of having us! :slight_smile:

(Edit: Different avatar, but I am the original poster. :sweat_smile: )

Hey fellow danes! <3

Bersærk (Founded 2010, under massive rebuild)

Here we gonna setup a raiding team, aswell as a RBG team for coming content.

RBG been running xrealm for some seasons now.

I’m myself a old dude with family, so I’ve always stopped content 22.30ish.

If you guys fancy taking part of the rebuild a raid team, then in Bersærk you would be mostly welcome

Hey there Lasalle,

Maybe our guild is something for you and your friends. See [A+H][Eonar] <BEAST> come prepatch with us :) for details and how to get in touch.

Either way, enjoy the coming expansion :wink:


We’d be interested in ahving the lot of you in Resolve :smiley: Have a look below and let me know what you think

if you can add 30 more min to that 22:30 time…check this

Whats up, flatlander! jk, much love from the cold north.
I am not entirely sure if you found your forever home, but we are looking for active members still. We dont raid during the weekends, because we all know we gotta pop a cold one, traverse mountains and reawaken our inner viking, i think <Torvet> Ravencrest | AOTC Raiding Guild | Cross Faction | Cross Realm

Hi, Lasalle

See if ithildin can be a fit for you guys: <Ithildin> | Recruiting raiders - #3 by Xuhka-ragnaros

I’m from Norway and the officer currently residing in Denmark.
I add your BTAG, here is mine Shacrain#2943

Best regards,

check us out!!!

Hello Lasalle.

If you are still looking for a home for your group, us @ The Raven Clan we’d love to have you!

if you’d like to chat a bit about the guild and who we are, find me on discord @kerucqc or bnet: SilverWolf#22282.

Here’s our recruitment post: