Hello everyone,
I am a Wow newbie, I’ve started playing in early July and I currently have three level 20 characters (a level 20 Forsaken Assassination rogue, a level 20 Tauren Protection warrior and a level 20 Blood Elf Holy priest). I chose the Moonglade realm because I enjoy tabletop RPing and I guess I’ll probably enjoy wow RP as well. Right now, I still have the free trial account, but I plan on getting a subscription soon. However, I didn’t have much chance to RP yet (and in fact, I didn’t crosss the way of many players either apart from Orgrimmar). I’m thus looking for a RP guild to join.
More context first. I’m studying at uni, and I plan to play very casually (probably around 1 hour per day, possibly only during holidays). I enjoy questing and discovering wow lore and I mean to level through questing - i.e. no intense dungeoning. So what I’m really looking for are opportunities to do some wow RP from time to time, without requirements of regularity. I have downloaded MRP. (which I still need to fill in). I believe that a guild for only one character would be enough, as I don’t mean to commit to too many guilds at once. I’d rather take a guild for my Blood elf or Forsaken.
Does anyone have guild names to provide, or advice to find a guild ? Or any advice to find RP opportunities ?
Here’s a short description of each character. Please tell me if any is inconsistent with lore.
Asdae Sparkglare (Blood Elf) : I’m not quite familiar with the chronology, so please correct me ! Asdae is quite a young Blood Elf. She became a magister apprentice just before the war against the scourge (Third War I believe). Her apprenticeship was stopped by the war, because she hadn’t have any lessons yet and her master had no time to spare. She thus didn’t take part in the war (or rather only standard tasks expected from non-military civilians). After the destruction of the Sunwell, she was formed to become a priest instead of a magister because new sources of magic were being sought. Thus, although the class name is “priest”, her relation to the Holy light is more that a of a mage - just considering it as a magic source as worth as any other. She is now moving from front to front as a war medic and performs some slight arcane research, with some competence for combat (i.e. she’s not to be considered a warrior, but she can do without an escort on her trips, although avoiding encounter as much as possible). She means to actively take part in building the new glory of the Sin’dorei.
Wraithie (Forsaken) : When she was still living, Rosie was an errand teenage girl living round the Agamand Mills, a thief stealthily stealing her food. When food or money disappeared in houses, people used to say that the little wraith took it, for she was almost never seen. She died from hunger during the Third war. When the Valkyr awoke her, she only remembered being the little wraith, and thus took the name Wraithie. She only learned about her story later on, when helping the Forsaken cause in the Agamand Mills. A trait I’d like to add about her is that she does use Cannibalize without hesitation. I believe Forsaken don’t feel hunger, but she has the memory of dying from hunger so she doesn’t spit on food. She fully accepts her new undead nature, and doesn’t make a difference between life and undeath. She feels grateful to Sylvanas for bringing her back to life and fully embraces her cause. She is a devoted loyalist to Sylvanas.
Ogaleesha Weedfur (Tauren) : Kind of a typical Tauren, nothing peculiar in the backstory. He enjoys herb gathering a lot, and contemplating nature. He is a might, strongly built Tauren, but is very peaceful. He despises unnecessary violence and murder, although he will fight when he deems necessary. He considers himself mostly neutral in the Horde-Alliance conflict, and would judge each person independently from his alignment. On the other hand, he is devoted to the Tauren people and utterly respects their leader Baine Bloodhoof. If requested, he will answer a call to arms in the name of their leader - but will oppose to civil massacres.
(By the way, with this character, I face an issue : I level through questing, which does involve taking part actively in the Horde campaign, and that’s inconsistent with his backstory. Is it fine if I keep doing Horde quests, but roleplay as if I hadn’t done them ?)
Thanks for your help !