[H-RP] The Sabertusk Pact - Supporting Saurfang’s Horde! 👹

“The war-horn has sounded once more, and the war between Horde and Alliance has reached its peak. This is the time when the Horde needs us the most. This is the time when we step up and fight for our honour, our people, our coin and our victory. Despite the racial and cultural differences, the Sabertusks believe that in order to achieve success, we must all unite as one. As an unstoppable Horde.”

What is The Sabertusk Pact?

The Sabertusks abide by the philosophy: “People make the Horde”. We believe that in order to fully prosper as a faction - not only in terms of military, but also economy, culture and knowledge - all Horde aligned races must place the infighting and prejudices aside to form an unstoppable force.

The Sabertusk Pact, although originally a Zandalari company, consists of every Horde member who would like to help out the cause without necessarily enlisting into the official military. We are contractors who provide a variety of services not only to the Horde as a whole, but also the members within it - as such, we can be hired for tasks that abide by the conduct of the Horde, for example security & guarding services, artifact retrieval and paramilitary support.


The Sabertusk Pact was originally founded shortly after events of Isle of Thunder, as a Zandalari based company, aiming to support the empire through whatever means necessary, as long as it upholded the Zandalari values and honour. Be it providing supplies for the cohorts, retrieving valuable artefacts or guarding the vaults, the Sabertusks would pick up the jobs most other groups would shy away from.

Why Sabertusk, you ask? Sabertusks are intelligent, proud and fierce dinosaurs native to Zandalar. Tamed by the beastmasters and respected by the dinomancers, these beasts were always the pride of the Zandalari, and just like sabertusks, we take up any challenge thrown at us.

When the Zandalari Empire joined Horde under leadership of Queen Talanji, we decided to expand our horizons and provide for the Horde just as we provided for the Zandalar. Although the Pact is now led by a Nightborne(appointed by previous leaders for her unwavering loyalty and contribution), Deathspeaker Nezumi works hard to ensure that the Zandalari roots are still present, with the help of other trolls in the Pact.


Huntress - Leader of the Pact whose voice is final in making or approving decisions. She manages and looks over the rest of the members, as well as approves contracts. Current Huntress is Vosri Soulstar.

Council - The Council consists of the Leader’s most trusted, loyal and skilled individuals who aid her in leading the Pact. The leader of the council and second in command is ranked as Chief Councillor, who often acts as a mediator between members of the council. Currently, following people make up the council: Nezumi(Chief Council), Xarkul, Lun’aneth Leysong and Sehit Cravenfang.

Exalted - highest and most respectable rank a non-officer may advance to. This position is reserved for those who have not only worked in the Pact for a long time, but also for those who had shown continuous contribution and loyalty to the cause.

Saberguard - a honorary rank given to those who had proven themselves continuously throughout their service, and have been approved by all members of the Council as well as the Huntress. The Saberguards embody the very essence of the Pact, and are an example for others to follow.

Devoted - Also nicknamed as Atal’Sabertusk back in the day, the Devoted members had shown to be a step forward from their peers; their resolve, loyalty and honour making them a desirable and trustworthy pillars of the Pact.

Bloodied - the rank of Bloodied is given to fully fledged members of the Pact who had served for some time and never fail to impress the council with their dedication and hard work.

Hatchling - the first promotion available within the Pact, given to members who had proven themselves to be a little more than a mere coin-grabber. They’re settled into the Pact and work hard for the cause.

Unproven - a starting rank for those who had just joined the Pact. They are undergoing a constant scrutiny from the Pact’s leaders, and have to prove themselves before becoming a fully fledged member.

Events & RP

Our RP is mostly revolving around mercenary/contractors/adventure roleplay with regularly DM’ed events - often including combat, travelling, guarding, supply and caravan delivery, retrieving of artifacts, and many more, all with focus on Horde patriotism. We also put emphasis on social RP and events for members to strengthen their bonds with other comrades.

We are always happy to collaborate with other guilds and communities!

Rules & Regulations

Every member must abide by a set of rules that were established in order to provide a good RP and gaming environment. The breach of each of these rules is dealt with on an individual basis, depending on the severity etc.

  1. Respect one another and do not cause or involve yourself in drama. If there are any issues you have with something, be it another guild member or just in general, then bring it up with one of the officers and we will sort it out.

  2. Don’t go overboard while joking about serious issues like rape, torture, selfharm, suicide etc. in public guild channel; just be sensible. We aim to maintain a positive atmosphere and a safe space for all guild members.

  3. ERP in public channels is strictly forbidden, and if you’re found doing it, you will be instantly removed from the guild.

  4. Keep IC in IC, and OOC in OOC. We are all here to have fun, and any issues IC should not be taken personally.

  5. Do not OOC spy on RPing people(spying IC is fine), and do not spread any OOC gossip; similarily, do not metagame and use information gained OOCly to take advantage ICly.

  6. God emoting is strongly forbidden, and in case someone deliberately decides to god emote, they will be banned from attending the current event. If it occurs more than once after a reprimand, a g-kick will be issued.

  7. Snowflaking will not be tolerated, and if found to be doing so through whatever means a higher up with specified lore knowledge will discuss your char further and find a way around it. This does NOT mean your character cannot be unique, though.


The Sabertusk Pact allows for a freedom in terms of uniform and dresscode. You can wear pretty much anything you want, as long as it is of course lore friendly and sensible. During official guild business, it is required that all members wear either a tabard, cloak or a pin with guild’s logo attached to a visible place.

What characters are we looking for?

The Sabertusk Pact is open to any Horde loyalists who wish to support the cause without necessarily being a warrior or a fighting character. As such, apart from fighters, we accept traders, scholars, labour workers, blacksmiths, medics, cooking chefs - anyone who can help!

As such, we accept all in-game classes including death knights and demon hunters, as long as they fit in with the guild’s theme.

In OOC terms, we are looking for people who wish to RP with us in a chill atmosphere and who feel like their characters would fit in with the guild. We expect that every member has a good grasp on English grammar and spelling, as well as basics of WoW roleplaying(we are always happy to help out if needed!)

If you are interested in joining the Sabertusks, have any questions or simply want to plan something with us, send an in-game message to anyone in the guild and they will redirect you to one of the officers.

Thanks for reading, I hope you all have a great day! :smiley:


Having come from the Alliance Roleplay scene where everything was fluffy and light hearted the Horde definitely gave me a wake up call into what it was to RP in game.

The sabertusk pact gave been extremely kind and supportive as I’ve not only levelled up my character but also learned the new lore side of things.

Good starting guild with a lot of potential!


This is truly amazing, another gift for our community. (especially the based troll community!) :heart:

The GM is one of my best friends, really lovely, kind, nice, helpful and dedicated. This guild is surely something to go for! :blush:

For de Horde, mon!


It seems today is shaping up pretty darn well for the Horde role-play across the board. Looking good!


:heart::heart::heart::heart: Thanks for all the kind words!


dam gotta say this kinda n i c e tho


:eyes: in ten characters


The guild is quite fresh so the topic will be regularly updated should there be any changes to structure, ranks etc. Open to any feedback as well! <3

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For everything I have been on up till now, the events have been fun, comedy is great in certain times. I mean, I usually play alliance, but these guys convinced me to make a horde character. Lvl 60 now, but I’ll eventually get myself to level it all the way up. Till then, I’ll just enjoy chill rp with 'em.
Also. People should join them. >:D


as a part of the officer team, I can also add we have a very tight-knit ooc community that jokes around when the situation allows, has a good time, and always strives to help other members of our community. We take into consideration everyone’s ideas and implement them should they provide a big enough positive difference, everyone’s voice deserves to be heard.


We have a cool discord server and some of us do casual content regularly(gasp content in a RP guild?!) when not RPing so you’ll rarely get bored with us :>

You can find us most often hanging around Orgrimmar; we don’t have official headquarters yet(we need more people for that) but members of our pack can sleep and eat for free in the Valley of Wisdom tent. :sunglasses:

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Been there two weeks since the original post was done.

What has happened? Quiet a bit to be honest!

My character, with storylines allowing it has gone from a low hatchling to now a devoted! Eek! Talk about progression within the guild!

The events that are put on are not your typical ‘train and casual RP’, there is real thought behind them, with planned out objectives, use of the terrain and even some surprises going on!

The fact that this plays out well for character development and guild growth is a huge win!

Highly recommend giving this guild a try!


We are also starting our first in-guild campaign from Monday! As Vosri said, we really do care about character development and are actively supporting our members with it as well as developing new plotlines to allow such!

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Little bit of an update for people. Due to personal reasons the original founding GM has stepped down for a while, the guild is still thriving and currently we are hosting events with fifteen people involved! :open_mouth:

Don’t be afraid to seek us out!



We had a lovely and relaxing story-telling social event. Was a great turnout with over fifteen people and characters from various backgrounds had their chance to talk about their upbringing and culture!

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Been a while since a post was made on this so figured I would allow people a little bit of an insight into a couple of story-lines we had wrap up this month:

The Guild has expanded quiet a bit, we now have (on average) 14 people turn up to events that are hosted by our officers.

We now have an active Council which allows for more events, more RP and more fun! (Wahoooo!)

During the Month of September, we had an on-going storyline involve the Pact being attacked and their leader being kidnapped! What was a rather fun event allowed for people to develop and grow as characters.

The fellow Officers and I have been work hard to get some good solid RP events for people to join in and it seems to be working. So if you would like to know more, feel free to ping on of the Council or even myself!

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Also wanted to add that we have an updated rank system which goes like that:

Unproven -> Hatchling -> Bloodied -> Devoted -> Saberguard -> Exalted -> Council -> The Huntress(Vosri)

That being said, we reformed the rank system so that ranking up feels rewarding and eventful(especially as you rank up higher and higher). I’ll update the thread later but I’ve already described the new ranks on our AA page if you want to check it out😎


I was not forced to say this at all by the Moderators to comment something nice on our Guild Thread as a member and it’s a really good guild with active people and officers and GM and I have a lot of fun and it’s a really good guild and you should join it’s fun :grinning: