Hello from Canada! New to server

Hello AD-EU!
After mulling it over for a while, I’ve finally decided to buy some game time to give your lovely realm a shot. I’m not new to WoW RP, but each server has its quirks.

I’m still picking my way through the AD forum posts, but there’s a few things I’m wondering about:

  • how’s the Horde/Alliance population balance these days?
  • Does AD have “server/realm lore/canon”? (whatever you wanna call it)
  • RP hotspots (random/walk up as opposed to guild-based)
  • Realm discord servers?
  • Basically anything I should know about rp on AD.
  • Realm peak times?

What little wandering I have done has been fun, and while I’m enjoying being an observer, it would be nice to interact a bit more (gotta work on that TRP). Thanks in advance for any insight :slight_smile:

Edit: while I am posting on an Alliance character, Horde is an equally valid option for me and would love to hear about rp on both sides.


there’s way more alliance than horde. That’s not to say that the horde is not active though!

No, we do not.

Stormwind and orgrimmar has the most

we have some, yes, I’ll find the links in a bit;

We also have a general discord server but I’m having a hard time digging up the thread for it.

early evening, DST


Are you Brodef 2.0?

Check out the realm pop site

Yeah it’s called pray to ur roman gods or burn

Whatever people say, don’t go to the Cathedral. Lovejoy might get their hands on u

We’re like rabid animals on this server, unable to come together for extended periods of time.

It’s more lively than Moonglade :woman_shrugging:

EU time


Avoid Goldshire and Lion’s Rest in Stormwind.

Also make sure you’ve got your TRP3’s mature profile filter set on pretty high (it’s automatically 7 but goes to 10) unless you want to read some nasty descriptions.

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Bonjour from the other side!


Hello and welcome!

Alliance is the much bigger faction, but you won’t find shortage of roleplay on Horde side either. Both sides are very active and rich with guilds and events, so there’s room for a great variety of character concepts on both sides.

Not really, I think massive RP events/campaigns might be as close as one gets to creating server canon by simply involving and affecting a great number of characters IC.

Stormwind, Darkshire and Orgrimmar are the most active current hubs that I know of. A lot of guilds tour the world on adventures and some guilds even avoid lingering in the hubs so what you see there is far from the whole scope of RP happening on AD daily.

I think someone can link it/them. There’s also a Facebook group for AD and a separate AD FB art group called Argent Arts. Plus there’s the RP web portal Argent Archives for sharing stories, art, character profiles, guilds, events and more.

AD is an old community, much has happened over time and some OOC disagreements and grudges run deep. You’re bound to see OOC arguing both on the forums and in-game because of bad blood between individuals or groups. My advice is don’t believe the first thing you hear; build your own opinion about people and communities based on what you see of their actions yourself.

I’d say 8-11PM Server Time on week days and maybe 7-12PM on weekends?

Good luck and again welcome to AD!


You’re welcome here since you’re a Canadian.

We need a little kindness here, and what better than a Canadian?


Hello Rivensail and a warm welcome to the server - I hope you’ll enjoy your time here.

If you’re looking to join a discord server which is open to the entire realm, with dedicated channels to such activities as general chatting, PvP/PvE and most importantly, RP and Lore, then I think you should join THIS server:

h ttps://discord .gg/ESSdKNz

It is named the AD/D (Argent Dawn Discord) and is an award winning server that welcomes all friendly people - I am sure you’ll find something to your liking, there.

Hope to see you!


This is helpful, and I’m a little surprised (but pleased) to see Darkshire on that list! I’m a huge fan and supporter of world RP and love meeting random other RPers “out in the wild”. How likely would you say it is for this type of situation to happen? Also, I’ll be sure to check out Argent Archives.

As much as Moon Guard-US gets ripped on for Goldshire, it’s interesting to see it’s “a thing” on other servers too. I wouldn’t be surprised if it originated on MG, but curious, nonetheless. The wider RP community on MG pretty much sees it as the server “contagion field” and is very largely ignored. Sometimes if it comes up ICly, I refer to it as one of Azeroth’s “red light districts” :laughing:

Seriously though, thanks for all the helpful information so far. It’s daunting enough checking out other realms alread existing on my side of the pond, but even more so in EU. Not to mention with a completely new bnet account with no history/heirlooms/mounts etc :sob:

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Also, RIP me. Posted that reply on the wrong character :<

Welcome to the server!

Argent Dawn is known for adhering as close as possible to the canon lore given to us. Role play is a co-operative experience, and when people start having wildly clashing headcanon, nothing is going to get done when majority play by the official guidelines given to us and someone’s out there doing their own thing. To use Moonguard-US as the wildest example, people establishing their own kingdoms and races like the Falmer ripped out of Skyrim doesn’t go down well with people here.

As mentioned previously, the various server campaigns are the closest thing we have to server lore, but the etiquette is to always leave things the way you left them – i.e, you wouldn’t go around claiming you nuked Crossroads or Thelsamar, since obviously those settlements still exist. You can’t force that kind of headcanon on people who aren’t aware of what happened.

The most destruction I’ve ever seen happen in a server campaign was the scouring of the Nayeli Lagoon during the Krasarang RP PVP campaign in the summer of 2016, but also we spent a good amount of the campaign orchestrating its restoration and healing with various druids, shaman and other spellweavers working together to reverse the damage done.


It varies so much for each zone I really can’t give an estimation, but in short; it’s likely to see roleplayers out in the wild. The realm is still very much thriving. You could use the roleplayer scan feature in TRP some evenings just to get an idea of how many zones are being used by people.


Yeah, 100% agree. I also prefer a lore-adhering approach to RP for the same reason you stated. At the same time, not knowing what AD is like yet, it’s good to get feedback on this.

Acknowledgement of large scale events, well known/established guilds/characters etc is more along the lines of what I mean when I say “server lore”.

Yeah this is ridiculous, and tbh, most people on MG I think would agree. The general attitude towards “out there” examples like this is to mostly just say “Ok, good to meet you! Have a nice day” and move on :woman_shrugging:

Oh yeah, that’s fine. With that mindset, I feel like you’d fit right in. :slight_smile:


It very much depends on where you are, and where other guilds are. I had a brief amount of RP with someone in Ratchet while levelling my Mage once, but I wouldn’t say it’s particularly common. However, non-city hubs are usually places like Astranaar, Lakeshire (sometimes), and often places near the cities to begin with, like Razor Hill. I believe Eastvale Logging Camp is startign to see some activity too.

From my experience, it’s very common for people to void the idea that any kind of mass-ERP/meme spam/etc should have a legitimate impact on how characters see the world. I would be quite surprised if characters regarded Goldshire as anything more than a sleepy village in Elywnn that hires adventurers to kill local pests.

Either way; welcome to Argent Dawn! I hope I see you out and about sometime.


This excites me. I’ll definitely be using (abusing?) that scan feature when I wander into another zone.

Another thing:
What’s the Cross-faction RP scene like here? On NA realms it’s very alive, and I think safe to say it’s done wonders for boosting activity on the lesser used faction of a given realm. There are usually several server events a month that are cross-faction/neutral friendly, and probably many more than that among guilds.

The cross-faction scene isn’t very active right now, largely because of the on-going war theme in BFA. Time will tell what the end of the war and the armistice will do to revive that scene. That’s not to say that there isn’t any neutral RP, but most of the cross-faction RP thus far has focused around the faction war with the introduction of the Elixir of Tongues.

I know there’s some kind of community in Booty Bay, though I can’t vouch for how active it is. RP in Pandaria is bound to have some neutral themes.

Interesting! I’d say the current war theme of BfA is largely what has fuelled cross-faction RP on other realms. From what I can tell, it’s because folks are ICly (probably oocly too) sick and tired of constant back-and-forth war/temporary allies which led to this option. That’s not to say there aren’t still major fueds going on, one example being some pretty large scale cross-rp RPPvP events which were quite successful.

It’s good to just keep in mind people might be in the middle of a DM event when out in the wild and acting on things invisible to you because of using /raid channel. Whispering someone of the group to make sure never hurts to avoid an awkward walk-in. :slight_smile:

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