Originally in that thread you had wrote “so give us seperate queues”. It’s adorable that you’ve editted that part though, at least you acknowledge how much of a hypocrite you are.
I said INcorrect, not correct.
Hilarious. You’ve got constant lies as well as editting to hide what you originally said.
Just sit down and shut up. At least the other “I want seperate queues” posters were honest.
Dude, you are getting paranoid now. Read the thread you linked. You are the only one using the word premade in there. The only topic of the thread is layering. I never used changes to argue for possible improvements to the game. People still won’t believe your lies when you make them bigger. Are that desperate?
So you interpret this:
Out of this:
I think this is what happens to your brain when you spend 16 hours a day lieing about premade vs premade queues.
So debunking your lie that 40 connected megaservers, with populations of single servers being higher than entire battlegroups, is proving you arguments correct now? There really might be a neurological issue at this point.
You need to have prove to make hilarious accusations like that. Would be the same as if I was saying you called for murder in another thread. I always use your own quotes in this thread to show your hypocrisy and debunk your lies. You can’t even find a close basis for all the strawman arguments you use by going through all of my posts. Pathetic.
So people who debunk your lies and show your hypocrisy need to “just sit down and shut up”? Don’t think there is a better way of proving that you lost the debate.
Yeah, in cotrast to you most people in favor of premade vs premade queues want to improve the game and bring it closer to Vanilla while all you do is lying to get personal gain out of a broken system. By nature they are more honest than you.
You do know that nobody else actually reads this argument between us, right? So you editting your comments and then denying them is essentially between us. You know damn well you did that, so just sit down and shut up.
FYI; when your post has been editted there’s a little pencil icon in the rop right corner of your post, so anybody can clearly see you’ve editted it.
Of course I now it. Thats the reason I can’t unterstand why you constantly start lieing and switch to personal attacks and insults when your arguments get debunked.
FYI: People use the editing function to correct grammatical errors. I can’t just go to every person who corrected something and accuse him of saying something I want. Pathetic.
No. I already won the debate but I will still be here and debunk every lie you make about premade vs premade queues. Its pretty easy because you just say the same nonsense 16 hours a day. I can live with all the insults because they just prove me right.
Flipping the table and claiming victory isn’t actually winning.
Go home Rutaler. You’re actually one of the biggest morons I’ve ever had the misfortunate of communicating with. 10 years I’ve been on these forums and you are the first and only person to ever make it to my “blocked people” list.
I even used it right now because I misspelled ‘editing’. But keep living in your own delusions.
Winning every argument and getting attacked personally because of it is probably the clearest sign of winning a debate.
I might not spend 16 hours a day in the forums lying and attacking players who are in favor of premade vs premades queues but I’m still at home.
Pretty sure you call everyone names you lose a debate to and block them. After all it’s the easy way out when you lose a debate and fits your personality very well. Good for me. Now I can just take a few secounds to debunk your false arguments and expose your lies without having to deal with your desperate attempts to save your face, all the flip-floping and the personal attacks. Peace.
They should add an additional queue for BGs which gives zero honor. Call it Casual Mode. Doesnt hurt the premades/honor grinders and lets the players who don’t care about honor play against what I would assume to be mostly pugs.
I would play those a lot, unlike now when I never do BGs at all even though I used to love them.