HK’s missing after classic era patch/pvp update

correction over the next few hours/days?? Think you guys forgot to add weeks/months


another Wednesday and still no changes

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Just logged in to check - HKs missing, progress, years.

Also 15 AVs running and zero WSG and zero ABs…

PvP is dead lol, what is this!

Yea just had a look, can confirm, no change.
Missing 196 597.


I admire your optimism that you mean weeks/months and not years/never. Now I wouldn’t bet on it getting fixed anymore.
I can also confirm no change with the reset. Still nothing, …

I think you don’t understand me, so I will rephrase it. I am aware that the dishonorable kill will not disappear.

However when you look at the section in the honor tab it says:

DHKs 1


This Week

Last Week

DHKs 1

It keeps on displaying the dishonorable kill as if I got it today. I don’t think that is the right way it is supposed to be?

While todays hks are updating?

That is another thing broken then.

Very nice this honor update. Is it not

No change whatsoever …again

Oh look, the us thread had this update 19hours ago;

"Hey all. I completely understand wanting an update on the missing lifetime honorable kills! At this point, though, we’ve restored everything that we can. Unfortunately, due to some pretty fundamental limitations of the game, not all of the data was recoverable in specific, rare circumstances.

I’m so sorry to be the bearer of bad news to anyone still missing lifetime honorable kills. :disappointed:"

“specific, rare circumstances.”
So everyone. How nice they are to us.
And it seems they are very sorry.
Gee I guess it is all fine then. :slightly_smiling_face:


rip guys

Now I wonder how often does Blizzard backup the characters database, for like total loss of the actual database and/or hard drive.
At least once a day or week but in any case before every maintenance.
I doubt that they can’t, they just won’t “waste” time for it.

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If true, this is a disaster of epic proportions.

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hello please try fix it people spent time on it thanks

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another Wednesday and still no changes

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Character: Zvx
Server: Firemaw
Hks before: ±100k
Hks now: 27870

(more infos: Rank 13, Very old ranker 2019/2020 / ±89k hks before TBC release. T3 full set)

Blizzard fix it please, I dont, WE dont, want to hear any “sorry guys”. Not after these hours of /played++++.
What is the next step ? Tomorrow, an another bug and Ill lose my MoM and my T3 set ? And you’re going to say “sorry we can’t recover it”?
Unsubscribe is coming, if nothing is done. It is too much.


What Herzlaid said is true. Especially after the GM response in the US thread (they cant (I think they just dont want) continue investigating this).

We really need to spread this topic to social media.
Bad PR is usually what solves these problems the fastest.
I remember a guy getting banned wrongfully and only a twitter blow-up made Blizz move.

Does somebody of you guys have twitter?
Also contacting big WoW streamers on Twitch and Youtube is a very good idea.

Other then that I dont see them fixing this anymore.
There a hundreds of people affected and nobody of us likes them just sweeping this issue under the table.

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Fixed it for you.

hello please try fix it people spent time on it thanks

We should continue expressing our disappointment into oblivion with this post until somethings gets done.

I could not care less if this means posting here every week of the year. We have 2.4k views we probably need 10k+, 20k+, whatever is needed.

This cannot be a precedent. As somebody stated above, what is next? One day losing a piece of gear and ooops sorry!?

This is a major, major issue. It messes up with individual accomplishments. A resolution must be found, even if that means manually racking up the numbers to a HK level that resembles what we used to have.


Right bump bump.
Still missing 196 597 exactly.

Where are my skulls at you soulless thieves.
They are meant for khorne, not incompetent blizzard developers.