HK’s missing after classic era patch/pvp update

Whats going on in Blizzard at the moment ? Every Ticket i open the GMs say that the Developers arent doing anything or theres nothing that can be done . NONE of us have our HKS back , NONE . UPDATE US !


I write the following message on behalf of Nour, since he canceled his sub a month ago and is unable to write in the forums:

"Like Hombresi said, bad PR is usually what solves these problems the fastest, because they are probably trying to sweep this issue under the table. And in my opinion, bad PR is now the ONLY way. We can’t rely on Blizzard anymore. The best method would be to reach out to popular streamers on Twitch or YouTube.

And like Bananoid said, this is a major issue. It is simply unacceptable. Lifetime honorable kills are not achieved with just a couple months of grinding. I lost 65K, just like Herzlaid. I can’t remember how long it took me to achieve my prior 123K, maybe 2 years. And what about players who lost even more than that? Têngil lost approximately 200K!!! If these big numbers, which people grinded months/years for, are just being deleted out of nowhere without a promise to restore them, then they is no reason to play this game anymore. Like someone already mentioned here, what is next then? Maybe one day you log in and half your T3 set is gone and there is nothing you can do about it. From now on, nobody can be sure that anything will remain like it is, whether it is lifetime honorable kills, items, achievements, skills, whatever. Isn’t that great?

The least that should be done by Blizzard is trying harder to solve this issue and engaging more with the community, especially the affected players. But I don’t see any of this happening. And that’s why I will never buy a WoW subscription again as long as this problem won’t get fixed properly. I’ve already canceled my sub a month ago because of this and I will not support this low effort “customer service” with my wallet any longer. And by “customer service”, I mean the people at Blizzard who are responsible and have the capability to solve this problem. Whoever at Blizzard is responsible for the pursue of a solution for this issue and has no interest in pursuing it for whatever reason, it’s YOU who I and many other affected players have a big problem with. No love for the game from you = no love (money and dedication) for the game from me ever again.

I hope that the WoW Classic community will work together to draw more attention to this issue to popular streamers and on social media. Here is the video-link again, where Herzlaid’s HK’s get deleted: - you are all allowed to use it as proof. Share it and hopefully some popular streamer will see it and we can make lots of people aware of how ridiculous this whole situation is. Maybe we will succeed at the end if we try hard enough.

Salutations to all my fellow PvP players. Stay adamant! Don’t underestimate the power we have together.


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Copy Paste this and open a ticket . Let them READ how we ALL FEEL and plan to do next!

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Still missing 65k HKs,
@Kaivax, could you pls give us an update? It’s completely unacceptable to ignore us as we are your customers and paying money to your company for many years.
Please give us a reply.

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Hi Kaivax,

It is baffling no news have been given regarding this issue. Even a “we are busy at the moment, will look at it soon would help.”

Bear in mind this is the first time ever that I can recall, that progression has been stripped from players randomly. Also, it happens to affect some of the most active players ever on Era. If anybody has paid for this project, it is some of the players here.

Even if the records are missing, there are ways to see if a given player has indeed a WAY higher count of HKs than what the tab shows now. Think of /played or BG reputations.

You have to have the capacity to at least manually rack up the numbers of HKs - Heck, there are even people here with videos and screenshots as proof as to what has happened. What else do you need?

If you believe this post will die off, well, we are some of the most hc Era players around. It hurts to the core to have lost 65k HKs man… it takes forever to get to those numbers… unbelievable.


nothing fixed still missing 131+k hk

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Another week without my hks lifetime on my char “Zvx-Firemaw”

wakey wakey, is this how blizzard treats their paying customers?


They cant fix a login issue, how on earth are they gona fix that? They just robbed you off 65k HKs like its nothing

So Monday 10/9/23.
Still not sorted. Missing 196 597 HKS exactly.


Omfg Têngil …

me, approximately missing 75k hKS … means my entire years of ranking 1 from R13 in 2019-2020. Thank you blizzard :clown_face:

Where is Blizzard ?

The dude from US forums already said that they won’t recover the HKs.

Why are you guys still trying?

Cause we’re customers. We pay 13 euros/month. We’re disgusted by this unfairness. Then we talk.

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Well for me. Too much time, so I am unable to let it go.


Wednesday 11.10
still missing my 65k hks.
pls give us an update.

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It’s funny… I read it there too, but apparently Blizzard isn’t even able to write in the European forum anymore. Simply great!
Next time entire characters will be accidentally deleted by Blizzard, but don’t worry they will say it will be fixed within hours/days!

Honestly, I’d be really interested, does anyone know ONE who had this fixed?

To me, the post in the US forum just seems like a bad joke. It can’t be that difficult. I can even give Blizzard a video showing when it happened with the exact HKs before and after and nothing happens.
As long as I pay and are therefore allowed to write in the forum, unlike those who no longer pay and are therefore no longer allowed to write, I will play Cato the Elder and say: “Furthermore, I consider that the HKs have to be restored!”
It’s just a matter of principle. Why should I shut up? I’m having fun with it. It’s definitely more fun than playing retail. I have my principles, popcorn and something to drink. It’s entertaining to see how Blizzard is driving not only WoW but also Overwatch, Heros of the Storm and Diablo IV into the wall. Although I have to admit, if I were an optimist, this great customer service might make me optimistic about Blizzard’s future! As we all know, the future of gaming lies in mobile gaming anyway. So why should we care?


Perplexity said he had it fixed within like 48h.
At least that was my understanding.

Yea, they can’t even make a post in the EU forums.
They just don’t ducking care.

Many of the 1.14.4 issues are still not fixed and I have no clue why you guys still trying for your HKs.
I mean good luck, hopefully they fix it but losing data like that would make me lay down this service instantly.

It’s ridiculous not having backups before launching 1.14.4 and if they got backups (and I think they do) they just don’t want to invest that time to give you your HKs back.

They never do.
Last year they decided that the only survivng RP realm would be Hydraxian Waterlords, and Kaivax even didn´t bother to update the german thread.
It would have been at least some kind of respect towards the biggest remaining community, but… nope.

That being said, i do understand that´s not fun to have the HK lost.
But i doubt they´ll be able to restore them.

During the “realm consolidation” (realm murder) last year, they actually lost complete characters.
I know player who lost characters (including myself), and at least one who lost all of his level 60-70.
His bank characters arrived, but his mains never did.

the GM response was more or less literally “I couldn´t find the chars in the data record. sorry. have a nice day, bye”

I would have assumed, too, that they had MANY BACKUPS to avoid exactly this situation, but… apparently, no :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Wait ? The problem we all have here, Perplexity had it and it was solved for him ?!
Do you have more information ?