Horde bias are killing classic "slowly"

Agreed. They should have managed the balance properly.

However the original sin is deep inside game design.
If you separate players into only 2 factions there will be imbalance even if the game is perfectly fair.
The slightest imbalance combined with minmaxer mentality makes a self-accelerating process: the more joins to the “better” faction the better that faction will be in reality simply because of the growing imbalance. And it motivates more players to switch until the game became unplayable to the other faction and the whole system collapses.

The solution would be to add at least an another faction and that could self-balance the system.
For example if blizz would want to save retail (they don’t but let’s assume), they should split both horde and alliance into two more faction and build the pvp system on them.
Let’s say forsaken could leave horde with goblins and bloodelves while orcs, tauren and trolls could remain in the horde. Also nelfs, draeneys and worgen could leave alliance and humans, dwarves and gomes could stay.
This way pvp would be less predictable and also more balanced.

Of course it’s an intrinsically flawed game, it’s the first iteration of a 15-year old game. There’s a reason why I rolled on a PvE server, everybody and their little brother would have expected PvP servers to be a dumpster fire, especially once it became clear Blizz wouldn’t keep servers at Vanilla size.

I just hope that, if/once TBC comes around, people will have finally taken off their PvP-colored glasses.

I think we can all agree on this. This would have soothed all of the wpvp issues as well as sort of helped with the balance issues, resources would be less scarce, it would be less torturous to be in the open world as a minority faction etc.

I also agree they should have added more pve servers, honestly.

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Blizzard should start new pvp servers with population restrictions, only 1 horde char created per 1 alliance char created
And exclude it from x-realm battlegroups

Here’s what horde bias in my opinion. Shamans are broken op. While Paladins arn’t. shamans are op even in early levels blizzard needs to stop being so much in love with the horde and start treating the Alliance good again.

I guess this doesn’t take PvE and large-scale organized PvP into account, right?

It’s for both as the horde’'s class can easilly both be great healers and great dps aswell while we paladins can barelly dps we need the high end game items to just be decent and what does blizzard do? Northing they even took away our good stuff.

Hell yeah dude. Blessing of Freedom on a warrior is totally useless and won’t make most casters run in fear as the unstoppable wrecking machine comes their way.
Who wants Blessing of Protection either?
Bubble simply isn’t strong enough, it needs to do MORE than make you COMPLETELY IMMUNE TO EVERYTHING IN THE GAME.

Sure buddy, ok.

You should write less and spend more time learning your class. Both from a support point of view and from a healing point of view, Paladins are superior to Shamans in Classic in nearly every way.

Healing-wise, Paladins are the undisputedly best tank healers in the game. As gear progresses, their mana sustenance gets better and better, to the point that no class can possibly compete with them. Shamans, on the other hand, have good raid healing but not any better (both in terms of mana sustenance and healing output) than Priests.

Furthermore, unlike Shamans, Paladins can dispel magic defensively. This is huge for PvE. Offensive dispelling is rarely required on raids - and when it’s required, it’s generally on one target only (the boss, generally). Defensive dispelling, on the other hand, is almost always required on multiple characters at the same time, so having multiple chars in a raid that can dispel magic eases things tremendously. The only upside for Shammies is that Poison Cleansing Totem makes a couple bosses in AQ40 (Bug Trio and Viscidus) notably easier, but that’s about it.

The huge difference between Shamans and Paladins however lies in their support. The fact Paladin blessings can affect the whole raid and are not limited to just their party is very big. As a mage, for example, I often find myself in groups without shamans, which means ZERO buffs. Even if I had a shaman in my group, all it would mean for me is -20% threat (Tranquil Air), 12.5 mana every 2 seconds (Mana Spring), and the occasional Mana Tide.

In a typical Alliance raid with 3+ Paladins, I’d have -30% threat (Salvation), 39.6 mana every 5 seconds (Wisdom), and +10% to all my stats (Kings). And if the paladin was in my group, I’d even have pushback resistance (Concentration Aura).

The only thing Shamans have over Paladins, in terms of support, is Windfury Totem. But unless they totem twist (which chews through the shaman’s mana very fast, gimping his raid healing), they have to choose between this and Tranquil Air or Grace of Air. And you need a shaman in every melee group (which generally means 4+) to cover the entirety of the raid’s needs. Meanwhile, 3 Paladins at most are enough to cover BOTH the melee (who still enjoy Might, Kings, Salvation) AND the casters (who generally get nothing from shamans, since they’re all in the melee and healer groups).

The fact Paladin’s blessings are not party-limited is even MORE relevant in large-scale PvP, where often you don’t have the luxury of always having your party members nearby and alive (and you don’t need to recast blessings just because your party moved 20-30y away, unlike totems). If you couple that with the fact holydins can reach even higher levels of damage mitigation while keeping their allies (REGARDLESS of whether they’re party members or not) free from snares/slows, magic, poison and diseases, you should see why they’re by far the BEST PvP healers in Vanilla. Even before considering the fact they can just cast Divine Shield in a pinch.

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No you wouldn’t. You would quit around the time u go STV lol.
Alliance right now is drying up, nobody new are joining and leveling, most grps are guilds boosting their alts anyway, at this point leveling alliance is the worst mistake u can make if u start fresh.

Look, another smart person who fail to see its custumors vs blizz and not horde vs alliance…

Fml People like you make me weep for humanity as a whole.

Ever heard of PvE servers?

Well AV is now dead let’s see what’s next.

It was all our fault to trust a scummy company and that they would stick with their “nochanges” promise before anything. We made the mistake and that money-grabbing monkeys changed their game because their favorite faction’s 14 year old kids were crying on the forums.

Now since I have a guild that I’m an officer of I can’t quit the game, but I will make sure to boycott every new game that this company will make for my entire life. I already got my refund for WC3: Retarded before even trying it because it is made by activision blizzort.

From now on, I will not pay a single cent to the company and will talk garbage about it wherever I go. Even on my phd thesis, I will probably give some examples from this company’s history to exemplify how low can some game developers can go (it is on gaming studios, yes).

You made a lifelong enemy Blizzard Activision. You broke the oath.

Nobody, and i really can not stress this enough: Nobody cares about your 1-2 PvE servers. They are an abnormality.

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PVP is a temporary element.

Main reason why blizzard’s changes stun me. In half a year nobody will care about AV premades, WSG premades, being mindcontrolled out of WSG, backdooring in AV, rushing Drek/Vann, cave farming, fishing, dodging etc.

Well, at least BWL works fine here. Have fun staring at the loading screen in the meanwhile.

AV is dead LOL - AV is certainly not dead, I click to join a game, play my 2nd account on laptop (alliance) levelling on gehennas (horde controlled) btw which is very fun, and 40 mins later, am in AV killing alliance.

Alliance are just salty they cant premade as easy now.
Check the other threads, I’ve posted a way for alliance to win, that’s how alliance have won when I’ve lost some AV’s.

If it should even be near op then it should last at least 30 secends as it did back in Warcraft 3 and that we’d have reckoning aswell to counter your broken op chain lightning.

Which is true. You don’t need a premade to have an organised av group. Get off your high horse :blush: