You should write less and spend more time learning your class. Both from a support point of view and from a healing point of view, Paladins are superior to Shamans in Classic in nearly every way.
Healing-wise, Paladins are the undisputedly best tank healers in the game. As gear progresses, their mana sustenance gets better and better, to the point that no class can possibly compete with them. Shamans, on the other hand, have good raid healing but not any better (both in terms of mana sustenance and healing output) than Priests.
Furthermore, unlike Shamans, Paladins can dispel magic defensively. This is huge for PvE. Offensive dispelling is rarely required on raids - and when it’s required, it’s generally on one target only (the boss, generally). Defensive dispelling, on the other hand, is almost always required on multiple characters at the same time, so having multiple chars in a raid that can dispel magic eases things tremendously. The only upside for Shammies is that Poison Cleansing Totem makes a couple bosses in AQ40 (Bug Trio and Viscidus) notably easier, but that’s about it.
The huge difference between Shamans and Paladins however lies in their support. The fact Paladin blessings can affect the whole raid and are not limited to just their party is very big. As a mage, for example, I often find myself in groups without shamans, which means ZERO buffs. Even if I had a shaman in my group, all it would mean for me is -20% threat (Tranquil Air), 12.5 mana every 2 seconds (Mana Spring), and the occasional Mana Tide.
In a typical Alliance raid with 3+ Paladins, I’d have -30% threat (Salvation), 39.6 mana every 5 seconds (Wisdom), and +10% to all my stats (Kings). And if the paladin was in my group, I’d even have pushback resistance (Concentration Aura).
The only thing Shamans have over Paladins, in terms of support, is Windfury Totem. But unless they totem twist (which chews through the shaman’s mana very fast, gimping his raid healing), they have to choose between this and Tranquil Air or Grace of Air. And you need a shaman in every melee group (which generally means 4+) to cover the entirety of the raid’s needs. Meanwhile, 3 Paladins at most are enough to cover BOTH the melee (who still enjoy Might, Kings, Salvation) AND the casters (who generally get nothing from shamans, since they’re all in the melee and healer groups).
The fact Paladin’s blessings are not party-limited is even MORE relevant in large-scale PvP, where often you don’t have the luxury of always having your party members nearby and alive (and you don’t need to recast blessings just because your party moved 20-30y away, unlike totems). If you couple that with the fact holydins can reach even higher levels of damage mitigation while keeping their allies (REGARDLESS of whether they’re party members or not) free from snares/slows, magic, poison and diseases, you should see why they’re by far the BEST PvP healers in Vanilla. Even before considering the fact they can just cast Divine Shield in a pinch.