How can this level of griefing be allowed in an MMO Game?

Well you wanted classic you got it.Dunno what you expected from private server scum, they are Neandertals

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Hijacking RaidID could happen too you too btw, of all the things they did that is the crappiest. You can raid without buffs, but you can’t raid without raid

i think that guild is having more fun than u… its a pvp server, they just went the next lvl of “player vs player”


Sorry OP for that situation but according to the neckbeard of the board, this is the Classic experience you cannot skip.


You can skip it by using your brain. oh wai


ZT is the best server, all friendly and kind. You should consider joining our awesome server!


It’s really interesting to read people who frequently post on these forums.

“what did you expect” => I guess it was this way on Private Servers, and we should’ve known that PServer scum would bring their dirt to all classic servers. The fact you played with these scum and the fact you think alike doesn’t mean I should think alike.

“you did this to yourselves/you deserved it” = supposing we had a few griefers as said above, would it make this an excuse for some others to ruin the fun of all the guild?

“this is fun” = no it’s not. when you prepare for hours to do a dungeon and can’t even enter that dungeon because some psychos abused game mechanics to lock you out of your content isn’t fun. If this is your definition of fun, you should go see a doctor.

But actually what I understand from these posts is, the new generation is being raised in a totally toxic environment and they have different views of events. Because for sure, we didn’t have such attitude back in vanilla times.

I just hope more people take up this kind of grieving and make more people cry. Because it seems you feed on drama like this. Better to give you some enjoyment, because you really seem to be a sad bunch.


Most guilds on ZT don’t have this happen to them. Sounds like you’re not telling us the full story? People don’t do stuff like that for no reason.

lol thats loveble
imagine how many ppl can brag with ruining some dudes raids like that lol
epic trolls much respect



Also the fact that you even let this happen is also your own fault


I feel for ya it’s surprising the amount of dedication they have put into targeting your guild but as you said they also target others and make videos about it so they just sound like a bunch of sweaty basement dwellers with nothing better to do.

In my current guild we don’t get targeted in quite the same way but we know that if we try to enter Naxx on reset at standard raiding times then there is just no chance of it happening. We do our best to remove any chance of Horde players griefing us so we’ll have different summoners set up in STV, inside the DMT portal, Felwood and at Naxx so they can’t just target one location then on raid day one of our guildies will hold the raid ID all day giving players a chance to get inside and log off when there isn’t any Horde around early morning/afternoon is the best time as there won’t be many people online at that time and getting people in bit by bit makes it harder for a guild to grief as opposed to everyone running in at once.

This obviously takes a lot of coordination and effort from those involved but that’s just Classic for you. If you don’t take counter measures you just end up getting griefed.

I would suggest that you create a new guild discord and only let players in who you know you can trust. Have someone from your guild create an alt on the opposite faction to track the guild when getting buffs or trying to get into Naxx and finally perhaps try to clear Naxx without WB, you shouldn’t need them if everyone is using consumables.

Haha that’s some crazy stuff. On the other hand you don’t seem to have put much energy into fighting back either.

Make a buff train with the whole raid team (or multiple guilds), use only ony and zg, fight your way into Naxx from LHC… Do the same and bomb their raid! There are many ways to get back at them and minimize their impact on your guilds activity.

Coming to the forums to cry is guaranteed to have the opposite effect and further encourage them.

Hijacking the ID is the only thing that I do not condone as there is no player recourse/counter play. But that is probably what got them banned anyway.


We had some horde guilds trying to grief us while getting WCB and other buffs. In the end we had 1 of our own join them and wipe them in their own Speed Run.
I agree this meta is very toxic but it is what have atm.

Dumb comment.

Couldn’t read the entire thread, only half I guess…
Seems like these people getting that game pretty seriously RP-wise :slightly_smiling_face: Like you know, horde, alliance, everybody wanna slaughter other ones…
Looks like pretty much good conflict lore-wise. Remember how many quests have you done about “infiltrating another faction to disrupt them”? That’s it, but I’m classic it works only in a player driven way.

Seems bad for victims. But if you can’t play that what you wanna play anyway, why not to change your game? And switch from kissing squirrels to slaughtering those who ruin your life? That’s what Warcraft is about. Everybody “creating a war” :slight_smile:

At least as long as you on a PvP server.


“you did this to yourselves/you deserved it” = supposing we had a few griefers as said above, would it make this an excuse for some others to ruin the fun of all the guild?

Absolutely yes. Payback is a thing for a lot of people. When our guild got sapper bombed with full wbuffs a lot of people wanted blood. We convinced them to do it anonymous at least (not with our guild tag), because otherwise revenge gets out of control and turns into wars.

Also: action -> reaction. You got what you deserved.

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Have you forgotten that we play world of warcraft. The nerdiest no life game of all time.

That’s sounds like hugely more fun, than my experience in Classic.
Hunt them down, and make their (Azeroth) lives miserable.
If that was a Horde guild, I would level a character to join them.

PS: In Vanilla, I had KoS list for all the players that ganked low level characters, attacked me when I was low HPs and other “sinners”. Then I used my friend’s account to /who those players, track them and gank them until they log out. That was really fun.

edit: I lived in a basement at that time.

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Everyone think they are a raid boss until raiding begin. As some people pointed out, player vs player is the real end game in WoW. Don’t act like you would be a raid boss if you can’t be one.

Hope you learned your lessons and good luck in your future endeavors, for you will need it.

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