How long will servers be locked?

How is that even an option if you have several friends already playing on that realm, do you expect everyone to just leave their main and all the months worth of work they already did to get their characters to that point and reroll from lvl 1





I wanted to create another account on Gehennas and play on another faction aswell, paid sub, wanted to create character and found out it was locked. So i just made a REFUND of money. Your friend can do same!


If you don’t understand the situation, can you just shut up? Let them then return the free transfer so that I can play with my friend.

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Снежная буря. Что за…? Уже нет очередей? Открыть Големагг? Я хотел поиграть с моим братом. заплатил за подписку. Вам не нужны деньги? Теперь ты получил мои деньги. Но в следующий раз я не заплачу.

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Alright calm down, Rasputin.

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Blizzard can you answer when unlocking the server? just answer? one question. just one question!!! WHEN???


Thats what he does all day on these forums.

@Pairraniki: They probably literally can not, because it basically is not up to them anymore, but the players on those realms. In addition to the lockdowns, they can only plan a limited range of outgoing transfer targets and we have already seen that vast numbers of players rather queue than FCM out, which means that the current situation might remain rather long.

@Naydie: I am not 100% sure, but judging by some other posts I think to lockdown is complete, no incoming transfers at all, not even for people with characters already in.

No. Won’t happen. The servers are full and will stay closed. End of discussion.

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Who are you? A monkey. Shut your mouth! Go to play teldrassil ! and don’t blather here!

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What the queues? there are no queues in Golemag!

@Pairraniki: Currently not, because that realm and around half a dozen others are locked and layered.

ok. will have to buy an account

Can you do a paid transfer for an alt to your locked server when your main is on that server?

The answer is pretty clear, and shouldnt need to be explained.

A locked server will be unlocked when Drumroll less people are playing there. Which means, someon need to either quit the game, or transfer to a different server before the unlock is to happen.


No you cannot, for some reason. I tried moving my main to Zandalari tribe where all my friends are currently playing, even though I have a lvl 40 character there I am unable to transfer my main

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BUMP for great justice.

My friend gifted me 1month playtime and I wanted to migrate to his server and play with him but apparently thats not an option any…

IT SEEMS TO BE THAT BLIZZARD DOESNT WANT YOU TO PLAY WITH YOUR FRIENDS… how fuking long are the servers going to be locked?
This is beyond stupid ffs


The low pop servers were being decimated by farming-alts. Prices skyrocketed because people emptied our AH and transfered to the full servers. There they could sell all consumables at profit.

Blocking all transfer to the full servers also prevents full servers from being supplied by the lower pop servers. This kept prices artificially low on rare resources. Removing one incentive to migrate.


I can’t even find a single dungeon group with my alt that I’m leveling when the world is completely dead since you shut down all influx of fresh players. This solution is so bad on every level.

Fix your servers already, you had over 6 months, Jesus