HR is killing classic

If you think you deserve something more than someone else because of the role you play, you have an ego problem. Simple.

This has to be one of the most baked takes in this thread so far.

Rogues bring excellent CC and damage, you heard of blade flurry right?

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You have posted a lot of absolutely dumb nonsense in this thread, but this topped it all :joy:
Bro ur mindset is completely messed up and just shows the insane selfishness of a very vocal part of the playerbase :man_facepalming:

Weā€™re going to set the record straight because since the private servers, the min-maxers and all the guides who think they are the Holy Word, have said that we have to play this, like that, such a build, such equipment, nothing else is viable nowā€¦

A DPS has priority over ALL items which allows to increase its DPS and a Tank has priority over all items which allows it to be more resistant. Thatā€™s all.

Your toxic mentality KILLS this game, you need the best equipment, 36 Worldsbuffs and potions, addons that play for you, all the guides that tell you what to do and how, ALL THIS because you are so talented, better than the others, that it is impossible for you to clean MC without all these tools, the famous Vanilla raid yet so easyā€¦

If the number of tanks is low in Vanilla it is only because Blizzard at the time thought very badly the role of tank, it is just annoying to play and only the warrior has enough tools to be an effective MT. If tanking was as fun as DPS and more classes could do it efficiently, there would be no shortage.

That kind of phraseā€¦ Dude, youā€™re talking about a video game there, you think youā€™re where? In front of your director of human resources for an annual appraisal interview ???

All these stupidities, to sell his services of healers/tank, profitability, the hierarchization of classes, that all your acts in play are measured by the profit you can get from itā€¦ There is not even a usable word on this forum to describe how despicable all of you are.


If a rogue halves the chance of you getting your gear they would need to do 50% of the partyā€™s damage to counteract that. Rogue CC is less useful than that of mage & hunters. Hunters have overlap with gear in some dungeons, so in most scenarios you would much rather just take casters. Warriors also have hamstring which can be more than enough to prevent a wipe with a healer oom or dead, so rogue CC is not a valid reason to invite a rogue unless you yourself as warrior is just bad.

If you look right above the part you quoted there you will see that you complained that you couldnt chose to tankā€¦

I dont defend people who HR like I said I find HRing a disgusting practice.

Check my logs and you will see that I wasnt 60 1 week ago, I hit 60 this week im also late to the party,

I know and I dont like what they are doing, im personally just not stacking the other melee classes but might bring 1 rogue or other warrior with me into a 5 man and if I loss out on something big I will run that dungeon again later (but I do have the power of being a tank so starting a group is rather easy for me compared to what its for a rogue)


I just have to casually note todayā€™s warlock who needed (after four greed rolls) on a 12g blue sword (no stats but some effect). To try out fire stone build.

Between this and prot warrior feeling an utter failure (meaning I spent 2 months on nothing), Iā€™m starting to feel really bad about Anniversary.


inviting guildless hunters with the name Udaklsqw to diremaul tribute and watch them ninja the chest then ask people to run them through DME. Seen it already.

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Inventing such a ridiculous standard just proves how full of crap you are. This selfish mentality is why the game is turning to :poop:. Bring the player not the class.

You undermine the potential of rogue, and this discussion isnā€™t even about playing some meta comp for running dungeons, its about HR on loot. sometimes, you have to run a rag tag group because you donā€™t have the luxury of choice.

Your dismissal of rogue labelling it as a pest confirms youā€™re just a troll.


in my guild on turtle wow we can only hard reserve one item per run. And thereā€™s a que for who gets to hard reserve an item and we have to join raids we donā€™t really need anything from

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As on tank/healer class theres a workaround getting UBRS going. Get jed, key and warlock. ā€œLFM UBRS got jed key and sums no HRā€ And because ubrs is such a hurdle to form the fewer spots there are left the faster it fills. I spammed UBRS with this method on low pop pserver and became notorious for forming UBRS groups and Insta filled, granted was a warlock

Stop saying ā€œkillingā€ like people will stop play, no their not, its server base game with layers even if 40% population of all servers gone, you will not notice it. And its for 1 year, so people will comeback for TBC and before lauch.
Nothing really change, people will play no matter what.
There is literally nothing, not a single thing, that will make people mass leave from Classic WoW. And again, its server base game, one of server will be FULL always.


You are right, I was mathematically wrong in that assertion. Since a rogue would halve the rate at which you gain gear, they would have to double the rate at which you clear instances. I did not include the alternative 5th person in the assertion that a rogue would have to do 50% of the party damage. In fact they would have to do more than that, as if they only did 50% the alternative 5th would have to have done 0% damage.

With this mathematical fact in mind we can conclude with complete confidence that rogue players are a disease.

I prefer being ā€œsickā€ playing with rogues that playing with someone like you that is worse ā€œdiseaseā€


I am sure the rogues are grateful for your work with the disabled

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I see only 1 person that needs helpā€¦lots of it.

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95% of my guild, which is originating in SoD, went back to SoD saying Anniversary classic is poop. (iā€™m still prioritizing SoD cause iā€™m raiding there on 2 chars) So like on a good day we have 7 members online. Thereā€™s a chance that if SoD comes to an end most will move to Anniversary but i think a good chunk would rather quit wow as a whole.

Did they elaborate?
Considering how SoD is infused with retail blood - extra abilities, pace, ease - I would say that Anniversary just brings the usual and the audience is different. I could barely stomach SoD at level 20. (Easy content led to chaotic-anarchic careless speedrun gameplay which I didnā€™t like.)

Like Iā€™m literally grateful that nobody said to me yet after my triple-digit GW2 praise posts that ā€œman, you clearly prefer that game, forget WoW for good and play your love gameā€. Because itā€™s good discussion to compare. But itā€™s a regular retail-vs-classic comment.

People flopped Cataclysm for the same reason. Except Iā€™m sure many others joined for the same reason. Finally, not-Classic!

Iā€™m on the verge of quitting, canā€™t even find a brd group for questing without a damn war with hoj /sgc HR, solution? Personal loot, i know this was never a thing in classic but neither was such stupid behaviour from players


Why do you need wars? You need healer and healer probably donā€™t need hoj/sgc. So grab a healer, youā€™re tank and 3 DPS should be easy to find.

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Oh yes, HOJ, hand of justice, a trinket so mandatory that it must increase your dps by 1% or 1.5%ā€¦
Blackhandā€™s Breadth / diamand flasks / Rune of the Guard Captain they are just as good.

WoW players are sheep, just tell them that such a thing is BiS, they will not even try to understand how much it will improve their dps and if the counterparts to this famous ā€œBiSā€ are not just as effective. The same thing as a pack of pigeons that rush on crumbs of bread.

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