Big oof in ten characters.
i said very fast ques for ab/wsg. please don’t take it out of context… In warsong gulch it’s not uncommon for horde que to be under 5 mins
It’s not like alliance won a lot of the maps at the start of when AV came out… right? xD.
If you don’t like the AV map because of your defeatist attitude, then don’t play classic.
As I said many times before, the alliance has no reason to win as long as the queue is short… especially if we don’t win within the first 10-15 minutes.
Dont bother with Kemurai, he is
Sorry that I’m speaking from personal experience xD.
It’s not like we won a load of the AV BGs until we gained the defeatist mentality.
Sorry you’ve gained the defeatist mentality,
i find it funny that you came to this thread, making those same arguments you did earlier when talking to me, and these people in here are also telling you its defeatism and not the map causing you to lose.
is it sinking in yet?
You have not agrued one point that I made you can deflect the issue all you want and blame the players even though the players are always different each game while the map is always the same. In end it’s all down to the balance of the map all your excuses with hph and queues and motivation fantasy are all effected by the map balance. If the map was truly balanced as you say more Allience would queue since they have equal chance to win. This translates into a shorter queue time for horde the honor would be better for allience and worse for horde since it’s balancing out.
If you think 2 hours queue is bad give it another 6 months and come back i bet my life on it that the queue is only going to get worse.
There is not gonna be any new Allience joining and the Allience players that are currently queuing will cease to do it again the moment they get exalted as they will find out the rewards isn’t worth 100s of consecutive losses they will not bring alts there.
The people are telling me it’s defeatisim are all horde who don’t even fight on Allience side and are completely clueless.
I’m just gonna laugh when is see the threads omg blizzard why 4 hour queue please fix I just want to zugzug wins in av.
even though the players are always different each game while the map is always the same.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is what’s commonly referred to as an oversimplification.
Take notes:
How about you take notes? This is 2 minutes ago
Looks like the russians are still premading. Or just weird that all of them are from 2 server.
Yes, why do you think they premade AV? Because they are getting farmed in WSG/AB (terrible players). A match against WSG/AB premade has always been a free win.
Why do you think they wanna waste 30 minutes to win an AV, when they can just kill all LTs and instantly lose? Because they cannot win any other BG
What a russian premade can do, a EU pug can do twice as good.
Never seen an alli pug win an AV since the release day so idk. But from that pic and other posts its still obvious AV is only winable on alliance side as a primade.
I’ve only seen it a couple of times aswell. Alliance is not really good at splitting up. You either all defend or all attack, never anything in between.
I never said the map is not Horde favored. I think it is, but not to the extend of having a 95% win rate
I think it is, just out of the fact that every other bgs were a lot more balanced in win/loss ratio. If every bg would be 99% lose for the alliance then I could say that they are bad but thats not the case. Maybe its not a major horde advantage to make them win alone with that, but it does adds up quickly to the other things that favour them like the better racials and the amount of afk in alli side.
TLDR: Maybe not that big advantage but its sure enough to make it into a 99% lose ratio.
just out of the fact that every other bgs were a lot more balanced in win/loss ratio.
Source? Where are you getting your server-side statistics from? Inb4 you saying you don’t have any, I already know you don’t. It’s just a “shared perception” being spread.
You’ll get very different responses in perceived win rates depending on who you ask, in those other BGs. The best premades have a win rate well over 90% in WSG and AB, you know? On both factions.
Meanwhile, a solo player will have mostly losses in those other BGs. Because of the prevalence of premades. Unless they queue dodge the premades with sneaky BG weekend maneuvering, that is.
So what lesson can you actually learn from other BGs? Well, it’s simple.
It’s that the map design is irrelevant. The PvP is what decides the BGs, end of story. It depends on the players, if they’re prepared or not (i.e. geared, trained in how to play etc.), and luck with setups.
You’re extremely unlikely to ever see two sides of a BG being “equally matched” in gear, skill and setup.
Inb4 the whining crybabies goes back to the “but da map!! Da map!! DA MAP!!!”, another lesson those other BGs can teach you, is that you can’t use win rates as proof of anything having to do with map design.
Reading all this AV threads I came to the conclusion that the majority of horde players prefer having 1-2h q then see alliance win again. Is something that grew inside every horde doing AV when alliance was premading.
This attitude is a revenge on alliance players for those 2 months, that doesn’t benefit any side.
This is why they can’t admit the obvious facts.
- “We stay in queue but at least you don’t win again” .
Something like that is inside every horde AV player who played from the beginning.
The only thing a switch would accomplish would be to show the idiots, real idiots btw itt, that Alliance can win AV. But really, judging from the complete lack of brains in this thread from the horde players, what would be the new excuse? “Oh you won AV on our side because your mindset was that you knew you would win” or “all the good alliance players decided to play AV”. You just can’t talk an idiot into understanding he’s an idiot.
For everyone else, the map imbalance is clear and only an idiot would claim otherwise. It’s that apparent.
For everyone else, the map imbalance is clear and only an idiot would claim otherwise. It’s that apparent.
I have played on private servers since 2015. On last major Vanilla server the Alliance had the long queue and was the dominant pvp faction. Guess who used to win AV all the time. Alliance ofc.
AV have been like my endgame for years And I play both Horde and Alliance in Classic. I know a thing or three about AV.
It’s not the map. It’s even ABSURD to believe the map is the reason one faction lose 98% of the games when it’s the same god damn map as when they used to win. What kind of extreme unbalance would a MAP need to make one side lose 98%? Lol its so absurd to even claim that.
The map have even been nerfed and had the backdoor closed. Made no difference what so ever. Nothing in the map will change the fact that if Horde with 2h queue defend, alliance will break, because its not worth it to win slow when you have a short queue, because you compete for rank against your own faction. Horde knows this and got a lot of practice against Alliance premades.
Alliance lose so much because its not worth it to win slow and in pug vs pug it will always be a slow game if anyone defends because AV is by design a slow map desinged for defence and long games. So if horde defend they win. The good and motivated Alliance players (in general) and anyone who have any interested in rank will let horde win or not queue at all. That’s it. That’s all. That’s the reason. And its a reasonable reason. One side have motivated players who get rewarded for winning fast or slow and the other side is unmotivated and can only be reasonable rewarded for a win if they win fast and they get much better reward if they lose fast than win slow. If they win slow it’s not worth it. Human behavior fueled by a queue and reward system that have Alliance individuals stuck in a catch 22 in Classic when you can’t premade.
It’s not the map.
Well, to be fair, it kinda is, the map is designed to be slow and easy to defend and stall for a long time. So in that regard, it’s the map.
I completely agree with you. However, would you not agree that the horde has some advantage at the start and that IBGY is much better than SHGY, so in most games the alliance are forced to defend even if the teams are balanced? I think this is why it FEELS like its a big imbalance because most of them seem to give up after SHGY is lost. Even if 10 of them get through after that they only try to kill a few elites, not actually win. It’s like they know if they try to take a GY the horde will come back to defend it, and then the horde attack might be pushed back a little and the game will take longer…
Ofc, what often happens is that the horde can hold a choke at IWB, run back to defend towers/elites while taking SPGY at the same time… That is only possible because the horde team is much stronger in PvP, or because many of the alliance went AFK already. Thinking that happens due to the map is absurd, like you said.
So how well did you do in school?
Well, I agree with him and my cognitive ability is around 97th percentile. No need to say I did very well in school. Troll comment btw.
How did you do in school? Maybe really well, because I don’t think people are stupid just because they have a different view or understanding of things.