I think that if we apply the following changes:
- Disable the number of the queue pop for random queue
- Pop multiple battlegrounds at the same time within reason and shuffle the groups
- Enable queue as a 5 man group
- Fix the backdoor jump(s)
- Link the warmasters and marshalls to the general and fix the prospector. (*)
That you will get reasonably balanced and fun AVs with a mix of small groups and pugs on both sides. It will likely still be better honor per hour than WSG for both teams, so I doubt we’ll see an exodus to WSG.
These changes have a minimal impact on the gameplay from a vanilla point of view too. The number on the popup is not a significant part of the experience. Being able to get into the same AV with a few friends was trivial in all of vanilla because there were no cross battlegrounds until the very last patch. Fixing jumps is something that happened during vanilla too.
You say that the discords are too big for this to have an impact, and I think you are wrong about that. There are multiple discords so it is very unlikely any one discord will fill up a single battleground (yes, even when you take group joining into account). On top of that it will be nearly impossible to dodge games because you won’t know what AV the pop is for, even if they happen at the same time. Finally, the group joining will also increase the coordination on the other side.
You also say that the last change (releasing BGs early) was a zero sum fix, and I disagree with that too, I think the overall outcome is positive. Not every fix is a zero sum fix, and I very much doubt these fixes would be zero sum.
(*) This part could be altered slightly, as having all 4 or more pull at the same time might not be necessary or desired. Having the boss always pull at least 2 of them is probably enough. The leash range should likely also be reduced, so he can’t be tanked behind the corner out of sight of w
is pug vs premade bug in WSG? I thought they fight with other premades.
I’m talking about AV only
Premades vs pugs / premades vs premades etc is normal in WSG.
any class can reach 60 in 4 -5 days /played
You seem to dont get that you cant open more BGs, because there is not enough Alliance to fit in.
he wants the alliance to wait in queue for their to be enough alliance to open multiple games.
I don’t think this is true. Games pop often enough for this to be possible with minimal queue time increase.
Basically every response on this topic:
" It’s your own fault for rolling horde "
a) During early polls the faction balance was about 50/50
b) Due to layering we couldn’t notice much about population differences.
c) Personal to me, I always played Horde on a 85% Alliance pop server. (2005)
I don’t mind a queue, but these half hour+ queues are just absurd.
And I don’t care if I only have to compete vs my own faction with same queues.
I just want to play the game…
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The average time is much higher, and that was back when lots of dungeons were available. Leveling takes weeks to months for many people. It’s not serious to ask them to recommit all that time and to refuse to consider any other solution.
average time is irrelevent, git gud and do it faster
Just ignore Mando, he’s just a troll lol.
And it’s not just the leveling.
You have to do all your reputation, professions, gear grind, epic mount, attunements, all over again…
Do this and the consequence will be: alliance moving to WSG → AV from 30 minutes turns to 30 hours for the horde.
I don’t think this is true. AV is really high bonus honor even on slower games compared to WSG. You have to keep in mind that WSG premades won’t only get matched against pugs, there will be premades on both sides that will slow down the honor gain from WSG.
So you care about the alliance PUGS which have to play with 10-20 players at the start because of premades.
But how about the PUGS before premades were a thing and you still had like 40-50% AFKing in the cave or in Dun Baldar?
You can transfer the gold from your horde char using neutral ah. Atm no relevent rep grind rly needed except maybe furbolgs for pvp.
Bug Abuse is an act of finding a glitch or bug in a game by accident or intentionally, and exploiting it for an unfair advantage in a game.
This definition does exclude using other forums to get into the same BG since getting into the same BG is intended by Blizzard. You can see this intention by simply clicking on your battlemaster and look beneath “First Available”
If you manage somehow to get into a battleground with more than enough ppl to compensate pug players it’s still no bug or exploit.
Tbh the complete discussion about premades is retarded. You could also just use in-game Voice, et voila you have the advantage of a premade.
And what’s wrong with that exactly?
At least we’d actually start with 40 players instead of 20.
AV will still be faster than WSG.
Premades belong in WSG, not in AV.
Judging from what people keep stating to me, they’re mostly just premade players waiting in there for free honor whilst waiting for a premade group or making dinner.
If the horde can get premades in AV as well, then it’d be understandable.
The other faction cannot, therefore it shouldn’t be allowed.
Not that hard to establish tbh.
It harms both alliance pugs and horde.
I don’t think this is true. AV is really high bonus honor even on slower games compared to WSG. You have to keep in mind that WSG premades won’t only get matched against pugs, there will be premades on both sides that will slow down the honor gain from WSG.
And you really think alliance players who go afk after first wipe on galv rush are going to defend a hopeless wsg match?