I find Body 1 & Body 2 Upsetting

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I love u, Tah. Not in romantic sense, but it seems to be some kind of love.

Unfortunately, Blizzard’s offices are in California. They have already been sued for a raft of issues, so they are covering their backs.

I expect WoW lore writers are top level lawyers.

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I honestly don’t understand the fuss, I can make characters exactly the same as before.


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The scientific community backs trans and non-binary.
Even biology recognises multiple variations on the biological sexes and has for a long time. I’m assuming you haven’t studied it at a higher education level based from the posts here…
Gender is a societal construct and has been recognised as such for years as well.
We created gender as a society, gender roles have evolved and changed over generations.
So if we can change the stereotypical role of gender as a society as we have progressed. Why is it so unthinkable to step away from the binary of gender society made up?


I hate bodie type 3


It is not unthinkable. It just scares people like any change, which is tied to the fear of the unknown, but it doesn’t scare everybody and that ‘not everybody’ group has historically always been the group drawing our future.


#royal leader body type 1 :rainbow_flag: :transgender_flag: :clown_face: :earth_africa:

It’s funny, how few people can make that logical distinction nowadays. People, who think, that those are the same on both sides, including the left/liberal side, are causing this annoying dispute. If people stated it like this first, then there would be way less discussion about it


I realise this is a sensitive topic but I also found “Body Type 1” and “Body Type 2” quite strange terminology. The fact it was just two silhouettes that looked almost identical didn’t help either. I wonder if they just wanted to remove the male and female gender icons?

Having said that once you’re in game you don’t need to think about it anymore, but I believe most people like to identify their character as either a male or female [insert WoW race here].

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Body 1 and 2? This is a pure psychic scream. Blizz have surrender to madness. They need an omen of clarity…

And don’t quote me. I don’t wish to be associated with someone like yourself in any way, shape or form.

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I know, sometimes it is hard to accept the truth. But don’t worry, you will accept that in future.

That is SUCH a classic Body Type 1 thing to say :tipping_hand_man:t2:

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