I have a perfect solution for supporters of pay-to-win boosts

Great misdirection, the boost should be in the game, nothing you say will change that, it’s up to the individual to use or not.

I’m still patiently waiting for OP to explain how a boost to 58 in a version of the game where the content starts at 58 and ends at 70 is P2W or at all harmful to the game when everyone who doesn’t want TBC gets to stay in Classic forever and everyone who does want TBC won’t even notice people who boost.


He doesn´t know retail version of TBC isn´t even remotely similar to TBC itself because he simply has zero knowledge about retail.

They just move the goalposts on what winning is. Getting to 58 is apparently winning to them.

I’m fed up with writing the same thing dozens of times in other threads. Go read some of the other threads if you’re uncertain how and why reaching a goal within a videogame equals winning and why it’s harmful to the game. There are now at least eight threads on the boost. I find it hard to believe this is the only post you’ve ever read on the topic.

On the contrary I levelled up a Monk to 40 in retail. If you truly think that playing a videogame to 40 levels doesn’t give you a decent grasp on what the game is like then I can’t help you, and before you start telling me ‘end game is all that is important’, well that’s merley proving my point isn’t it?.

No goalposts have been moved, I have been consistant with my explanation of what winning is. The fact you may not agree with it, and believe that a win can only be achieved by competing against another human and no other definition is possible does not mean that I have ‘shifted the goalposts’ or changed my my stance.

I am not RP, but rpers are great guys and its good for game they are here.
Armory lies, i am only player in wow who can dualwield stormherald and lionheart. Probably last char on server who can speak draconic language, etc.
I do not using keybinds, i am fast clicker, its good if i lose arms and legs and have to use tongue for mouse.
I am lazy, i will not continue.

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nah you are just an half abortion.

No it won´t. You are proving more and more you have zero knowledge about retail :slight_smile: Retail isn´t focused on leveling, its like 5% of the game and you didn´t even managed to reach max level so ye, you know nothing.


Possibly the most important thing you’ve said, actually it is the most important thing you’ve said, followed closely by.

Sadly the anti-boost mob are living in 1 of these, spewing the same opinionated views as if they are fact, all the while feeling vindicated in their righteousness by their own self congratulatory responses.

Also it kinda isnt, sometimes sure like if a friend is about to make a massive mistake, but not always and not on this occasion.


So basically ‘end game is all that’s important’? Right on cue.

And am I not entitled to dislike a game in which ‘end game is all that’s important’?

Do I not have the right to say that I prefer games where end game is not ‘all that’s imortant’? Is this opinion invalid? Is it worthless?

You are against 58 boost many of you :smiley: but when i log into the classic yesterday there was nothing but WTS BOOTS for 10 - 25 g etc etc so how is that not pay to win but buyin 58 lvl is ? :smiley:

You’ve just cherry picked various things I wrote and quoted them out of context, so there’s no way for me to respond to any of it as it’s meaningless, save for the last bit where you included the whole quote.

We’re not talking about a close friend here we’re talking about a multi-million dollar corporation and a product they have created, so yes, in that context it’s perfectly reasonable for me to call them out on bad decisions.

Or perhaps you disagree? Perhaps you feel that game companies can never be criticised on development choices? That we must always passively accept their every whim, never giving feedback, simply consuming their products without comment?

Unfortunatley if everyone had adopted this "Blizzard are sacrosanct and must never be questioned" attitude we’d not even have Classic right now, let alone TBC.

We’d also never have had the Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut, the rebooted Resident Evil games, multiplayer GTA5, and a whole bunch of other titles that were the direct result of fan complaints, or fan feedback. Also we’d all be using our real names on these forums right now.

Max level content is what retail is about, yes. It has been like that since TBC :slight_smile: like it or not, its up to you. But you still have zero knowledge about retail.

Btw max level content isn’t endgame content :wink: maybe in Classic.


Ah, so we’re back to Ye Olde Two Wrongs Make a Right again are we?

'They do bad stuff so it’s OK for us to do bad stuff’ was last week’s pro-boost argument. What is this? Regression therapy?

Honestly if you play 5 hours a week do you realy play wow at all? It’s like we are playing 2 different games honestly. That’s about as much time as I will be spending at elemental plateau probably. I don’t understand you complain that much as you will not be affected in any way by the boost.
You can say ‘for me end game is not important’ but for the bigger part of the players end game is all that matters. Dveryone is allowed to play and enjoy the game as they want but not according to you, people have to enjoy it the way you want them to enjoy it and anything you don’t like is ‘not good’. Pretty entitled honestly…

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Damn blizzard support stalking, worst company with best game, hmm one of best game.

At this point I’m goint to ask you to remind me once again why you want to play TBC, what do you hope to get out of it?

I’m not being facetious, the question is genuine, and it isn’t a catch question. I’m having multiple conversations with multiple people and cannot keep track of every individual POV - that would be the work of a PA.

And the gaming audience at whole is full of diverse opinions and most of those conflict each other. What “breaks” for you “fixes” for another. What you may detest, other one may love and etc. Criticism is one thing but with our specific clientele. It will be an ever-ending cycle: John A hates feature X. Blizz changes feature X to Y. Now Jane B hates feature Y and wants it reverted back to feature X. You simply can’t win…

Yes I play WoW. I don’t play Pong, or Jedi The Fallen Order, or Mario Carts, I play WoW, whether or not it’s for 10 minutes or 10 hours, it’s still WoW.

‘Let people play how they like’ has been done to death, and that’s never been the point of being against the boost. Neither is whether or not I will be personally affected by the boost important, or relevant to the topic.

That really isn’t the point.

The point, once again, is that by allowing Blizzardvision to introduce cash shops selling convenience features into a game that was never intended to have cash shops selling convenience features is giving our tacit acceptance to further convenience features further down the line. Once they have their foot in the door there is nothing to stop them implementing further QOL features such as WoW tokens, heirlooms etc.

The reason we campaigned so long and hard for Classic is that we wanted to play the ORIGINAL game, as it was in 2005-2007 because we hated what the game had become within retail. Adding cash shop convenience features into TBC breaks the covenant they made with their players.

Is it really so hard to understand our perspective? Even if you completely disagree and think that convenience and QOL features are great and want more of them - surely you must at least understand our thinking behind opposing the boost?

It’s not 2004 anymore, it’s not blizzard anymore its 2021 and cashtivision. Besides I liked all those QoL features, my favorite expansion was WotLK which for me had everything to enjoy my available time playing wow the most. There still were things I didn’t like very much but you could skip unpleasant things if you wanted. I wouldn’t mind tokens being introduced tbh, if that would reduce the amount of bots, gladly. Note that I don’t believe that adding the boost will add more bots, they have always been there and always will probably/unforunatly.
So yes for me it is hard to understand your perspective sorry, because I see nothing wrong with 1 boost per account that isn’t free and only gets you to level 58.