I have a perfect solution for supporters of pay-to-win boosts

If that was true, you’d have to be playing there as well. You have no idea what you are saying, do you?

Are you his lawyer?

Pve servers are fine.

Roleplayer ones should be the ones nuked.

So true, feels like half of them are not even playing the game just paying a sub to harass others because their own lifes suck

That’s not an insult.

And yes the anti boost mob have been saying the same handful of “I don’t like it” arguments for a while now.

In all the threads I’ve read the only reason that comes close to being a genuine reason to re-examine the boost is the concerns of botting.

Everything else is just your opinions from your perspective from how you think the game should be played.

You and parrydodger have been just as insulting to the general player as anyone has to you.


Big hearts from Bobby Kotick. He loves corporate white knighters

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Still subbed? Hypocrite much?

Haha (I will give you a point for that one) Will stay until it’s totally lost again…

If one of the original designers state that boosting is not and should never be part of this classic experience would you listen to that?

Cause botting, being lazy or inviting friends is not the problem with boosting…

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Do you think the original car designer is against modern additions?
Should we remove ABS or air bags? How about the original designer of the internet, wanna go back to how that started?
Or how about food hygiene standards, should we revert back to the primitive ways?
Just because something was a certain way in the past does not directly mean it should be the same way in the present nor the future. Unless you happen to own the thing that’s changed there is little you can do about it. Unless you’ve done massive research on how the thing should exist you cant really say much about it.

Have you conducted massive research?

1 designer who is clearly biased in their opinions (which is perfectly fine, it’s how they saw the game during their time and how games were digested at the time), does not give the mob the right to determine how other random individuals get to enjoy this content.

As a disclaimer (which I’ve told Lorran) I’m not arguing for a boost. For me the game is there, we sub to it and we play it and as long as we are enjoying ourselves nothing else should matter. It shouldn’t matter that a random elf is a boost, you are playing your game, not the elf’s game.

If, and I mean if there were some form of cash incentive for any type of realm first or world first (which would give the boost a stronger although not complete p2w vibe) then the boost should invalidate any player aiming for such a thing.

Just play your game and enjoy it. That’s what it is after all, a game.

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A more accurate analogy would be:

Should modern car manufacturers scale back the design, undertune the engine, replace the in-car music system with a tinny, mono speaker, use retreads rather than new tyres and allow the vehicle to rust before putting it in the showroom?

All the automotive changes you listed above are positive changes that add something of value to the car. Pay-to-win boosts are by contrast, a profoundly negative change that subtract from the quality of the game.

In your opinion. And others of course. But regardless of how many, it’s still an opinion.

“Pay-to-?” Cause 58 ain’t winning anything!

At the risk of repeating myself (I should really macro this)

  1. I have a goal
  2. There is an obstacle hindering completion of that goal
  3. I overcome that goal.
    Thus I have won.

If my goal is to reach level 58, and I achieve that goal through application of my class skills to overcome mobs and challenges, have I not won?

Well the same can be said for every level then, be honest, you are using 58 just because its the boosted level.

58 is as much a goal as 57 and 59, i’d even say 59 is more a goal for the twink/pvp options (i assume these happen at every x9 level).

Furthermore obtaining/reaching a goal doesn’t directly equate to winning, the goal is something you’ve set,

If my goal. Your goal isn’t everyone’s goal.

The game isn’t Lorran centric, others are allowed to play it, and are allowed to consume the content as they see fit, provided it doesn’t break any rules blizzard set forth.

I expect that you are perfectly aware of the fact that 58 is not some arbitrary figure, it’s the level required to go to Outland.

But yes, if your goal is to get to level 2, and you achieve it, then you have won.

You are fundamentally wrong in your belief that reaching a goal you have set for yourself is not winning.

If I set myself a challenge and overcome that challenge then clearly I have won. I haven’t lost, I haven’t achieved a tie, I haven’t been given a yellow card and sent off, I have won.

Jack (seeing as you seem to dislike self-referential examples) has a goal to lose seven pounds and achieve his ideal weight.

Jack achieves that target weight through a combination of dieting and working out in the gym.

Jack was competing against himself, and his goal is now achieved, so has he a) won, b) lost c) tied?

The game is not ‘Lorran centric’, though clearly it should be. But it isn’t really possible for me to speak on behalf of someone else; nor does it matter. I can only talk about my own feelings on the matter, and those feelings are no less valid than yours or Jack’s or Sue’s or the King of Sardinia’s.

Others may indeed be allowed to consume the content as they see fit, but I am also allowed to have an opinion on the right or wrong of the issue, hence the fact that this is a public forum, not a closed echo chamber where all deviant opinion is banned.

People tend to take the path of least resistance, and frequently choose what’s bad for them, as anyone given a choice between chocolate or fish will testify. Making a bad choice is fair grounds for me to call them out, regardless of whether or not any rules have been broken.

I would argue they were not competing with anyone, even themselves. Competing would be if they were up against others in how much or how quickly they can lose the weight. They were just losing weight, which up to a point is a good thing.

If this is so perferct ( as u claim ) why doesn’t the community play the SL version of Outlands?

Instead instead of waitin for TBCC?

Lmao is this thread still going? Can’t wait to pay for a boost for a druid, gonna name him Lorran

we should make a guild “reaching lv 58 is a cHaLlEngE”

Winning does not always rely upon competing against others. If Ruth wins a plastic prize in a cornflake packet has she not won? If Joshua beats the computer at solitaire has he not won? If Damian beats the Starcraft Protoss campaign has he not won? If an athlete challenges himself to beat his own time in the 500m has he not won?