I have a perfect solution for supporters of pay-to-win boosts

This OP is comparing 1 apple to a whole grocery store lmao.
Wasn’t gonna buy a boost but doing it just to spite OP sounds kinda fun now.

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You know what would really spite me? Really infuriate me?

Transferring a character to my server with all your gold and trade mats, and sending me the whole lot in the post.

If you truly want to spite me, then that’s what I’d suggest, it will be epic I promise. Imagine my face when I open that mail.


This new “I’ll buy the boost to spite you” is kinda silly imo. If you dont need it dont use it, simple.

For those saying this just remember that while your off enjoying your game, the angry mob will be sat at home furious that a boosted character might be in their dungeon group or helping them quest. You dont need to buy it in spite as the mob will just assume everyone but their little elite group is a boost.

Everyone just needs to chill out, it is what it is, just go enjoy your game.


I’m going to boost mine char called boostedPlaya on your lolplayer server just to piss you off.

This is even better. This is what I hope classic TBC will be.
90% happy players and 10% salty ppl like Lorran getting triggered anytime a new person joins because they may have bought a boost. Perfect.

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Salty? I don’t think so. I actually find it hilarious that you consider me so important, and that my opinion means so much to you that you’re prepared to spend real life money for the sake of me - despite me not giving a damn about what you do.

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You need to re-read my last post.

Why would I want to do that? I read it once, it was garbage. Once was enough.

Clearly once was not enough.
Unless your post was directed at the undead, not me.

You were saying?

U dont like any of the service Blizz provides, dont pay for it simple as that ;). I cba leveling another char to 60, and i want to play TBC with spells and balance and mechanics from TBC era, no Chromie era :slight_smile:

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Well at least you’re one of the few honest ones, I’ll give you that. Most of your mates invent elaborate justifications for their own laziness, but you go right on ahead and wear it like a badge of pride.

Ofc, leveled 2 chars to 60, was fun, but 3rd time is boring as f in classic.

I was saying you need to re-read my last post. (at the time of posting)
Which you just proved you didn’t by quoting the wrong one xd.
You’re funny my man.

Ah I see, so you’re no longer going to spend your real life money on a character you will never play for the purposes of spiting a random anonymous poster on a message board who doesn’t care, fine - let’s have a look at this very-hyped post of yours.

It better be good after all the trouble you’ve gone to get my attention!

Ah, I see. You hope TBC will make people who agree with you ‘happy’, and those who do not ‘unhappy’, to a ratio of 90/10.

I’m going to have to be honest with you here, I’m not very impressed. It wasn’t really worth my time.

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It’s not pay to win, is it? It’s pay to skip boring content you have done many times in retail and in classic.


So, basically pay-to-win then.

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Except as I said and you ignored, you don’t win, you skip 58 levels or less. Which when TBCC hits still leaves loads of levels to go, the game will be dead at 60 on TBCC realms. And no you won’t be able to boost then transfer to Classic forever realms.

Anyway you just go on ignoring that part. Make sure you don’t get sand in your beard when you head is in the sand.


Which is winning.

Winning is summed up as follows:

  1. You have a goal.
  2. There are obstacles blocking the completion of that goal
  3. You overcome those obstacles.

If my goal is to get to level 58, and I achieve that goal, have I not won?

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Most people don’t have the goal of getting to 58, try clutching at those straws even harder.