I have a perfect solution for supporters of pay-to-win boosts

Yup but i am going level alt, i am not sure if i can reach 70 faster than boosted 58 :frowning:

You can try, great, but for others it’s not fun. I am doing the same, with a Draenei Shaman. Remember we don’t know when the boost will be active, it could be when TBCC releases Fully, you may have an advantage as you can start now, or when the pre-patch hits for me.

Cannot wait to start my shaman, been waiting 2 long years for this, more if you count from the announcement.

Azuremyst is gonna be full for a few weeks me thinks, hopefully a few will go elsewhere to level, dont mind fighting for mobs but not really after that ‘launch’ feeling when this paladin could hardly move in northshire and trying to get mobs was near impossible!

Most people don’t have the goal of getting to 58?


So what you’re saying is that a person levelling their character in Azeroth with the goal of getting to Outland has no desire to get their character to level 58 so they can go to to Outland?

To be fair the goal is “get to outland” the number is irrelevant and is only 58 as blizzard made it so.

1 key element I feel you are missing, along with the other angry mob crew.

Players will be playing on a TBC server, yes it’s an expansion but they arent choosing to play on a TBC server so they can run molten core another thousand times, or travel endlessly from tanaris to teldrasil to hinterlands.

They are choosing to play on a TBC server because they want to play TBC content.
Just like players wanting to play classic content are choosing classic era servers as they have no interest in TBC content.

What if blizzard had said, “ok all servers are moving to TBC, no classic servers” would you argue for that as that’s what happened 16 years ago? Nobody got the chance to stay playing classic back then but now blizzard have changed the rules and said, ok here are some classic only servers even though we didnt do this before we are now.

Would it be the same mob trying to ruin the enjoyment for classic only players, as it wasnt like that before…

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No? but thank you for your OPINION
what is PAY to win on 58 boost? i still need to do 12 lvls and cap my profesions and grind my gear and do my pre raid Questing
only thing i skip is boring and tedious classic lvling :smiley:


Yes I’d probably be opposed to any decision to scrap Classic-only servers, though not as angry and miffed as I am about the boosts, because for me pay-to-win is the absolute unethical absolute pits - it get’s no lower than that. Maybe some kind of loot box-style gambling mechanic might be worse, but not by much.

No I wouldn’t expect pro-boosters to ever see this, because all you guys see is the short term advantage of being able to skip content you find boring, but as a business practice pay-to-win is pretty despicable.

Forced upgrades to TBC with no choice, by contrast, would still be a rotten decision, but might be a bit more justifiable on the grounds of ‘that’s just what happened in 2008’.

how is buying 58 boost p2w?Only thing you are doing is skipping most boring part of the game."bUt LeVeLiNg iS PaRt Of ThE GaMe…"no…just no…worst thing ever kept in wow.I actually want to play the game and not go for 1000th time “collect 10 of these and kill the boss of the camp”…

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You are talking REAL THINGS here and i like it !

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You can do that it retail already. TBC isn’t for you.

Playing TBC in retail isn’t the same and you know it, this is a bizarre excuse as excuses go.

Why cant you just let people enjoy their game their way.

You preach on like you’re some form of demi god about how the game should be enjoyed.


We have you here, TBCC starts at 58, Classic starts at 1.

I understand the “I don’t want to use it” argument But I don’t understand the mindset behind, “I’m not going to use it and I want it removed” argument.

Also your original post makes no sense…what does retail BC leveling part have to do with BC classic,how do you even compare those two?..

“so you can spend all your time in dungeon and raid queues, spamming TBC heroics and raids to your heart’s content” Dude what,no one does that…people dont want to play BC stuff on retail,its just leveling phase now…

“There’s even another service available called Timewalking that will let you do TBC raids with all the convenience of Shadowlands.” How is that same?..what…did you hit your head today or something?

Win traders have lots of fun. Why can’t they be left alone to enjoy the game their way?

People who multibox 15 Shamans in BGs have lots of fun, how about we leave them alone to enjoy the game their way?

People who bot make a lot of cash, why not just leave them to it so they can enjoy the benefits?

You seem to be mistaking things that are against the rules with things that aren’t. That’s the important thing.

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You didn’t understand my post?

I made it as clear as I possibly could.

All the things you want to do in TBC Classic you can already do in retail with Chromie Time.

It’s not a difficult proposition.

I can’t even start to tell you how wrong that is.


The rules are irrelevant. All these behaviours are damaging, and will have a negative impact on the game.

my goal is 70 obstacle is 12 lvls
i will overcome that by playin TBC zones
so buying boost is not pay to win


Ok,I will go with “you hit ur head,when you made this post” and call it a day :slight_smile: