I have a perfect solution for supporters of pay-to-win boosts

The rules are the things that matter the most.

And that is where we disagree about the Boost, you think it will have a negative impact and I don’t.

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Win trading is obviously a different matter, there are ranks to be achieved whereas levelling doesnt, dinging a few levels is very different to ranking up.

I dont mind multiboxing personally, it kinda depends on the context however I do recall many instances of wpvp forming with the goal of defeating the multi boxer. Also those who do it for the challenge of solo’ing a dungeon are fine.

Botting to sell gold is again very different, you are clutching at extreme examples.

Ofc boost is ptw. For me, 1500-2000 rating is boring and total waste of time, may i skip pls?
( I am not arena player, it is just ex)

Nice strawman argument.

You know that mine father is Vladimir Putin, mine mother is Angela Merkel.

(this post must be at least 10 characters)

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exactly what we think about your post man :smiley:

I agree on the multiboxing theme. No issues with people who use it to solo dungeons, group quests etc. as it’s not harming anybody. Using it in BGs is maybe a bit different, but it’s kind of a grey area.

Yes, i know, you are undead, i can see picture.

at this point either op is dense or plain trolling… by popular demand there will be boost, the majority of the players will enjoy the features, the minority will sulk and try to ruin everyone’s fun, as always.


I think they actually believe they are right, and because of that any valid point made is like water off a duck’s back.

Is it by popular demand though? Were people clamoring for this before Blizzcon announced TBCC? Time will tell how many people will enjoy the boost and how many will grudgingly take it because of how it may impact the meta. I just hope it does not become a precedent for all sorts of more controversial changes and attempts to squeeze more money out of the playerbase.

For the record, I am not a fan of the boost, but I can understand the appeal it has for the end-game oriented competitive crowd and can see why someone would want to use it, even though I personally will not.

No, your fun will be ruined by boosted bots.

sure becouse there will be all bosted bots in high rated arenas


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No, just more boosted ones.

ah now the boost give you also 2.4 rating?

ah wait for that you have to need a thing called skill, or giving me 150k g

read trade chat on any server, classic players get boosted as it is now, this activity is strongly linked (although not always) to buying gold/botting to sell gold.

so yes i’d say the silent majority are either for the boost or simply dont care, the latter will just carry on enjoying the game not giving a dam about whether the random dude over there is a boost.

Lorran if you don’t care what other people do, and the boost is OPTIONAL for you, why keep crying about it?
Got a solution for you: don’t use it yourself wowwiieee

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I ruin someone elses enjoyment if I buy a lvl 58 boost so I can do TBC content right from the start?

Thats creepy man.

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On my server, at least Horde side, the population is quite low and TBH I haven’t really seen boosts been advertised. Everyone is practically in a guild, so any activity takes place within those. In my guild people don’t seem to go out of their way to get boosted - it may happen if people are looking for a group for a low level dungeon, but it’s just as likely that they’ll group up with similar level players. Guess we’re lucky in that sense, despite the tiny population - my experience in Classic on Hydrax has been quite similar to my TBC experience back when I first played WoW, albeit without PvP this time around :slight_smile:

I do agree with you though that the majority of players won’t really care. I think that people who feel strongly one way or the other are in the minority. As for me, while I don’t personally like it, I don’t think it will ruin my fun. And I doubt I’ll care if the person next to me is boosted or not, unless they’re being a jerk.