I have a perfect solution for supporters of pay-to-win boosts

Maybe you mean “the best part starts at…”. Or maybe it’s a trolling attempt.

no the game.

killing 10 hellboars in hellfire has never and never it will be relevant.

otherwise there would have been a “10 hellboar kill world first”

I don´t have 40 max level toons :slight_smile:

It is an (mmo)RPG. You MUST kill some boars, before you deal with Illidan(s). Just like IRL, you have to learn to walk, before you become a sprinter champion.

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that’s how you learn


I think Lorran saw Parrydodger’s already existing threads and was jaleous, so he made one for himself, disregarding the fact that there were already a lot of the same threads out there.

More on topic: in reply to your OP, stop spouting insane babble. You know full well it’s not the same. By your logic we shouldn’t even be waiting for TBC since “It’s right there on retail”. Besides the leveling part is one thing, the long lasting, progressing lvl 70 end-game is the experience I wanna have, which is what you cannot do on retail.


Sure mate, keep insulting :joy: shows your mental age. I notice you don’t have anything to say to it so you start throwing insults. You decided to make yet another sad thread in spite of there being a lot of others. :snowflake:

Life’s not fair, you don’t always get what you want. You wallowing in anger + negativity and spewing it on others who don’t agree with you is a bit sad.
If you can’t react in a respectful manner you’re not worth discussing with.


One insult deserves another. Stop poking me, and trying to play at the ‘big troll bully’, and I’ll leave you alone.

Remind me, how did I insult you? Aside from calling out your stuff? Hm?

Can you not read your own posts? Writing not big enough?

Because it’s true. You cannot deny this so you start throwing insults. You obviously saw the 10’s of other threads and thought to yourself “Hey, the forums could use a new one!”.

Why else did you make this instead of posting in the already made ones. But you’re already doing that I see, so even more: why make one yourself?
Literally everyone here knows your opinion before you made this, and you still chose to do so. :snowflake: :snowflake:

Don’t bother replying. I know you’re full of it so it’s not worth discussing with a fanatic or a troll. :sleeping:

RP walking made his last neuron stop functioning

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Yep I will bump so the CM’s can laugh at you lolplayer.

Keep RP walking

You seem quite desperate to get my attention. What is it you really want? Be honest.

Are you Deveon lulplayer?

Can you please repeat that in English.

Man you really are a piece or work. The fact that you think we’re trolling speaks volumes. Keep insulting, the only thing we’re bumping is the visibility of your lack of maturity.

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Not sure what you mean mate.

He plays on a roleplayer server, even mine dead grandma knows that lolplayer are the worst garbage at the game.

And by so his last functioning neuron melted itself.

I’m not gonna insult him for what server he chooses to play on. I really don’t see the need to stoop to his level.

To answer your question I play on a regular PvE server in Classic.

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