I just saw a Orc Warrior with Spinal Reaper

I said months ago that all raids should get +50% DPS&HP for all mobs and bosses and #nochanges cultist bashed me for it.

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Just report him to Blizzard

Famous phrase “You think you do, but you don’t” Blizzard must apply to itself, especially after their words “We hold layer situation under controll” and then raid layer abuse happens. There i almost died laughting.
Private server administration is more competent than multimillionare corporation.

yikes i didnt do any layer abuse and got almonst my epic horse.

its not 2004 anymore wake up.

you think you do but you dont. - is all i can repeat here.

Only clowns to blame here are the #nochange cultists who thought pserver are from another world.

This current patch needs a flat 100% dmg and hp increase across the board to make it not mechanically harder but people actually have to grind for.

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I disagree. Blizzard picked 1.12 as a base and early raids were easy then. If you retune it won’t be authentic either. MC pugs started to happen on the server Kazzak around the later patches and retuning would affect how that played out. With one static version few will be 100% happy.

I would have preferred going through all patches and changes as they happened but I can appreciate why they didn’t take that approach.

It’s not unreasonable to be at least slightly suspicious of people who’ve achieved so much in such little time, there’s no need to be so dogmatic.

If you didn’t do anything crappy, then you have no reason to worry :slight_smile:

This current patch needs a flat 100% dmg and hp increase across the board to make it not mechanically harder but people actually have to grind for.

Not against this idea either

Im not worried. heck i dont eve nfarm anything because im holy specced and cant be bothered to kill any mobs outside dungeons. All i do is doing dungeons and you swim in gold alone.

but average money from 1dungeon is 25g without selling anything big in Ah and you rush through the dungeons on this patch/itemization its very quick money

Best of luck getting epic horse then :slight_smile:

Would’ve been horrible to go through all the patches as they were. Would’ve been better if they had started on the patch after diminishing returns were brought in, to avoid rogues winning naked but also keep it hard enough to do the content as it used to be.
Too many changes for “convenience” had happened in 1.12 already, to allow for people to catch up.

*multibillion dollar corporate group.

Just because someone has epic gear and/or an epic mount doesn’t mean they’ve exploited anything, they probably just play a lot/more efficiently than you do.

As for 1.12 talents and such, I absolutely think blizzard made the right decision since a lot of the classes/specs were just not finished at launch, and having to needlessly wait for your class to become not garbage isn’t a very good experience.

Just play the game and focus on your own enjoyment rather than looking at what everyone else is doing.


Except all classes worked throughout the entirety of vanilla, and “state of completion” isn’t true. It was just “tuned” more on point at the end, which ended up empowering the classes beyond what most of the content was tuned for. But you see, when everything before then isn’t “completed” as you regurgitated from what the blue posts called it, they still stay relatively around the same levels compared to each other.

The true effect of 1.12 classes, items etc. was the empowerment of the gameplay for everyone. So people wouldn’t have to struggle “too hard”. Exactly the same design philosophy plaguing retail, to empower the casuals but at the cost of class mastery.
In retail, you master the encounters. You can’t master the classes as much as you used to.

Even beyond needing 1.12 for finished classes/specs/etc, it saves a lot of costs in development fees and a lot of potential issues (and oh boy, there is a LOT of that here, with patches having to be forward ported to the newer engine) so even beyond going for 1.12 straight making sense, going for anything lower makes no sense really.

To be fair, I feel like a lot of the difficulty curve being lower comes from us understanding the game far more, rather than the number game. It’s a lot easier to run a raid when everyone already knows every mechanism in the game and every skill and phase a boss can throw at you.

That knowledge and the ability to organise a lot more effectively can make up for a lot of missing gear.

Let’s also not forget that big guilds have been running practice runs against Rag for months before Classic release to min-max their setup and do the raids with the least possible amount of gear and level.

Given that it was 1.12 or nothing, I’m happy with 1.12.
They explained that 1.12 was the oldest DB backup they found.

and just like couple of weeks nobody cares

becuase vanilla was always that easy .

Generalize much?
So you can say that applies to everyone? Even to Kungen and Nihilum who theorycrafted all kinds of things from the vanilla beta? That’s why they chose horde btw, and how they managed to beat NA so fast in Naxx, despite NA having a clear headstart and should’ve had more people with BiS before EU.

Because they DID crunch the numbers. That was a thing back then just as much as now. It’s just that the results from the number crunching didn’t spread as easily as it does now.

Dabbed the f*ck on Topbadge.

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There is that too, but that’s also part of the know-how and it’d apply regardless of what version we play.

Then stop generalizing so meaninglessly like this. Stick to what you can prove.

By number-game I was talking about the numbers that patches changed, rather than the theory-craft. Theory-craft is covered in “understanding the game far more”. My point stands true.