It surprises me that people don’t look at the bigger picture. If the PvP realms are hemorrhaging Alliance players, eventually there won’t be any WPvP left for the Horde. The only reason Horde can PvP to start with, is because those ‘whiners/complainers’ are still playing. If the Alliance players follow the “Reroll to a PvE realm, scrubs”, then the PvP realms will end up dead.
There is no PvP without the Alliance, the same can be said for Horde on Alliance heavy realms.
Thing is ppl asked for THIS at day one
All I saw on forums.
Aaaaaaand blizzard did.
Bec the majority where, no can move I got lvl 10 now…
Friends here and we are now 15 took us 10 hours to do 1 quest. No reroll.
Transfer come. No no it’s a dead realm…
Ur all did chose and ur all did not thought this true.
Sorry but really learn to think a few weeks ahead. Everything was fine with layers.
But U All knew that when it got removed u would be fu, ,.
Again a human stupidity (of the followers)
Waiting to the problem is real instead of predicting is the problem.
I’m not really following. Transfer are still a option yet ALL crys!? Wtf rly?
Only thing h can do is move or quit. Blizzard ain’t doing anything!
Do you also enjoy ice cream that doesnt melt? Water that doesnt make you wet?
Peoples view on “balance” is subjective, and when not complaining about number of opponents they tend to complain about Race (Racials), Class, Level, Specc, Spells/Cooldowns and Gear.
Here are some examples:
"I love balanced PvP but …
… Orcs racial is imba.
… Mages have no weakness.
… People always attack lower lvls.
… Sub Rogues are just iWin speccs.
… Aimshoot is to good.
… BRE does to much damage."
Complainers will complain, adapters will adapt. “Balanced PvP” often is the same as “PvP where I win” for people.
The whole point of doing that, apart from showing how immature and toxic you really are?
Or the other faction are just leaving and saying nothing.
Census data is wrong, plain and simply wrong.
On one your server over the past 7 days shows 54/46% in favour of Alliance.
On another Alliance have 5885, over level 50 active characters, compared to 1408 Horde.
The third 44.4/56.6% in favour of Horde.
Funny though if Horde from any server try to say they are in the minority everyone screams ‘but the census says…’
I linked a thread a while back, dated Dec 18 I think, of people discussing their PvP experiences on Vanilla servers. It was varied from servers being all unicorns and rainbows all the way up to to someone saying ‘Vanilla servers were cancer’. So anyone who says ‘Vanilla wasn’t like this’, it might not have been…for you!
I have said many times its population size not faction imbalance causing the current issues and I do feel sorry for people unable to do things at the moment. However, if you really feel you can’t play because of the ganking you have a couple of options open to you, at least until BGs open when you can review things:
Make a level 1 and scout out low pop PvP servers for either transfer or to level an alt on
Make an alt on a PvE server and flag up from day one, they have lots of wPvP too you know.
@Snafu: Or more precisely, there is way too little of it. Rollie, who took care of the original CP for many, many years, determined that one needs 100+ scans per faction within 30 days to get relatively reliable data levels. Many classic realms have a handful of CPClaissic scans over their entire existence. That is simply insufficient.
Which leads exactly to this mess. I am willing to bet all three use different methods to boot, so they are not even measuring the same thing… really deep sigh
@Elandra: Lower population PvP realm would be a solution… Dragonfang, Bloodfang, Judgement or Earthshaker…
I don’t disagree that it could be very accurate, but as it stands currently we might as well just pull random numbers out of thin air and say this is the truth.
I am pretty sure they do.
One is, from what I can gather, based on raiders only but because it has an easy to read data display people use it as a true reflection of server balance. Though the number of people sampled, least for some servers, should be a big red flag of it’s inaccuracy.
Their sample size looks fine to me. I suppose the biggest question is if there is faction bias in how actively players upload raid logs. Other than that it appears quite good at measuring what it is measuring. Which is ratios of active raiders.
Blizzard is so utterly useless. 15 years of dealing with this very same issue and still not a hint of a solution besides sweeping it all under the rug with Xrealm.
Elandra, do what I did, open a ticket and ask for your pre booked shadowlands money back. I have no intention of lining the pockets of a company that are this retarded about creating a pvp issue and refusing to fix it.
You hordes are so afraid you have no one to outnumber anymore, that all you can do is g.angbang a single lost alliance soul that still hasn’t quit.
And you try teenage motivation speeches to bring them back calling them cowards, quitter and weaklings.
You know that precious pvp server you are so fond of, will end up a pve realm cause there are nobody left to gank or play with. Enjoy your engineering gimicks on those dangorous mobs lol.
I doesn’t matter if its horde or alliance who is the aggressor
Fact is, that content is taken from you.
Me personal experience as Alliance player on Firemaw is, that it’s impossible to farm for herbs, mines or whatever - without getting killed by gank squads 24/7
Rep farm same thing. Going to various dungeons is a pain, were you ghost run like 10 - 15 times before you are able to enter.
No matter if you are horde or alliance with these problems, content is taken form you, and at the moment i only log in once a week, 2 raid with guild.