I'm a Mac user should I delete the game?

I brought two iMacs a few years ago, one for me and one for my son, I only lasted 2 weeks and sold mine to go back to PC, I was getting something similar to you, not now though, Im running a i9 with two 280Ti’s, theirs not a game on the planet now that cannot be run with everything turned up to max, those dark days are well and truly behind me now

Install Windows on the machine and it will work fine. MacOS is notorious for not handling games well.

Try to limit the FPS and reduce the Resolution Scaling too.

Even though there are some bugs that are being worked on, does not hurt giving it a try.

I have also noticed on windows pc’s that is you turn off Vsync it runs better.

I found this on the US forum, you might want to keep an eye on it, but it seems like you aren’t the only one suffering

We also have an EU equivalent here


Sell your MAC and buy a normal PC. Ryzen CPU + budget graphics card isn’t expensive + rest of the components are cheap.

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I’m also running on a Mac, and weirdly enough I’m fine with 8.3.
I had a lot of troubles from 8.2, and they fixed themselves when I downloaded the mac.OS Catalina 10.15.2 which fixed nvidia problems.

Most of players said yes. Give it a try

Hmm I got my MacBook in September 2013 and it’s just had an update on it…

Yes I know it was September 2013 because I purchased it with my student loan at the beginning of my second year of uni to replace a MacBook Air, that although was perfectly fine didn’t have enough ram for my needs.

The only issue I have with my current MacBook is myself being a bit lazy with updates and clicking to “do it tomorrow” option too many times :rofl:

It runs certain software better than pcs do so it’s a better option for me. If pc is better for you, that’s fine but stop trying to be superior!

I’m going to do just that, install windows 10 and run wow on that.

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Macs are like the worst you can use for gaming, but the best to use for work ( from what i’ve heard from every mac user ) It’s useless for gaming, but the perfect tool for work


100% for work yeah
0% for games


Oki, gl then :hugs:

I used to be a Mac user, now I switched to PC I’d NEVER go back. I noticed Blizzard have slowly stopped supporting Mac software over the years that would cause tons of issues that barely anyone had because Mac users are a minority.

I’d save for a PC if you’re planning on sticking to WoW for the next expansion.

Edit: Only took me the best part of 9 years to realise that Macs are overpriced heap of cow pat, and you can spend the same amount to get a PC that’ll run 3x faster, and Blizzard will support the software you play on.


MacOs is based on Unix, first xboxes have Power PC cpu and their OS was based on Unix :blush:

There’s a link for that? :blush:

And than they changed it for a good reason. :stuck_out_tongue:

I can’t find it, but they’ve announced many times they’re going to stop supporting X version of MacOS. That was in MoP when I got my PC, because of the issues.

This is the message I get on my Mac when trying to open it now. “Your 3D accelerator card is not supported by World of Warcraft. Please install a 3D accelerator card with dual-TMU support.” Yet WoW was running at 60 FPS on Medium gfx in raids up until they patched the game on my Mac.

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why would you play on a mac?

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Well thank you all for your advice, I partitioned my hard drive and installed windows 10 for gaming purposes. It works 100% fine with no lag, freezing or shuting down. Problem now solved, long live my mac.