Is Classic killing BFA?

If BFA was any good. People wouldnt spend time playing a 15 year old game over it. So no, classic isnt killing BFA. BFA is killing BFA.


Classic does drain some life out of retail, like Classic:TBC will drain Classic, when the time comes.

only thing classic does better is talents, well the tree, not the talents it self, they are horrid and super boring, had retail had a talent tree it would be better, also I rember how people complained about how boring it was when we got global cds on skills, but then came classic what has even more cds on everything and that is ok for some odd reason.
and lets not talk about classic lore, that has no red line what so ever, you walk from one zone to the other killing stuff, but almost never anything is related to eachother, exept some longer quests, that again are so long you forget they where connected to eachother.


It wasnt intended to be a OMG CLASSIC IS KILLING BFA.

It was just a simple question if other peoples friends lists looked the same as mine lately with the majority on Classic.

As for the people saying “Just play what you want”, Their has to be a playerbase to play WoW in theory you could play BFA with only 5 people if you wan t to do dungeons but it would be no fun.

And obviously every person playing Classic is a potential BFA player so that ends up thinning out the WoW playerbase over 2 formats so if there was a shortage of tanks before Classic theres a good chance that theres even more a shortage of tanks now because some may have moved over to CLassic.

As for the people bashing on BFA please do remember that BFA is a 15 year evolution of Classic / Vanilla and has a lot more complications to deal with, So while I appreciate the clarity of Classic in regards to the following :

Character feels more customizable with the talent trees.
There is a risk of dying in the “outside” world.
Gear feels more valuable and actually feels like an upgrade (That white staff going green)
Gold has more of a value to it.
Group quests actually need a group to do them
Dungeons are not a simple AoE fest (aside from specific setups)
Itemisation of items is more clearer so people can “aim” for specific pieces from Dungeons and they do not have a chance of Titanforging so this will create a natural advancement in gear item levels.

These are all worthy implementations in BFA imo.

I do feel that BFA has a lot to learn by going back to basics, Instead of implementing these “endless” grinds which are Artifact Power and Azerite Power.

So Classic is basically a clean slate with no other expansions/items/storylines to try and deal with.

As well as the 2004 players who moaned that “Classic is too hard” , “Why cant i get into Naxx??” and various other complaints that Blizzard tried to pander to, Which is why we have ended up where we are now.

As I browse the Classic forums I do seem to notice posts “lack of tanks”, People complaining about how much of a grind it is and various other things.

IDK man I was hyped for 8.2 cause I thought essences were replacing Azerite Gear and we wouldnt have to deal with Azerite Gear again

Hearing it wouldnt be replaced I kind of lost all interest in power progression in retail because I really dislike Azerite Gear
I dont mind the traits mind you, its just the Gear element to it and specific pieces having specific traits and then the existence of absolutely terrible Azerite Gear to clog up loot tables with and minimize the chance for something you want from the lootbox system which sometimes rewards you with items which only use is to be scrapped right away

8.3 wont remove Azerite Gear either probably and I do feel that for a lot of players who left during BFA, Azerite Gear and lootbox style Gear distribution were major reasons after ability pruning

Well lore being superior now is just your opinion. I kind of prefer a world with no “red line” making you feel part of a world that does not gravitate around you.

I really hate Bfa storytelling and it really makes me cringe when you get called “hero/champion” by faction leaders and yet you have to go loot some hyena poop like you are nobody in a split second.

Talent trees I do agree with you, I mean even small increase can really help but talent should be more deep changers like last exp ones.
Problem with last expansion talent is that they removed talent and abilities over the years just to add them back as talents and that is stupid af.

Class should be unpruned and brought back in time and then start working on new talent that are not a copy paste of something that already existed.

Btw not saying bfa is completely trash I like the Bfa pve Endgame but at this point can’t we just remove the rpg aspect and make it some sort of esport game. I mean, I already swap class, trait, essence like I am in some sort of moba, at least I can login, play and have fun on an even field with everyone else since retail does not feel like rpg anymore.


Almost all my buddies who quit BFA did so long before Classic even launced. Some quit Retail before BFA was even announced. I don’t know anyone who has quit Retail for Classic. Though I have one friend on the verge of it.

So from my perspective Retail WoW is killing itself.

Due to lack of time I did not play BFA. But I think classic is also better than Legion.

And obviously every person playing Classic is a potential BFA player so that ends up thinning out the WoW playerbase

Quoting this because it’s the biggest false equivalent I’ve seen in a while. No, Classic players are not automatically potential BfA players. Me and none of my friends would’ve subbed back for WoW if it wasn’t for Classic as none of us have any desire to play retail. The games can exist side-by-side as they both appeal to different kinds of players, but if you feel like BfA is losing out to Classic then it simply is because BfA is not providing an experience that retail WoW players want either.


The playerbase is not being spread over 2 games. As the classic playerbase has 0 interest in plebs for failroth.

“The playerbase is not being spread over 2 games. As the classic playerbase has 0 interest in plebs for failroth.”

I disagree as a lot of my friends list,s who were playing BFA are now playing Classic, before Classic they logged on and played BFA daily.

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Yes but no but…

Only one person on my friends list is playing BfA…and that is a 58 yr old woman, with high social issues.

Understandable why she is preferring BfA.

Except her, everyone else is playing Classic, exclusively. Not even once I seen any of them on Retail, or other Blizz games.

As for killing Retail…not yet. But give it but the end of the year. Retail will be technically alive (as in not cancelled) but it will be a graveyard on most realms, bar maybe the few very populated ones.

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“The playerbase is not being spread over 2 games. As the classic playerbase has 0 interest in plebs for failroth.”

I disagree as a lot of my friends list,s who were playing BFA are now playing Classic, before Classic they logged on and played BFA daily.

So? What does this anecdotal story have to do with anything? You made a poor statement that has no basis on truth.

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I think also community is going to kill classic - and time. We already have people trying to ban every single addon there exists, complain about how others play (i.e. dungeon leveling), complain patches (MC kills, and what not) that this game should have had, the general trolls ingame and forums (omg, go back to retail lolkek), people who think everyone else, but them should be tanking/healing (lol, what u dps?).

Blizzard communities are notorious for toxic levels, but warcraft franchise community sometimes really does shine with the bright green glow.


What if i want to play retail but its too boring compared to classic so i play classic? I would love to stick with moder wow but there is so much wrong with that game.

Guys, it’s been two weeks…
Chill the f*** out. We won’t be able to tell who kill what before 2 months since release.

All people that are making conclusions that soon on this topic are doing one and only one thing, playing a bet game with the potential to be laughed at in two months like people on this thread

Considering that yesterday we had 20vpeople willing to wipe 2 hrs on m ashvane and 5 online just waiting for a chance to enter in raid. I say BFA is just fine

Also no community thanks to LFG amd LFR. Difficulty levels, flying, classs would definitly use bit of uniquenes, everthing feels loke dumb dowb version of previous expansion. Flying, useless professions, welfare epics, non challenging world contenr amd most instances content outside od mythic is nothing but faceroll. Gold means nothing just sell few tokens. Transmog nd acess to abaolote gear ruined cosmetic sise of game. Everyone just looks like some kind of God of War. And list just goes on and on.

Saya 38 lvl dwarf. Seems legit. Fact you post this on alt shows you are lieing.