If you have to be level 120 to get the mount, count me out. I’m not going to level any more in BfA. I’ll log in, get ChaChing-achievement, and then out again to play Classic.
Know what, I walked - yes on foot in BfA - my old Human Paladin to Northshire Valley around 14 days before Classic came out. I had him /salute Marshall McBride. And then I left him there like a museum piece.
Oh I’m going to log in to get Birthday achievements and such, but all play time is going to his reincarnation. And when he’s level 60 and all, I have several more characters in the range from 48 to 103 that I am going to do the very same thing with. Not running out of things to do in Classic for years, as I now have the time to enjoy them fully.
@Eldrai: Even with CP and CPC gone, this is not true. If needed, I will expand on this later, but right now it is time for me to get dressed and limp to school for a double lecture.
I for one would like to know how/why this is not true. I did a manual count some days ago. I had as a result that one Classic realm held app. 12 times the number of players as one BfArealm. As there’s not 12 times as many realms in BfA the number of players there must be lower.
And as an aside more than half the online population on any BfA realm is level 120.
Some actual numbers would be amazing if we could substantiate them. I would really like to believe that Classic could influence the release game for the better, but I just don’t believe it’s going to happen unless the numbers are extremely damning. Changing course is difficult, reversing it even moreso.
If anything, I suspect having a ghetto to dump the Old Guard in will lead the two to diverge even further. Why bother to attempt reform when you own the competition? Better to push each into its own unique space.
I did a manual player count. Not on all servers of course, ony a sample
I was waiting on the phone away from water thus no fishing. Two of the level brackets on Classic servers were 50+ so it’s not 100% correct, but the error is in favour of Classic.
The numbers are here - I counted alliance players on the one Classic and all 3 Retail RP servers:
Retail servers - alliance side only:
Steamwheedle Cartel: 152 (of those 55 level 1-119)
Earthen Ring: 101 (of those 50 level 1-119)
Darkmoon Faire: 100 (of those 47 level 1-119)
Classic - alliance side only:
Hydraxian waterlords: 1683+ (of those 1641 level 1-59 - only 42 level 60)
subscriptions raised x3 after classic… (Blizzard report). Do you know what that means? Even if no one from existed bfa players moved to classic, that mean that classic has Double the players of BFA… (of course its more, since lot of bfa players moved into classic as well). So it doesnt matter where he asks his question, facts are facts.
I wont argue about the effect on Classic on Blizz’s sub numbers. But not alll people are neutral and cool headed. Some are emotional(well…at least I cant find cold logic in them).
If I would write: classic is bad because X !
On which forums I have a bigger chance of receiving these kind of reply: go back to retail. Crybaby!
If I would write: retail is dead because classic
On which forums i have a bigger chance of receiving this reply: * Classic is God. Retail dead"?
In any thread which is even remotely follows “classic vs retail” idea. Which side of the forums there will be a dominant “pro-classic” replies and on which side of the forums, the “pro-classic” replies will be in the minority?
If that’s the case I really hope for Classic+ or optional servers for AddOns. I am happy with Classic and each single AddOn to come only has small features I am missing but not enough that I really want to give up Classic one more time.
either way I still dont understand why people have this classic vs retail arguments… its 2 completely different games, and you can play both for different reasons. There is no point comparing them.
Neither do I, I enjoy both for different reasons, I enjoy the laid back approach of Classic which is very close to my original memories of Vanilla(2006/7) and I find great fun, on the other hand I have Retail which looks better and reminds me how much things have changed, Ok 8.2.5 came out the other day I rolled a brand new char in Retail and taking my time I levelled to 10 in 6 hours on the other hand I levelled a new char in Classic to 10 in 16 hours both chars are hunters that was quite surprising to me, I imagine the differences will become more pronounced as the chars level up, I look forward to seeing how much things change in progression between the two chars as I level them both up, that, for me, makes both games interesting.
I hadn’t touched WoW for a year (my last achievements were from last years Brewfest) before I made a spur of the moment decision to join for Classic the night before launch.
Neither game is killing the other. I’m back to playing both - I’ve got this Priest and I’ve just unlocked the Zandalari on retail so I’m levelling a Druid over there.
Guess what? I’m enjoying both! (Gasp)
Classic is good for chilling out, doing a few quests, maybe a dungeon. BfA is good for jumping in and doing … well, whatever I want, really. That’s a benefit to the “sacrilegious” LFD/LFR (and something FFXIV uses to its great and continued success).
I played Vanilla back in the day and it’s lovely to be able to go back and experience it in some form. I don’t have a raging bahooner for the models, though (lets be honest - dey fuglyyy) - I much prefer my updated Dwarves and straight-backed Orcs - but because I play both using the old models in Classic is no biggie.
Instead of constantly pitting the two against each other how about we appreciate the fact we have two options under one sub and can enjoy both or only one if we choose. Classics success will no doubt influence their design philosophies for the new expansion to an extent and I think that’s a good thing.
I very much doubt this since I think they worked on next expansion much before classic launch and they had no idea if it was going to be success or not. Assuming that they will be ready to announce next expansion in Blizzcon and give information about its systems and features, I doubt there is much can be changed due to classic… Maybe the expansion after the next one…
@Warecs: The actual ratio, if I did not miscount is 247 vs 37 (I left Russia out of both counts on purpose), so well over 6 to 1. Yes, 120s are common (they typically formed from around 66 to almost 80% of scan results when CP still worked), but that has no actual bearing on the discussion at hand as such.
BfA realms also have an insanely large spread of sizes, ranging from a mere around 300 to almost 20 000 players (non-concurrent, of course, but active).
Additionally, you can not derive the ratios from single scans, time of day (and what day of the week), the specfic server and so on impact the results way too much. Silvermoon and Draenor, as examples, have daily variation that well exceeds 4 000 concurrent between daily low and daily high… and even single concurrency snap shots from prime time peak do not tell the whole story… You happened to pick a very, very small BfA server. That RP 3-way has been in dire need of additional connecting for years… very sad sigh
I’m playing both at the moment and enjoying both. I’ve got mates who play both too so I’m not seeing any decline in BFA as far as my game play goes or Classic.
How and where did you get those numbers?
I choose that time of day and the RP servers (and all 3 BfA of them compred to the one Classic) exactly because they were small / low Pop. /who won’t - as you sure know - count more than 50 players of one kind.
The number for max lvl players were added because I used the stats for something else and did not boyther deleting them. I agree they’re largely irrelevant, and then again … players at max level tend to stay in one place and run dungeons, so in a way they do not count as much to the “livelyness / populatedness” of a server.
All servers vary with time and day. I suspect that there’s the same ebb and flow rythm in BfA as in Classic.
@Warecs: I will reply in more detail either later today or tomorrow as I am about to leave for a while right now. CensusPlus was able to count rather high numbers, Warcraftrealms held the data and there were ways to calculate certain minimum values from the data, even when it was partial.
Realm ebbs differ… not just between BfA and Classic, but between individual realms, too… but more on that later, now I have to go for a bit…