Is Classic killing BFA?

BFA killed BFA.

T3 will kill pvp in classic.

OK - So you sampled 3 Low Pop RP servers on Retail - not sure you data sample would hold up as any sort of statistical evidence of the state of play for non RP realms

As I’m comparing RP servers with RP server I think they at least give some sort of idea.
But I too would like some hard numbers, not our best guesstimates.
Furthermore I’ve heard it said that RPers prefer BfA for transmogs etc. Don’t know if it’s true or not.

Nope, Classic did not kill BfA. BfA killed itself by the lack of content locked behind insane time gates.

I for example play Classic a lot ( 60 hunter raiding twice every week ), but I enjoy going to retail from time to time and play it, because its a different game with better visuals and class design.

@Warecs: Ummm… For comparison purposes… Warcraftrealms creators considered 100 (yes, a hundred) snapshots minimum for reliability level green (fairly accurate) for a single faction on a single realm. Your sample size is completely insufficient to even make accurate judgement on either of your target servers. If I at least had the time points, I could make some guesses, because I am relatively familiar with some patterns as I have been using CensusPlus for years. With the addon now out of action due to Blizzard’s changes, things are even more difficult than they used to be… :frowning:

I can still try to extract some info from WoWrealmpopulation, but it contains far less available data. Some of the numbers I noted earlier were based on that information and my older posts and such.

I counted all four servers on september 17. at 14.00 to 14.14

@Warecs: Far outside prime time. Those numbers give us the situation at that point of time, nothing more, I am afraid.

You’re right. But still it show us far more playing Classic than BfA at this point of time - and far more leveling players in Classis vs. BfA (no big surprise).
Counting in prime time I would not do manually :smiley: - it would be a very time consuming job with many many levels showing 50+ players. at 2 pm I had only 2 at 50+ in Classic. and only level 120 at 50+ on one realm in BfA.

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@Warecs: As I said, it is far too small a sample to say that. I am pretty certain BfA still has significantly higher player numbers. After all, Classic has already lost players.

Lost players?? All realms show higher population now than some weeks ago. At least in prime time. Maybe it’s rather people not playing as much as they did in the beginning, I at least am guilty of this.

I would so like to see some numbers substantiating this.

@Warecs: Yes, lost players and loads of them, too. I checked EU queues last week a little bit after the end of prime time, there were still roughly 11 000 people total in EU queues. Yesterday, the number about 15 minutes earlier was… ZERO.

Is this the way an MVP should post?

Anyhow, the queues could have been fixed by the realm transfers, including the Spanish server. I don’t see how this personal experience is sufficient to determine a loss of players for classic.

People play less, of course, but didn’t the same thing happen with the bfa launch? The bottleneck on classic was way worse and long than the bfa launch, and I played it on Draenor which is one of the most populated retail realms.

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According to your own words ONE observation at one point in time do not count.

@Manipura: I am just making an observation between two extremely similar timepoints, nothing more. 11 000+ minimum is not exactly a small change in a week, is it? :slight_smile:

As for this, several people on the forum have persistently insisted that FCMs have minimal to no impact. I disagree with that, but that actually is just a personal opinion.

BfA has a much larger player base, but the ratio of concurrent players vs number of available realms is highly different between the two. If my calculations are not too badly off, BfA had about 3 350+ actives left / realm in the EU (total about 827 363 or more), who produced a prime time peak of about 632+ average / realm (about 156 210+) last Wednesday, while the corresponding numbers for Classic yesterday were roughly as follows: (total unknown, but approximately 364 000+), prime time peak estimated at roughly 253 000 (insufficient information to confirm, the actual number might be as low as about 142 000, but that is in my opinion highly unlikely), realm average at 9 387+, prime time peak average at 6 838+.

Since both CP and CPC addons are currently out of action due to Blizzard’s changes to “Hardware Events”, the latter numbers are more educated guesses than facts. Sorry about that, but not something I personally could fix as I know almost nothing about .lua related programming and therefore can not help with fixing CP (and CPC). Bringoutyourdead is working on trying get at least CP to function again, in a somewhat changed format. We might also at some point get a “more official” CPC, even.

@Warecs: I checked ALL the queues (or lack thereof), so I am comparing 37 data sets to 37 others. :slight_smile:

BFA is killing BFA.

Most of my friends that went to play classic have either quit again or have returned to retail.

You need some better friends.


Well I’ve been playing each day (well almost RL has its damnds too) between 8.30 and 10.00. I have not noted all /who’s but they are consistnetly between 32 and 50+ for my level range and zone, and I look on all my toons, as I log on to craft and send mats each day. I’ll have to write down the numbers from now onwards, I see.

I think you will find then when classic wow has a natural break in content people will potentially see some players go back to retail and vice versa.

I am surprised to see every day now 4 servers at medium and every other server at high or full.