I have no plans to be a member of your guild, I was looking for some fun. Nothing personal, I just don’t want to be controlled in how I play the game and all the things associated with it.
I’d rather be on the opposite side . Your guild seems to be the only one actively looking for WPvP. Therefore making it easy for me to find someone to fight when I’m in the mood. I should really level up my Horde rogue, not as much fun healing folk.
I hope you find a what you’re looking for in the future, we don’t control anyone on how they play the game so not sure where that comment is coming from. I would of preferred if you just came and spoke with me personally but I was afk taking a hot bath. :>
Man you should take care of that chip on your shoulder, if it get’s any worse your arm might fall off.
Why hello there
Shiv is really good at making friends.
I think I’ve given your Guild thread/s enough bumps. Now it’s turning into randoms posting petty comments, trying to buy a few likes.
I’ll see you out there. Hopefully a Horde WPvP Guild steps up to make things more interesting.
Why not step up and make a guild to rival them?
That’s kinda hard when most of the horde WPvPers on DB have quit the game or they are full time PvE now.
All this anger and rivalry needs to be whipped into a frothing frenzy, ready for Classic.
Yeah playing other games cause BfA blows. Don’t get me wrong I like it but I understand the total content drought has killed interest. I rarely log on and see anyone on bnet playing Horde. Sad times.
I want it to change but I don’t see anything really happening until 8.2
Nothing will EVER happen if you don’t bother to even make the effort.
Can we all just go back to MoP where guilds met in Barrens/Tol Barad to arrange wpvp guild wars or gank fested opposite factions pvp vendors till VM or Shade or Dominion showed up and it started a whole war up and down the great wall? So many drama. much wow. Bring this back in classic and stop hating on forums you twerps. Also please make more horde raids to alliance cities. Invading Zuldazar is getting boring.
You forgot Fallen Vanguard
Who? You mean Shrike?
Was you even in either guilds, “arranged” Omegalul what a joke, doesn’t matter what anyone says anyway no person is going to make a horde wpvp guild because they cba recruiting I assume and getting fights in this sh!tfest of an expansion
Classic will last for about 2-3 months till everyone quits or at least the majority of the players which leaves the hard core vanilla lovers. So I guess I will see you when you’re completely bored with classic.
You are right, nobody playing Horde will make a wpvp guild to fight you guys. There is a general lack of interest in pvp for the last two expansions on this realm, if you follow the recruitment post here. Hardly any wpvp guild survived longer than 2 months, because there was nothing to fight and/or affected members with the-grass-is-greener-on-the-other-side syndrome.
I think Classic will be a better environment for wpvp because:
- A fresh start with a healthy population on pvp servers(I hope)
- No sharding, which means no LFG and no 40 man raids popping out of nowhere.
- No flying mounts
- No warmode
I am sure that people will play classic longer than 2 months and if they are bored they will not return to BFA, but quit wow for good.
So i am convinced that wpvp is dead on retail for good until Blizzard decides to merge realms again and implement layering instead of sharding.
TL/DR: wpvp on db ded, classic ftw.
Sorry for butting in, I’m not on Defias, but… I’ve had a thought…
WPvP guilds are in short supply. There are plenty of non WPvP guilds. How about a campaign by the existing WPvP guild(s) of activity conversion on non WPvP guilds. It could work, if not, could be fun anyway.
Here’s my suggestion for increasing WPvP guilds + finding them in WM shards:
I wish you the best of luck on Classic but personally that’s something that I’m not interested in playing at all, maybe there will be alot more things to do in classic within the first month max but I also feel like it will die out after 3-5 months.
I did infact participate in few wpvp guilds in MoP for a while, including those big battles and when Horde decided to steal the alliance PvP vendor by mindcontrolling and pulling him into an underwater cave in the start of a new season. Or when Honor Capped came to crash our server with a full raid of russians Unfortunately lot of todays trolls don’t remember these times, but they were actually pretty entertaining.
In fact the video from VM fighting with other wpvp guilds is still up on reddit!