Keti caravan

Kinda lame to poke at people’s English and their TRP (not including the strange stop hate part) just go back to dunking on and shaming the groomers


I had hoped never to be reminded of that again yet here we are.

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Also known as a severe case of delusion…

In the wise words of Nikki Giovanni, “Mistakes are a fact of life. It is the response to the error that counts.” … and I found it wanting.

Man, I loved his rant in the “What do you think is wrong with blood elf RP?” thread about how, no, the thing that is wrong with blood elf RP is actually all non-blood elves RPing in Silvermoon, human mages can’t / shouldn’t exist in the lore and Gutterspeak is the thing that’s truly wrong with RP.

did i somehow miss this or have i just surpressed the memory

Edit: Zandali was the true issue with blood elf RP too.

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The Ketamine Caravan


Blondie’s actual secret background story is that her original father is the forgotten brother of Arthas, Erthus. Her mother is a San’layn Megan Fox from Space-France, who died after forgetting how to train raptors. Also Blondie is like secretly a Undead Worgen, and also the only heir to the throne of Lordaeron, which she can only unlock by getting the special wingiethingie that’s very special thingie and claim her destiny. Also some anime ripped off stuff here in her lore.

That’s why she doesn’t remember her past and I will never let her even remember her past because it really doesn’t matter.

(This is obviously a joke people kek)


All of this made me remember the Worst Character Concepts thread.

If I had known what would come from my own entry, then I would not have done it. I apologize deeply.


We all love some little cringy TRP, let’s not lie here.


So it was Vixi who was responsible for all bad vulpera rp…


This is the 1984 of Argent Dawn. A dystopian future written by a visionary soul that eventually came to pass.

We live in a society.


Warcraft is Peacecraft
Freedom is ERP
Lore Ignorance is Strength

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did you know? Dying was invented by Rupert Die when he tried to sleep twice at the same time


Truly there are things that man should never attempt, but in their hubris do they reach beyond the laws of nature. What terror he hath wrought.

Whoever mentioned the undead ERP saga sent me back to when was it, MoP? WoD? When it all went down.
I remember seeing it as a top thread on the side bar when those were a thing.

Oh god, I remember the rallying cry to have Argent Dawn top all 6 spots of “popular topics” which is why we don’t have Popular Topics anymore.

Where can I learn this power?

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that thread is so funny I laughed very much reading it
can someone please resurrect it

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Hey guys.
Remember the Nostalgia Critic’s movie about the Wall?

Since I broke my vow to never come back here, this forum is now for whatever I guess. Let’s keep it living.