Kirin tor and dalaran

What are peoples plans to do with their RP mage characters now since dalaran got destroyed?

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It depends. There are currently two ongoing campaigns playing out the fall of Dalaran:

Once they’re over, people will decide what to do with their characters. These hubs will be opening soon:


I’ll also say (and this isn’t to downplay the campaigns, I think they’re great and if you’re interested and there’s a space available you should absolutely take a look into them!)

Not every mage is intrensicly tied to Dalaran. If your mage is more loyal to the Horde or Alliance then the fall of Dalaran might be a minor tragedy where maybe they may have lost a few friends, or are saddened about the loss of knowledge or historical significance, but it’s also entirely possible that they look at the fall of Dalaran in much the same way they look at any other city being destroyed. The Kirin Tor are an authority on the arcane, but they aren’t the be-all and end-all of magic.

All of that to say - it’s kind of character dependant on how much it impacts them! A member of the Kirin Tor, someone who lives there, or someone who frequently visited? Devastating. A jaded Sunreaver who got kicked out (or maybe even lost people) during Jaina’s moment in MoP? Good riddance to bad rubbish. There’s a lot of angles to take it I think.


Not every mage is intrensicly tied to Dalaran. If your mage is more loyal to the Horde or Alliance then the fall of Dalaran might be a minor tragedy where maybe they may have lost a few friends, or are saddened about the loss of knowledge or historical significance, but it’s also entirely possible that they look at the fall of Dalaran in much the same way they look at any other city being destroyed.

This is on point with my mage.
Whilst he visit Dalaran often and have respect for it’s place in the world, he also recognize it is not ‘the’ authority on every matter of magic.

He just happend to be in the city when it all went down.