Lag in open world

There is clearly a problem with servers and gameplay in open world doesn’t feel fluid at all. Especially in warmode there is a delay on every action and ability you do,sometimes it’s completely unplayable with delay being 2-3 seconds and other times it’s tolerable with it being 0.3 to 0.5 seconds but still doesn’t feel good.

I have stable 35-40ms at all times and there is a clear difference when playing arena or dungeon with no lag and doing something in open world where it feels like i have 500ms.


I have been experiencing this too, and it is completely game breaking. I cannot play.

The lag is causing me several issues, such as:

  • Every action has a 1-2s delay, making the game feel very clunky.
  • Sometimes when receiving a killing blow I do not die. The remaining health is not removed, but the game seems to think I died. I cannot move or cast abilities, I cannot press release, people can target me and attack me but I do not lose any health.
  • I rarely get mounted when I try to mount, I just run around in the air. When I try to attack mobs, the game doesn’t think I am mounted so it won’t auto dismount me when I attack. I have to manually dismount.
  • Sometimes the game does not register that I am out of combat, leaving me in combat not being able to mount, but I can log out and do other things one should not be able to do while in combat.
  • Sometimes it does not register that I completed a quest, I can get a narrating head congratulating me on completing the quest (like Odyn in Stormheim during invasions), but I receive no experience and the quest is still tracked in the tracker (showing every criteria for completion has been met).
  • It does not register when I ress sometimes, leaving me dead without an option to ress.
  • and more…

The only solution for me has been to logout when any of the above happens, if that is even possible, sometimes shutting the game down is the only option.

Further information:

  • All of the problems listed above are intermittent. I encounter problems every few minutes.
  • Like the OP, I have stable ping at around 20ms.
  • I have a 1000mb/s internet connection.
  • Chatting and logging out are always instantaneous, so it isn’t a poor connection.
  • I experienced these problems on a fresh install of wow, before I installed any addons.

Edit: I’m seeing people reporting this behaviour only in certain BFA zones. This has happened to me in Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor and on the Broken Isles (several zones).


Tons of threads about this and all i see blue posts say “no problems here derp! har har!”

Again just now i got issues, only in the kul tiras Island thing.
Not in zuldamar or normal other azaroth parts.

This started happening since 8.1, seemed to improve or even be gone with the previous hotfix patch.
The 21.12 patch broke it again.

Thats how it seems to me.

I can run troubleshooting guides but years of experience tells me its utter nonsense.
This isnt clientside unless its a DX12 issue, but thats not solvable client side and would require a patch.

Ms for world and home is fine, exactly like everyone else reports.
Pings are all fine, there are no system issues or any general thing like that.

My guess is again a DX12 issue either client which requires a patch from blizz or something is going wrong server side not lag related.

Either way, nothing anyone will do on their end will solve this im willing to bet my entire 12+ year old account on that.


I am getting very similar issues. It seems to happen after a few minutes, the only way I can fix the problem is to exit the game and restart the game.

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I have the same thing since 2 days, really annoying tbh. I have reinstalled all addons, repaired the game, removed the wtf an cache folders… Nothing seems to work.

As a returning player that has not used even half of the 6 months sub I bought this is a real downer opening the game again…

Oh yea, and geforce drivers are fully updated.

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I have most of the issues other players described here.

Tried to do some leveling on this guy, and those spikes make it impossible to do some open world content. Dungeons seem to work fine, tho…

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Same thing here. At first i thought, that it is me lagging. But other people are having issues with this lag aswell, so it’s on blizzard. Ironforge lags like hell, the place, where the big guy for daily event quest lags also. Same goes for garrison event daily quests. It looks like this - i fight mobs or just stand in IF, there’s 1 to 5 sec lag spike and then my latency turns red. But i do not have any lags despite having red latency… They really should look into it and fix. Because there IS a problem and it’s on THEIR end not our!

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Do you guys use any addons or have you tried if the lag is the same without addons?

I’m asking this because since 8.1 I have been levelling several alts and I noticed that my Azeroth Auto Pilot was causing some extremely intense lag. Mobs would agro me but I didn’t see them hit me and I would die without seeing my health move anywhere. I was also unable to hit any of the mobs. My latency was fine all the time and I even asked in chat if anyone else was experiencing this but no.

I have noticed this issue also in the last few days, happened on my Demon Hunter.

  • was getting hit by mobs in Vol’dun(the skeletal trolls zone), everything fine, then suddenly 5% hp and got killed, ran to corpse, pressed ressurect, ressurection dialog closses, I am still in ghost form, started getting hit by a NPC, can’t do anything since I am dead, after some short time I spawn dead, released, ran to my corpse, pressed ressurect same thing happens only this time I ran far from all hostile NPCs, after aprox. 2 minutes I ressurect;
  • in another part of Vol’dun, doing this quest(and the other quests which came along in that zone, from Vulpera and Vorrik), when Eye beam proced demon form I would change into demon form after the proc ended and after using Eye beam again, it turned me into normal form while proc was active and turn me back into demon form after the end; this happened again in Nazmir while doing another quest;

While this bug was active:

  • I could normally see other people doing their business without any lag and I could comunicate normally with people in chat;
  • Mounting showed me running at mount speed, if it was after demon form proc it showed me running at mount speed in demon form;

This seemed to happen after I accepted quests which had to interact with items or objects.
Sometimes a normal restart was required, sometimes a close + cache deleting.
From my point of view this could be either a phasing or a sharding issue.
It happened with all addons disabled, by the way.

I have noticed this issue also in the last few days, happened on my Demon Hunter.

  • was getting hit by mobs in Vol’dun(the skeletal trolls zone), everything fine, then suddenly 5% hp and got killed, ran to corpse, pressed ressurect, ressurection dialog closses, I am still in ghost form, started getting hit by a NPC, can’t do anything since I am dead, after some short time I spawn dead, released, ran to my corpse, pressed ressurect same thing happens only this time I ran far from all hostile NPCs, after aprox. 2 minutes I ressurect;
  • in another part of Vol’dun, doing this quest(and the other quests which came along in that zone, from Vulpera and Vorrik), when Eye beam proced demon form I would change into demon form after the proc ended and after using Eye beam again, it turned me into normal form while proc was active and turn me back into demon form after the end; this happened again in Nazmir while doing another quest;

While this bug was active:

  • I could normally see other people doing their business without any lag and I could comunicate normally with people in chat;
  • Mounting showed me running at mount speed, if it was after demon form proc it showed me running at mount speed in demon form;

This seemed to happen after I accepted quests which had to interact with items or objects.
Sometimes a normal restart was required, sometimes a close + cache deleting.
From my point of view this could be either a phasing or a sharding issue.
It happened with all addons disabled, by the way.

Update: This seems to happen on my Demon Hunter but not on my Warlock.

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Has anyone seen an update on this issue? I experienced problems again today (haven’t played since my first reply).

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it was the same this morning for me 2s lag with 22ms

fix lags Blizzard!

I’m experiencing the same in BFA areas. The only workaround for me is logging out or exiting game. Whenever I mount up and try to use abilities they show that they’re being clicked but nothing happens at all. This has been happening since a week or so.

Same here:

  • stable high end connection, the game thinks it’s 30-40 ms
  • many bugs and lag issues other have, i.e.:
  • mounting w/o a mount, no auto dismount
  • ressurecting does nothing although the mobs attack
  • dying lags out
  • /reload does nothing, sometimes exiting the game and going back online helps, but just for a bit
  • occasional abilities lag (from minor up to even game not registering building up combo points/whatever although hit does do damage)
  • these with WM ON and in the area where assault is happening it’s far worse

Everything started to happen today after the update.

Hey all,

Thank you for the reports and information. A few have mentioned that clearing the Cache folder can help out. Could you please one more go through the steps to clear your UI (addons) completely and see if the same issue happens again? (Note, if using an addon manager, disable that before testing to prevent it from restoring addons/settings).

Have a few seconds to spare? Let me know how I’m doing!

Why you ignor this ?
See how we have to play, a lot of people because of this have stopped playing, and you don’t hear or you don’t want to hear.
Look at freezz and lags on video. Сleared the cache, cleared and dumped the interface, tried without addons, minimal graphics all this does not help.
And no matter what PC configuration, will be lags… its so sad(((

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Does nothing. With, without addons, after repairing the client and so on. Seems not addon related at all. Seems like your database has an indexing problem or packets are lost somewhere. From the range of the problem I’d say it’s on Your not the clients side.

Thank you for testing that out. Could you run a new WinMTR test for me please. Run the test while you experience this lag and post the results here, so we can have a closer look into this.

In addition to the WinMTR, please post on which realm, character and location in game you experience this lag.

Have a few seconds to spare? Let me know how I’m doing!

Just want to add that I’m having these issues too, specifically when I play on my Demon Hunter (only seems to be that character so far) on Terokkar server in BFA zones on horde side. Last time I had it, all the issues were triggered by me using eye beam and transforming at the end of it.

I’ve been levelling an alt the last few days in Eastern Kingdoms zones and haven’t had issues at all, and dungeons seem fine. For me at least it’s just that character in those zones so I don’t think that’s a problem with my computer/connection.

I hope it gets fixed soon, that DH is my main so having it be too bugged out to play sucks.

Also want to add (as in the locked thread) that the Americans are having the same issue:

EDIT: Everything on the alt I was levelling was completely fine in both Stormwind and Loch Modan, however once I went into Wetlands to continue levelling the issues started appearing almost immediately. This included walking out of the water and still having the breath bar, which continued to run down but didn’t kill me when it was empty. It just remained on my screen and although chat and my latency seemed normal the game lagged out and would not even let me relog or close.
This is on a mage on Stormrage, possibly triggered by clicking on a quest item. When I eventually managed to log back in I was dead. Whatever corners have been cut at Blizzard need un-cutting, your game is broken.