LGBTQ+ community <3

You absolutely did though. Why else did you feel some strange obsessive need to compare actual hate groups to LGBTQ+ communities and claim that its a double-standard if people applaud one by disagree with the other?

Same as why you felt the need to call the left inherently intolerant for not being tolerant of hatred in another deleted thread. And many other similar comments from you.

Not at all, but as I said there, I think it is more than fair to warn people that you have some very problematic views on things especially when the communities there you tried to mingle into are more often than not, very much part of the groups you seem to have an issue with. They can do with that information as they wish.

If you didn’t want your dirty laundry exposed maybe don’t post it in the first place?

I simply posted directly what you yourself wrote here and provided a link to it so people can judge for themselves. I would have also done it to the deleted posts if they were not deleted.

So is being hateful. Report me if you wish, I’m not going to stop warning people about you though whenever I feel it is needed.

None of which is happening and this is very much a far-right view of things and deeply problematic.

You’re the one seeing things that isn’t there.

Go ahead, as said I’ll just keep warning people that you’re not a good individual to interact with. I thank you for the additional piece of info about how you believe queer characters are “being shoved” into wow. I have provided that to the thread as well :slight_smile:

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The relevance is whether you’re promoting an inclusive accepting community or whether it’s a community to hate on others.

And just to clarify this is the general ‘you’, not you personally.

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Waahh waahh why would anyone need an LGBT+ community?!

To be able to talk without awful creatures butting in with their gross remarks, thank you very much.

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You can live in an echo chamber if you please.


There is s steep difference between hatred and discordant dialogue - and anyone that doesn’t understand this simple concept isn’t ready for a productive conversation.

If you’re looking for an echo chamber you cannot say you’re on pursuit of improvement.

I`ll join you, guys :slight_smile:
But this invitation code is too hard for me.
Dunno what to do with it.

As if bigots have anything worthwhile to say lmao

Because there is nothing to have a dialogue about.

You either support that LGBTQ+ people exists, be it if they’re gay, bi, trans, NB or what else.

Or you are simply wrong and needs to go in the bin.

You don’t get to disagree or “discuss” people’s right to exist or identity.


Not everyone that doesn’t share your view is a bigot. Stop being a bigot.

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You’re also wrong and need to go in the bin if you don’t support straight people.

Not when my view is that LGBT+ people deserve the same rights and respect as other people.

Being quick to label people bigots is part of the problem tho. It’s just more labels. As someone who has voiced some concerns with this, could you really read what I had to say and honestly call me a bigot?

And who has suggested otherwise?

Straight people are completely fine. I never said otherwise.

Accepting the existence of non-straight people does not equate denying straight people existing. Nor does it infringe on their rights.


Take a good look at this thread, and maybe it will come to you.

Have I ever said people with a different sexual orientation or gender conformity issues aren’t real or shouldn’t be accepted?

Do you know me? Do you know how many friends or family I have under that “umbrella”?

Have you read what I said?
If yes, did you thought with your own brain before answering?
Or did you borrow the ideology brain?

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Having read your last post, I would not call you a bigot. But I would heavily disagree with your comments and say it does come across a bit entitled and very much to try and appeal to the actual bigots rather than anything else.

It is not as simple as “just ignore the meanies” especially when there is active hatred, laws and prejudice in the world. The reason many are also so loud about their identities online is because they likely cant even remotely express them in real life without the risk of abuse or even death.

Social acceptance does not come from by just ignoring the haters and trying to be nice and quiet and blend in. It comes from being open and normalizing the existence of queer people.

And by throwing the phobes who still want to hate, in the bin.

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No, but you didn’t include them in your list of people that should be ‘supported’ and it seemed intentional.

One guy said something completely obnoxious, but the rest is pretty reasonable.

You’re just blindly pressing the button, screaming 'OMG HATE, BIGOTRY!

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I would say absolutely zero due to how you are posting.

Or they likely do not know that you are here advocating against a small community group in a video game simply having an LGBTQ+ community people can join.

If you truly were supportive, you wouldn’t be here so furiously posting against it and saying stuff like:

Which is straight up just bigotry and from alt-right playbooks.

So yes, you are either lying or the people you know who are queer does not know how you talk about them or such groups online.