Regarding the Dalaraan market and a new Location. What if we turn it into a Mereldar Market?

Not to cause too much of a stir, but I think it is very fair to warn people (especially since the market events often have a wide array of groups) that OP might not be the best to bring into future discussions as they likes to flaunt very…let’s call it ‘inappropriate’ views and vague posting about how the “left and the woke” are bad over in GD among other things.

A fresh example where they feels the need to criticize LGBTQ+ communities simply existing(There have been others over the weekend that has since been deleted in which they have been far more expressive and hostile):

(Yes I know it has nothing to do with this discussion but I feel it was worth to bring up the two-timing behavior).

Do with it what you will and apologies for bringing some drama into this discussion, but I think it is absolutely fine to warn about this behavior.

Edit: Some further context of them in general having an issue with such things existing in WoW:

Edit 2:

Apparently simply mentioning your sexual identity means that you want to be abused. Weird thing to say.