10-ish slots for raids for healers, loads of healers for dungeons, not enough for raids
1-2 slots for raids for tanks, not enough tanks for Dungeons, too many tanks for raids
Healers will have an easier time coming into raids, tanks will have An easier time getting groups
The ratio is 1:29:10 or 1:14:5 depending on tanks needed
Which makes it translate really bad to 1:3:1 ratio for dungeons
What? You’re joking right?
Westfall, Redridge, Duskwood are all part of the same overarching story.
Retail’s cataclysm has terrible world story implementation, each zone has it’s own story but they barely connect and are mostly just references, memes, jokes and such.
Don Quichot in Un’goro, WW2 themed goblin in Uldum, Rambo in Redridge and the Burning steppes, Orc vs Humans in Swamp of sorrows, the day I met Deathwing in the Badlands (funny quest, but not a good cohesive story)
A lot of the other zones have mostly the same quests as in Vanilla, they have just been reshaped into a easier connected path, having npc’s being placed in a the camp instead of the other continent.
for example, the hermit in Duskwood has been moved to the tower near deadwind pass, the items are much easier to get, and Stitches is a joke in retail, yet the story is exactly the same, it just has less of an impact.
Vanilla was more based on exploring and coming back to a zone when you were stronger to take on that enemy.
Another good example is the quest to kill Morbent fel, you have to go to Menethil harbour and talk with a guy there in order to find the wreckage of a ship that held a very special ore, capable to nullify the necrotic shield Morbent is conjuring. The zones overlap, in retail doesn’t, it’s just a rollercoaster theme park ride where you move along the given path. Legion had it horrible, the zones were completely disconnected except for every piece of the puzzle conveniently being at each zone.
I loved Vanilla for some of it’s story lines that lead you to every corner of the world and back again. including different zones. With different quest chains tying into an over arching bad guy.
To this day I find the defias questline with Onyxia one of the best, if not the best story-quests in the history of Wow.
I like pvp servers but I don’t like being ganked. Bit of a catch 22. I like it when I get randomly attacked by someone, survive the opening only to slowly turn it around and kill them in stead.
Hate it when 5-6 of his friends jump me as well
Absolutely agree! Cataclysm revamp ruined the storytelling for me. Rambo in Redridge and Badlands, Horatio Caine in Westfall were a huge letdown.
I don’t mind pop-culture references in WoW, if they are subtle. But when you put them in the center of storytelling (like, Rambo in Redrige, Horatio Caine in Westfall and Indiana Jones in Uldum), everything is ruined
The absolute disregard for armor classes. I am contradicting myself here, because if a person needs an item, he should have the absolute right to roll for it, but it seems that people take that to a point, where it is infuriating, like a paladin rolling a spirit cloth, even though he doesn’t benefit from the main stats of the item at all.
Blizzard not giving out correct answers. They stated Weapon-Skill of 305 will result in 6% +hit Gear needed.
Now we have people missing Executes on lvl 60 Mobs, therefor the Playerbase has to research on their own again if its just Execute, an bugged Item, Raidmobs ignoring the mechanic or whatever else there could be.
But this is not really something that kills my joy, but actually a big part of what makes it worth playing. Because there is actually some danger in the world. Yesterday I had a horrible miss streak leaving me ragestarved, at the same time the spiders I was fighting both succeeded with their poison attack. I died without even having time to think about running away. Same level mobs. I freaking love it!
yeah. i agree, i know people wanted classic to be classic but this should never have been a thing in the first place…there is a good reason why every other game has the node for everyone and why it took 10 flipping years to change it, i’m guessing the griefing was a small price for the grind, hence practically ever node having it’s guard.
obviously it’s more likely they were thinking about economy in that you would have farmers selling the mats but this in itself was even worse if you farmed your own for your own crafting. was a real drag never being able to find mats because of the greedy sods hoovering them up and putting them on the ah for a ludicrous price…-.-
they would honestly have been much better off making a best of both worlds remake, old WoW gameplay and immersion with some really much needed qol’s…
imo this would have restored more of the original magic which is after all most of what we loved about it.
it’s glaringly obvious anyway that it isn’t classic and was never going to be…-.-
Hm. I suppose, for me, it would be other players seeing you struggling and just strolling on by without lending aid. I’m not asking for the world, but a quick heal / two seconds of your time to cast an ability or two on the mobs would be a real help. This is doubly true for PvP - you see me getting ganked and you sit back and farm mobs? For shame
People passing me by as I’m dying from mobs. It’s an MMORPG, not a race - help me, you piece of S.
Group Loot being completely mucked, together with “Someone is already looting that corpse” bug.
Drop rates being so low that I often out-level quests and zones before being able to finish them (leaving Mulgore, Tirisfal Glades, and Durotar at 12lvl 1/2; Centaur Bracers at 5/12 when I was done with Kolkar Leaders; Deviate Hides at 11/20 after 2 full WC runs; 7 full clears of Skull Rock for Lieutenant’s Insignia; 60 yetis killed for Helcular’s Rod… This is not normal, Blizzard).